• 这些矿物质微量元素皮肤病防治一定作用

    These minerals and trace elements to the prevention and treatment of skin diseases also have a certain role.


  • 矿物质微量元素比例适当,便于人体吸收促进健康

    Minerals and trace elements: the right proportion for the body to absorb, health promotion.


  • 一个堆积汤匙提供所有必需氨基酸维生素矿物质微量元素

    One heaping tablespoon provides all the essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements.


  • 紫砂杯选用优质其中多种矿物质微量元素人体具有保健作用

    Violet arenaceous glass quality black star sand, which has a variety of minerals and trace elements in human body has health care function.


  • 通过这些有益人体健康矿物质微量元素改变水质起到很好的化作用。

    These mineral and microelement are beneficial to people's health and are helpful to mineralize about changing the water's quality.


  • 同时为了保持身体机能正常也会消化掉鸽子所有维他命矿物质微量元素

    At the same time it consumes all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements from the pigeons it requires to keep the body functionally correctly.


  • 矿泉水不仅含有人体必需常量元素而且含有各种人体有益的矿物质微量元素

    Mineral water contains not only common elements necessary to human body, but also all kinds of minerals and trace elements which are good for human health.


  • 增加麦饭石矿化,水净化的同时,进了矿物质微量元素长期饮用有益身体健康

    The mater, with the addition of medical stone and mineralization material, and dissolved with minerals and trace elements when purified beneficial for health if drink for a long period.


  • 提供各年龄宝宝儿童所需所有基本维生素矿物质微量元素液体补充,口感使用方便

    Provides all of the essential vitamins with minerals and trace elements in a good tasting, easy to use, liquid formula for infants and children of all ages.


  • 保湿喷雾常见1种喷雾,1般人造矿泉温泉水构成,含有大量矿物质微量元素

    Moisturizing type spray is the 1 most common spray, 1 as by artificial mineral or hot spring water, and contain a large amount of minerals and trace elements.


  • 游泳池中人工加入当地特产资源其中包括43种不同矿物质微量元素,从而形成“人造死海”。

    The man-made 'sea' was created using rich salt resources in the region and contains 43 different minerals and microelements.


  • 福州地区地热资源储量水温水质纯净富含有益矿物质微量元素具有广阔开发利用前景。

    Fuzhou geothermal resources has a broad prospect of exploitation and utilization, which possess rich resources reserves, pure water, high temperature, beneficial minerals and minor element.


  • UMI MIWAKU 玛朵天然金砂蕴含丰富矿物质微量元素糅合温泉硫磺雪松精油

    UMI MIWAKU natural Shower Jinsha enriches minerals and microelements, combining with orange flower, hotspring sulfur and snow pine essential oil.


  • 开始研究中,为了观察矿物质微量元素的含量,他们两个季节培育方法种植的农作物喂养实验动物

    In the first study ever to look at retention of minerals and trace elements, animals were fed a diet consisting of crops grown using three different cultivation methods in two seasons.


  • U MImiwaku玛朵天然金砂蕴含丰富矿物质微量元素,糅合迷迭香温泉硫磺快乐鼠尾草精油

    UMI MIWAKU natural Shower Jinsha enriches minerals and microelements, combining with rosemary, hotspring sulfur and sage essential oil.


  • 由于中的矿物质微量元素仍然保持原始天然状态因此我们食用竹盐后身体会还原最初的最佳状态。

    This is because of the bamboo salt mineral and trace element still kept the original, natural state, so we experience after eating bamboo salt best reduction to the original.


  • 提纯加工后的多功能添加剂使用更加环保健康功效更加明显各种人体健康有益的矿物质微量元素更加多样丰富。

    After purification processing multifunctional additives, environmentally friendly health effects are more obvious, and all kinds of human health useful minerals and trace elements are more abundant.


  • 由于惊人增长速度他们需求矿物质微量元素

    Due to their prodigious growth rate, their demand for calcium and mineral trace elements is high.


  • 使其富含矿物质多种人体必需氨基酸维生素微量元素枸杞多糖

    It's full of mineral and many kinds of human body's essential amino acid, vitamins, microelements and LBP.


  • 一定是要无污染山泉水这点重要因为含有微量元素矿物质皮肤需要的。

    Must be that clean mountain spring water, which is important because it contains trace elements and minerals the skin needs most.


  • 其本身而言,作为微量元素,但全世界预混料中不是一种基础微量矿物质

    As such, chromium - a trace mineral like iron and zinc - is not part of basic? Trace mineral premixes used in pig and poultry feeds worldwide.


  • 机构做到一点自然得到正确积木蛋白质氨基酸维生素矿物质必需脂肪酸微量元素

    The body will do this naturally it receives the right building blocks: proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and trace elements.


  • 人体需要的必需营养素分成六大蛋白质水化合物微量元素、生素,矿物质

    The essential nutrients in body can be grouped into6 categories: proteins, fats, carbohydrates and trace elements, vitamins, minerals and water.


  • 鱼子精华冠以“王者美誉,是珍贵鱼卵皇家精品,鱼子精华富含基酸微量元素维他命矿物质具有功效

    Caviar was dubbed "King of the food," the reputation of the Royal Fine precious sturgeon roe, roe extract rich in amino acids, trace elements, vitamins and minerals, with a very run effectiveness.


  • 结果表明绿茶茶叶含有较为丰富多种矿物质元素人体必需的微量元素不同微量元素浸出率不同。

    The results showed that there were rich mineral elements and essential trace elements for human body in tea and its extraction liquid. The extraction rate of different trace elements is different.


  • 诺丽果中含有大量重要营养矿物质成分微量元素

    Noni leaf contained larger quantities of most of the nutritionally essential minerals and trace elements than Noni fruit.


  • 诺丽果中含有大量重要营养矿物质成分微量元素

    Noni leaf contained larger quantities of most of the nutritionally essential minerals and trace elements than Noni fruit.


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