• 研究文章表明SOA SOA治理并不属于这一种情况

    Research and articles have shown that’s not the case for SOA and SOA Governance.


  • 如果有必要可能都会钻研一些实例研究结果展示客户以使他们支持你。网络很多可用研究和文章帮助证明你说的情况

    If necessary, you may even want to dig into some facts and show clients the results of studies to back you up; there are plenty of usability studies and articles on the Web to help you make your case.


  • 名誉作者仅仅发表研究获得荣誉,但是实际上研究策划文章撰写毫无关系。

    Honorary authors, also called guest authors, receive credit in a published study but had little to do with designing it or writing the article.


  • googlebooksgoogleScholar从事研究时,你可以用googlenotebook非常容易摘取一些想要片段文章

    If you do some of your research in Google books and Google Scholar, you can also easily clip excerpts from books and articles into your Google Notebook.


  • 王军作为华大基因研究院长文章第二作者Willerslev的团队提供无与伦比测序服务。

    Wang, a deputy director of the BGI and co-senior author, was able to provide the Willerslev group with unparalleled access to sequencing capacity.


  • 这些小提示只是一个开始我们继续提供更多可用性调查研究报告文章

    These tips are just a start and we will continue to provide more usability research, studies and articles.


  • 皮尤研究中心发现近乎一半社交媒介用户分享新闻视频文章并且上面发表表评论

    Pew finds that around half of social-media users share news articles or videos, and comment on them.


  • 研究发现术语字母使用文章领域相关

    The research discovers that the use of lettered-words is relevant with article fields.


  • 研究人员限制我们阅读能力我们理解句子文章的能力,而不是我们一能够看多少句子

    But the researchers say that "what limits our ability to process text is our capacity to recognise words and understand text" - and not how many words our eyes take in at a time.


  • 研究中国文章方法应该人文主义原则文化学的方法。

    The measure to study the Chinese writings should be the humanism and the culture-ology.


  • 文章历史沿革文化积淀角度,对云南蒙古族2 0年来研究状况作学术性总结,有一定的学术参考价值

    From a historical and cultural perspective, this article summarizes the academic achievements of Mongolian Studies in the past 20 years in Yunnan and is of much reference value.


  • 由于资料收集文章写作特点原因本文主要采用如下研究方法第一文献研究方法。

    As the characteristics of data collection and the reasons for writing the article, this article mainly USES the following research methods: First, the literature and research methods.


  • 拟定假设实验设计综述文献进行研究发表研究论文教育文本文章

    Formulate hypotheses and experimental designs, review literature, conduct studies and publish research papers, educational texts and articles.


  • 基础上展示研究视角选择依据文章逻辑框架

    On this basis, the study showed perspective and articles based on the choice of the logical framework.


  • 论文分为部分一部分绪论,主要选题目的研究背景意义方法文章结构进行了阐述。

    This paper is divided into seven parts: the first part is an introduction, background of the selected topics; significance, methods, and text structure are described.


  • 引言部分简要介绍本文研究背景文章结构

    The introduction briefly introduces the research background and the structure of this thesis.


  • 第一绪论部分,主要介绍研究选题背景研究意义文章研究框架

    Chapter One is introduction, mainly introducing the background of this research choice, the meaning of research and the frame of researching article.


  • 文章首先介绍研究背景研究目标研究方法文章结构

    This paper first makes an introduction to the research background, research objectives, research methodology and thesis structure.


  • 主要介绍选题来源以往研究综述文章主要内容研究方法

    It introduce the source of choose the topic, literature review and the main contents and research methods of the article.


  • 文中批判称为读者文章作者正在批判被称为研究

    Throughout the essay, the person who is doing the critique will be called as reader and the author of the article, which is being critiqued, will be called as researcher.


  • 论文从五个方面加以讨论:第一讨论研究起源必要性意义语料来源,在此基础上提出了本文的写作目的文章结构

    Chapter one offers the origin of the study as well as necessity and significance of the study, and the origin of the corpus, thus showing the objectives and organization of the thesis.


  • 文章第五对本研究结果进行了综合阐述结论性总结分析,指出中国外语教学需要改进并提出三种建议提高学习者的文化意识文化创造性。

    Chapter Five provides a conclusion to the findings of the research and proposes three suggestions for improving students' cultural awareness and cultural ability in EFL teaching in China.


  • 文章借鉴比较文学形象文本外部文本内部方面研究老舍文学中的英国形象日本形象。

    Appling the image of comparative literature on the theory, This paper analyzes the image of the United Kingdom and Japan of Lao She's literary from the external and internal aspects.


  • 主要阐述选题背景理论意义现实意义以及研究思路研究方法文章框架结构

    Main topics are the background of theoretical and practical significance, and research ideas, methods and articles of the framework structure.


  • 主要阐述选题背景理论意义现实意义以及研究思路研究方法文章框架结构

    Main topics are the background of theoretical and practical significance, and research ideas, methods and articles of the framework structure.


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