• 管理教学研究项目进行工作分配监督执行。

    Manage instructional research and development projects, assigning and monitoring task responsibility and authority given to others.


  • 至今最小压机小型实验室研究项目设计

    Smallest Roller Press yet on the market. Designed specifically for research and small laboratory projects.


  • 许多研究项目揭示译者完成翻译任务中的认知过程进行了探索。

    Numerous research and projects have been conducted to reveal the cognitive processes that a translator goes through in fulfilling a translation task.


  • 公司位于帕特里克空军基地的美国空军技术应用中心AFTAC提供工程研究项目管理服务

    The company will provide engineering, research, and program management services for the Air Force Technical Applications Center (AFTAC) at Patrick Air Force Base.


  • 各国推进太空研究卫星项目提高全球导航能力

    Nations are also pressing ahead with space research and satellite projects to expand their global navigation abilities.


  • 当时正在吉米一起做一个研究项目

    He was working on a study project with Jimmy.


  • 他们可以拒绝他们认为自己利益相悖科学家申请或者他们日常生活传统活动影响大的研究项目

    They can turn down applications from scientists they believe will work against their interests, or research projects that will impinge too much on their daily lives and traditional activities.


  • 规模较小较新的大学没有人员设备进行大规模的研究项目大型机构可以做到

    The smaller and newer universities do not involve the staff or equipment to carry out the maximum research projects possible in larger institutions.


  • Cialdini 引用了大量的研究论文历史事件证明,即使是书写这样简单事情加深每个项目的参与感。

    Cialdini cites scores of research papers and historical events that prove that even something as simple as writing deepens every individual's engagement in the project.


  • 我们现在看看不同研究人员组织正在进行项目吧?

    Shall we now have a look at the projects that different researchers and organisations are working on?


  • 每个相关国家可以增加一领域博士论文研究项目奖学金其他财政支助

    Each country concerned could increase the number of scholarships and other financial support for doctoral theses and research projects in this area.


  • AIS 系统科学家研究许多运动项目,并其中一项运动中学到技能——例如如何增强高尔夫球手的肌肉力量——运用其他项目上,比如游泳壁球

    AIS scientists work across a number of sports, applying skills learned in onesuch as building muscle strength in golfersto others, such as swimming and squash.


  • 人们移动设备即使只有一点点额外的时间他们也会生活中的某个人交流。”皮尤研究中心美国生活项目主任LeeRainie说道

    "When people have a mobile device and have even a little extra time, they will communicate with someone in their life," says Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Internet and American Life Project.


  • 洛杉矶南加州大学社会流行病学家特莎·塞曼是同一研究项目员,她发现,70岁以上人群自尊心压力之间存在联系

    As part of the same study, Teresa Seeman, a social epidemiologist at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, found a connection between self-esteem and stress in people over 70.


  • 但是建议任何项目研究开发都会面对这些类似挑战这样才能使得软件开发不是完全独特的

    But I suggest that any research and development projects face similar challenges so that software development is not altogether unique.


  • FAA许多建设研究项目已经停止影响到至少70,000名工人

    But scores of FAA construction and research projects have been halted, affecting at least 70, 000 workers.


  • 用户可以成立捐助小组”,具体研究项目联系起来发动组织朋友家人参与进来。

    Users can set up "Giving Groups", linked with specific research projects, to include and organise friends and family.


  • 许多启发性科学经验学习研究项目试图找出发现音乐更多效用。

    Many revealing scientific experiments, studies, and research projects have been performed to try and discover the extent of the power of music.


  • 首先要有一个重要应用研究开发项目改善设计降低成本制定灶产业的全球性标准

    First, a major applied research and development effort to improve design, lower costs, and develop global industry standards for cookstoves.


  • 之后有很多研究学术项目都是围绕这个课题进行的,包括MITOxygen项目

    Numerous research and academic projects followed including the Oxygen project at MIT.


  • 因此这个项目研究范围之间佛罗伦萨罗马进行研究广,之前项目只是游客出现地点活动绘制出来

    So the scope of this project was more than the previous research in cities such as Florence and Rome, where only the presence and movements of tourists was mapped.


  • 一部分,引用研究文献使其项目特征研究保持一致,以此展示学校中的孩子们到了哪些各个主题相关的东西。

    In each, she draws on the research literature and keys it to features of her program, to show what the school children learn in relation to each topic.


  • 许多研究项目一样,实验参与者实验本质被误导,他们也并没有意识到实验关于吸烟的。

    As in many such research projects, participants were misled over the nature of the study and were not aware that it was about smoking.


  • 由于研究人员运用顾问判定联络货币价值项目的成功与否,所以该项研究只能推断出有限结果

    The results of this study can be extrapolated only so far since the researchers used consultants to determine the monetary value of connections and the success of projects.


  • 采用RUP精神”项目中,相关利益方项目研究团队成员清楚随着他们了解更多需求可以而且应当变化改进

    In projects that adopt the "spirit of RUP," stakeholders and project team members understand that requirements can and should change and evolve as they learn more and more.


  • 乔治•布格斯,协助管理佛罗里达自然历史博物馆日常运作也是佛罗里达州鲨鱼研究项目国际鲨鱼袭击记录档案负责人

    George Burgess is coordinator of museum operations for the Florida museum of Natural History and is director of the Florida Program for Shark Research and the International Shark Attack File.


  • 成立于1922年,提供认证项目研究服务会议行业奖励培训项目等服务。

    It was founded in 1922 and offers certification programs, research services, conferences, industry awards and training programs.


  • 成立于1922年,提供认证项目研究服务会议行业奖励培训项目等服务。

    It was founded in 1922 and offers certification programs, research services, conferences, industry awards and training programs.


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进来说说原因吧 确定