• 根据一项发表研究似乎能够通过它们耳朵与生俱来物质世界运作方式理解预测隐藏猎物位置

    According to a newly published study, cats seem to be able to predict the location of hiding prey using both their ears and an inborn understanding of how the physical world works.


  • 然而最近实地研究显示野外潜水时海豹通常直接冲向猎物不到20分钟内返回水面

    Recent field studies, however, reveal that on dives in the wild, the seal usually heads directly for its prey and returns to the surface in less than twenty minutes.


  • 研究人员得出结论捕猎方式可能基于它们利用听觉推断猎物位置常识能力发展起来的。

    The researchers conclude that cats' hunting style may have developed based on their common sense abilities to infer where prey is, using their hearing.


  • 研究人员得出结论捕猎方式可能通过使用它们的听觉,基于它们的常识性能力推断猎物位置培养起来的。

    The researchers conclude that cats' hunting style may have developed based on their common-sense abilities to infer where prey is, using their hearing.


  • 澳大利亚研究人员一直设计测试一种狮子方法,即屁股上画眼睛狮子以为自己猎物注视着。

    Researchers in Australia have been devising and testing a method of trickery to make lions think they are being watched by the painted eyes on cow butts.


  • 蛇类有一套独特的感官系统用来探测红外射线使得它们可以生成捕食猎物成像图片”。”研究报道开宗明义。

    "Snakes possess a unique sensory system for detecting infrared radiation, enabling them to generate a 'thermal image' of predators or prey," begins the study.


  • 研究人员经分析造访生物震动频率持续时间以及振幅发现,食虫椿象蜘蛛某些猎物震动特点最为相似。

    Then the researchers analyzed the frequency, duration and amplitude of each visitor's vibrations. And they found that assassin bug's vibes most closely matched some of those of prey.


  • 研究总结到,小型的肉食动物猎物速度较快的环境占有优势大型掠食动物则猎物体型较大,速度较慢的环境下具有优势

    The researchers conclude that smaller carnivores would have had an advantage in environments with predominantly fast prey, and bigger ones where prey was slower and larger.


  • 研究有可能由于哺乳动物向北部山脉移动兽类短缺或是人类越来越偏爱其他猎物种类造成的。

    The researchers say this could be due to a northward range shift in the mammal, a scarcity of the beast, or an increasing human preference for other prey species.


  • 罗瑟斯塔研究研究人员重新设计蜘蛛运动模式强韧用来四处活动阻挡猎物的牵引具有弹性柔韧性

    Researchers at Rothamsted Research redesigned the model to allow for elasticity and flexibility in the spider's dragline, its most sturdy line of silk used for moving about and snagging prey.


  • 现在项对断裂牙齿研究显示艺术想象还是很符合事实的,至少食肉动物猎物较量这块儿这样。

    Now a study of broken teeth reveals that artistic licence has, at least for predator and prey, been rather accurate.


  • 研究人员观察蜘蛛,看它们如何“招待”它们的蛛网上的各种各样的客人的——有树叶碎片,求爱者苍蝇之类猎物以及

    Researchers observed how spiders reacted to various visitors to their webs-like leaf fragments, courting males, prey like flies, and the assassin bugs.


  • 研究结果传统观点发起了挑战,传统观点认为,几乎所有食肉恐龙捕食的都是与猎物自身接近的后代——鸟类

    The findings challenge the conventional view that almost all theropods hunted prey, especially those closest to their descendants, birds.


  • 研究列斯特郡洛丁顿艾乐农场猎物保存基金会所进行,一开始法国芥末可是发现并未达到效果

    Research by the Game Conservancy Trust at Allerton Farm in Loddington, Leics, initially tried French mustard but found that it was not up to the job.


  • 研究相信胡须可以帮助觅食海豹最优化它们的捕食行动,找出合适形状大小猎物

    The researchers believe whiskers could allow foraging seals to optimise their hunting behaviour to suit the size and shape of their prey.


  • 我们认为食物来源捕食猎物关系几个不同影响。”俄亥俄州立大学研究珍妮佛·玛尔·帕斯说。

    "We imagined that the food resource on the landscape could have a couple different effects on relationships between nest predators and their prey." Ohio State University researcher Jennifer Malpass.


  • 这项研究发表生物力学》杂志上,文中表明,科学家们利用3 - D计算机模型先进工程技术研究鲨鱼是如何猎杀猎物的。

    In research published in the Journal of Biomechanics, scientists used 3-d computers models and advanced engineering techniques to study how sharks hunt and kill their food.


  • 争夺小昆虫战斗中植物略胜一筹。初步研究显示植物动物王国成员猎物展开争夺大战。

    In the battle for bugs, Wolf spiders are outwitting carnivorous plants, according to the first study to show members of the plant and animal kingdoms competing for prey.


  • 下一步打算成为一个花草匠研究维纳斯捕食策略技巧看看它们是耍什么花招吓唬杀死猎物的。

    "Next on my agenda: becoming a plant guy, " Ashbaugh said. "I'm going to study the strategies and techniques of Venus flytraps to see what cool tricks they have to kill and scare their prey.


  • 研究支持美洲虎美洲狮空间相互回避概念两者猎物之间分化研究结果不相吻合。

    Studies support the concept of mutual spatial avoidance between jaguar and puma, whereas results of prey partitioning between jaguar and puma are conflicting.


  • 这个发现之前我们所知人类用带尖的武器狩猎野牛麋鹿大型猎物但是大多数我们研究的人类据点都是狩猎营地。

    'Before this find, we knew people were hunting large game like bison or elk with sophisticated weapons, but most of sites we had to study were hunting camps.'


  • 研究人员总结道,由于变色龙唾液黏性以及猎物舌头之间较大接触面积黏性附着力不是捕捉猎物大小限制因素

    Our study shows that the size of the captured prey is not limited by viscous adhesion, owing to the high mucus viscosity and large contact area between the prey and the tongue.


  • 一项最近研究为更新世晚期捕食者-猎物动力学提供了线索

    A recent study has provided clues to predator-prey dynamics in the late Pleistocene era.


  • 但是研究人员首度确凿的证据,显示海豚所发出的声音牠们的猎物致命

    This, however, is the first time that researchers have got hard evidence that dolphin voices can be deadly to their 2 prey.


  • 但是研究人员首度确凿的证据,显示海豚所发出的声音牠们的猎物致命

    This, however, is the first time that researchers have got hard evidence that dolphin voices can be deadly to their 2 prey.


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