• 今年3月,瑞士信贷中国买家研究主管告诉了《南华早报》。

    Chen, head of China buyer research at Credit Suisse, told South China Morning Post in March.


  • 联邦学生贷款不同于其他贷款。”高等教育政策研究研究主管艾丽莎·坎宁安

    "Federal student loans are like no other loans," says Alisa Cunningham, research chief at the Institute for Higher Education Policy.


  • 记者就此采访日本广播公司NHK研究主管高知久保田

    Well, here's Kochi Kubota, who's research boss of the Japanese broadcaster NHK.


  • 渣打银行中国区研究主管王志浩表示通货互换能够有效促进人民币成为国际贸易货币。

    Stephen Green, head of China Research of Standard Chartered Bank, said the swap deals would help encourage the use of the yuan as the currency of choice for international trade.


  • 皇室家族价值不是均等的”,普尔大学日本分校亚洲研究主管杰弗里·金士顿表示。

    "The values of the imperial family are not part of the equation," says Jeffrey Kingston, director of Asian Studies for Temple University's Japan campus.


  • 博爱组织研究主管Victor Renes无不担忧现在种族主义可能要露出丑恶的嘴脸。

    Victor Renes, Caritas's research chief, worries that racism may now raise its ugly head.


  • 认为对于限制薪酬更加严格建议得到广泛的认同,”国际金融监管中心研究主管理查·德里补充说

    "I don't think you are going to get a big 'buy in' on the more extreme proposals for capping bonuses," added Richard Reid, director of research at the International Center for Financial Regulation.


  • 兰斯多恩股票经纪公司退休金研究主管汤姆·麦克菲尔告诉BBC,这项改变可能重新洗牌房贷市场

    Tom McPhail, head of pensions research at Hargreaves Lansdown, told the BBC the change could shake up the mortgage market.


  • Mintel公司零售金融研究主管理查德·珀克斯说,如今的经济萧条意味着人们不会节日里“放纵自己了”。

    But now the looming recession means people are looking to have a "much less indulgent" festive season, according to Richard Perks, Mintel's director of retail and financial research.


  • 似乎英国石油公司存心冒险,最终自食其果最新例证,”公司治理评级机构GMI公司研究主管利•格莱德曼

    "This seems like the latest example of BP taking a calculated risk that goes wrong, " says Kimberly Gladman, director of research at GMI, a corporate governance ratings firm.


  • 研究服用无活性淀粉胶囊志愿者发现强烈的安慰剂效应,这研究主管感受紧张研究预期的。

    The researchers found a strong placebo effect in the volunteers who received inactive starch capsules, as can be expected when studying subjective feelings like stress.


  • 孤独者环境研究主管AlyciaHalladay说,科学家并不知道为什么孤独症男孩常见但是他们正在调查。”

    Scientists don't know why autism is more common in boys, but they're investigating, says Alycia Halladay, director of environmental research at autism Speaks.


  • Dukedu Plessis博士艾伯能源研究AERI以及艾伯塔省金融企业厅的高级顾问研究主管

    Dr. du Plessis is Senior Advisor and Research Manager (Energy) with the Alberta Energy Research Institute (AERI) and Alberta Finance and Enterprise.


  • 公司已有交易员已经干了许多,他们所做就是克拉默、伯科威茨研究主管马特•雅各布斯(Matt Jacobs)的指令行事。

    The existing traders had been with Cramer Berkowitz for years, executing the vision and vibes of Jim, Jeff and research director Matt Jacobs.


  • 这种红外热成像技术已经使用多年应用多种领域天文学法律实施,到军事,”普拉姆岛动物疾病中心研究主管路易斯·罗德里格斯说

    This IRT technology has been used for years and has applications for a variety of fields, from astronomy to law enforcement to the military,” says PIADC research leader Luis Rodriguez.


  • 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)商品研究主管HusseinAllidina指出:“随着国家风险上升黄金将越来越被看好。”

    Hussein Allidina, head of commodities research at Morgan Stanley, reckons: “Gold looks better every day with growing sovereign risks.”


  • 瑞银(UBS)美洲财富管理部门研究主管赖安(MikeRyan,如果认为美国有什么东西掉了,那么东西上。

    S. is broken, then you put your money into something that isn't broken, ' says Mike Ryan, head of research at UBS Wealth Management Americas.


  • 就在同一天,摩根·士丹利(MorganStanley)美国股票市场研究主管亚当·帕克(Adam Parker)也收到了一封类似邮件只不过没有选择无视

    The same day Adam Parker, head of US equity research at Morgan Stanley, received a similar message, only he didn't ignore it.


  • CaseSetup步骤传出路径(outgoing route)标记alltrueconditions”,以便满足以下要求工程主管研究主管必须同时工作

    The outgoing routes for the Case Setup step are marked as "all true conditions" to enforce the requirement that the engineering lead and research lead work in parallel.


  • 哈林顿研究面包店业务确保永远不会脱离主管们的视线

    Harrington studied the bakery business and made sure she was never off executives' radar.


  • 蒂姆·荷兰国际集团投资银行新加坡办事处首席经济学家亚洲研究主管

    Tim Condon is the chief economist and head of research for Asia in the Singapore offices of investment bank ING.


  • 显然一代球迷构成更加多样化,”莱斯特大学诺曼·切斯特爵士足球研究中心主管约翰·威廉姆斯

    "It was clear the new fans were more affluent," says John Williams, director of the Sir Norman Chester Centre for Football Research at the University of Leicester.


  • 美国宇航局艾姆斯研究中心主管西蒙·皮特·登说:“从地球表面拾掇陨石可比发送航空探测器太空搜集样本省钱多了。”

    “It’s a lot cheaper to go pick it up on the ground than to send a space probe to go get it, ” says the director of the NASA Ames Research Center, Simon “Pete” Worden.


  • 喜欢作者包括研究主管罗宾·哈里斯位撒切尔主义者愿向时下制度妥协的人。

    I should have loved a piece by the former director Robin Harris, a Thatcherite not reconciled to the current dispensation.


  • 克拉克——康内尔大学生物听力研究项目主管说,近岸海水鲸鱼出没区域听到自然范围内仅仅10%20%的收缩声。

    Clark, director of the bioacoustics research program at Cornell University, the area over which whales in coastal waters can hear one another shrinks to only 10 to 20 percent of its natural extent.


  • 在进公司不久,开始作为研究主管”开始开展工作,负责在研究报告在对外发布之前审阅批准

    Shortly after arriving, he began working as a "supervisory analyst," vetting and approving research reports before they were disseminated to the public.


  • 本文作者威尔科克斯先生弗吉尼亚大学自然婚姻项目主管未来双亲研究成员

    Mr. Wilcox is director of the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia and a member of the Commission on Parenthood's Future.


  • 多年来,石灰玻璃基本组分没有什么大的变化。”Alfred大学玻璃研究中心主管HarrieJ . Stevens

    "For years, the basic composition of soda-lime glass has not changed much," said Harrie J. Stevens, director of the Center for glass Research at Alfred University.


  • 多年来,石灰玻璃基本组分没有什么大的变化。”Alfred大学玻璃研究中心主管HarrieJ . Stevens

    "For years, the basic composition of soda-lime glass has not changed much," said Harrie J. Stevens, director of the Center for glass Research at Alfred University.


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