• 渔夫海鸥坐,旧金山码头

    Fisherman and a seagull sit on a pier in the San Francisco Bay.


  • 保险承保保险船舶进出本保险明确规定界限湿、坞、、排承架码头

    The Vessel has leave to proceed to and from any wet or dry docks harbours ways cradles and pontoons, within the limits specified in this insurance.


  • 凝视阿拉伯拥有自己私人海滩弯曲一个码头四季酒店旅行者天堂老式最好国际标准

    Gazing over the Arabian Gulf, with its own private beach and a marina curved at its feet, Four Seasons is a traveller's haven fashioned to the finest international standards.


  • 本文介绍回声测深基本工作原理同时,介绍了回声测深仪在杭州口外拟建大型码头水下地形测量的一个应用实例

    The paper briefs the basic principles of the fathometer and its application to submerged landform measurement near a planned large dock out of the Hangzhou Bay.


  • 渡轮今年连续第五天后宝诞期间提供往来北角码头大庙的特别渡轮服务

    This year is the fifth consecutive year that First ferry provides ferry service from North Point West Pier to Joss House Bay during Tin Hau Festival.


  • 渡轮今年连续第四天后宝诞期间提供往来北角码头大庙的特别渡轮服务

    This year is the fourth consecutive year that First ferry provides ferry service from North Point West Pier to Joss House Bay during Tin Hau Festival.


  • 位置码头附近公众洗手间后面

    The new location is at the rear of the public lavatory near the Discovery Bay pier.


  • 此前来自帝国瓦托发现自己重新开始码头

    Previously hailing from Empire Bay, Vito finds himself starting over again out of the docks in River Row.


  • 收费标准2006年1月1日零时实施,零时以后靠泊青岛前集装箱码头有限责任公司所属泊位的集装箱船舶一律执行本收费标准。

    This tariff standard will come into effect from 1st january 2006 . all container vessels berthed at qqct after zero hour will be charged at this tariff standard.


  • 横跨,位于南岸盖茨·黑德艺术北岸纽卡斯尔码头沿岸一带之间

    It is built across the River Tyne, between Gateshead's Quays arts quarter on the south bank and the Quayside of Newcastle upon Tyne on the north bank.


  • 文章依托三峡坝河口码头杨家集装箱杂货码头钢管基础工程,探讨了以上问题

    These problems are discussed in the light of the construction of the steel tubular pile foundations for Bahekou Heavy Cargo Wharf in the Three Gorges and Yangjiawan Container & General Cargo Wharf.


  • 西码头”乘前往,船程大约20分钟

    Take ferry from Sai Wan Ho ferry Pier. It takes about 20 minutes.


  • 建立了湛江二维全流水动力学模型模拟了湛江宝满码头填海工程水动力

    The present paper established a two-dimensional depth-integrated hydrodynamic model in the Zhanjiang Bay, and simulated the tidal current fields before and after reclamation engineering in the bay.


  • 水平相应码头奥斯特利茨,男子10可从街上其他大约一点二五米较高,有利于储存装卸材料运输

    On the level corresponding to the Quai Austerlitz, the 10m bay is accessible from the street with the other bays roughly 1.25m higher, facilitating the storing and loading of materials for transport.


  • 伊朗石油码头公司(IOTC)一家荷兰公司举行了会谈,讨论改造开发阿拉伯码头以及建立一个浮动码头的事宜。

    Iran oil terminals Company (IOTC) has held talks with a Dutch firm to revamp and develop oil terminals in the Arabian Gulf as well as build a floating oil terminal, a top official said.


  • 曾监管一些建设项目,其中包括西塔机场第三跑道、 西雅图史密斯新的邮轮码头第30货柜码头设施 重建。

    He oversaw the opening of Sea-Tac Airport's third runway, the Port's new Smith Cove Cruise Terminal, and the re-opening of the Terminal 30 container facility.


  • 曾监管一些建设项目,其中包括西塔机场第三跑道、 西雅图史密斯新的邮轮码头第30货柜码头设施 重建。

    He oversaw the opening of Sea-Tac Airport's third runway, the Port's new Smith Cove Cruise Terminal, and the re-opening of the Terminal 30 container facility.


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