• 计量检验结果表明能源相对价格上升对于降低能源强度石油强度电力强度煤炭强度具有积极的贡献

    Results show that the rising of the relative energy prices contributes to the falling of the aggregate energy intensity, oil intensity, electricity intensity and coal intensity.


  • 石油消费量相对较小马来西亚,也周三宣布了未来十年大幅削减强度计划

    On Wednesday, Malaysia, a relatively small oil consumer, announced plans to sharply reduce its carbon intensity over the next decade.


  • 一旦经过冷却测验这些已经准备好用于太空事业石油钻探这两个十分需要高强度钢材的领域。

    Once cooled and tested, the blocks of steel are readyfor use in aerospace and oil-drilling, where high-strength steel is prized.


  • 石油污染非饱和砂土强度影响显著

    For unsaturate sands, oil pollution has no prominent influence on shear strength.


  • 强度石油钻杆在钻井设备工具占有十分重要地位

    Among oil well drilling equipment and tooling, the high - strength drill pipe plays a very critical role.


  • 本文从材料强度观点分析了石油矿场机械服役条件主要失效类型。

    In view of the strength of materials, the operating condition and main failure mode of oil field equipment are analysed in this paper.


  • 研究表明石油套管生产过程中产生的误差一定程度上影响套管强度

    Researches show that the pipe wall thickness deflection occurred during the pipe manufacturing could influence the intensity of the casings to some extent.


  • 为了加强大型石油储罐安全可靠性,开展了静强度结构分析动载荷下的抗震研究

    To reinforce the safety and reliability of large oil storage tanks, structural analysis under statically-strength and aseismatic research under dynamically-loading were done.


  • 广泛应用于石油化工能源领域钢管除了强度外,还要有良好蚀性。

    The steel pipes that are widely used in petroleum, chemical industry and energy industry have not only high strength but also good corrosive resistance.


  • 根据美国石油学会API标准规定采用取样试样屈服强度表征输油管体屈服强度

    API regulates that the yield strength of flatten specimen from pipe body is used to characterized the yield strength of oil pipeline body.


  • 运用弹性力学理论建立石油套管力学模型通过有限元计算,得到残余应力石油套管抗压溃强度之间的关系。

    Based upon the elasticity theory, a mechanical model for the casing pipe was built and the relationship between residual stress and compression strength was developed by FEM.


  • 特别是如何进一步提高井下钻具强度耐磨性当前石油天然气工业面临的一些关键技术问题

    It is the key problems faced by the petroleum industry how to improve the strength and wear resistance of down-hole drilling tools.


  • 区域层面研究表明,各区域石油消费强度高效低能收敛方向上存在收敛机制的差异性。

    Regional studies shows that, the regional petroleum consumption intensity has different convergence mechanism on the convergence of high efficiency and low energy direction.


  • 石油管道剩余极限强度评价为保障石油管道安全可靠运行基础工作

    The evaluation on the retained limit strength of in service oil pipelines is a basic job ensuring safe and reliable operation of the pipelines.


  • 该铅封应用电力仪器仪表石油化工等单位采用强度尼龙聚乙烯制成

    Table accessories for the electricity boxes, instrumentation, and the petrochemical units, using high-intensity nylon or polyethylene manufactured.


  • 通过石油井下钻具接头螺纹压工艺研究可以证明冷滚压可大大地提高接头疲劳强度

    This article proves that rolling operation can largely enhance fatigue strength through the research on the cold rolling operation of thread root of the drilling tool joint.


  • 石油发酵尼龙改性环氧胶粘剂是一种胶强度冲击性能、耐湿热性能好的胶粘剂。

    Petroleum-fermented nylon modified epoxy adhesive has high bonding strength and good shock resistance, moisture-proof and thermal stability.


  • 这种具有强度良好成形性,用于包含液化石油乙炔其他高压气体的500l内部能力不足高压气体容器中。

    This steel, which has high strength and good formability, is used in high-pressure gas container with less than a 500l inner capacity containing LPG, acetylene and other high-pressure gases.


  • 石油钻井施工过程中,岩石抗钻强度主要受井下地层岩石性质影响,地层孔隙压力影响岩石抗钻强度一个重要参数

    Rock strength is related to drilling parameters and features of formation rock. Formation pore pressure is an important affecting factor on rock strength.


  • 发明涉及一种强度结构钢石油钻机井架设计制造中的应用

    The invention relates to the application of a high-strength structure steel in the design and manufacturing of the derrick of a petroleum drilling machine.


  • 结果表明水体沉积物类的释放主要取决于间隙水中石油类向上覆水体扩散速度强度

    The results show that the releasing intensity mainly depends on the oil diffusion rate and also on the intensity from pore water into overlap water.


  • 进一步海洋石油平台一项浩大的工程复杂结构往往需要大量强度且原材料成本昂贵钢管件搭建而成。

    Further, the construction of offshore platform is a vast project with the complex structure jointed by a large number of pipes who are manufactured from high-strength and expensive steel.


  • 石油套管强度设计寿命预测提供了参考理论

    These conclusions provide theoretic reference for the strength design and lifetime prediction of the casing.


  • 结构简单、价廉实用角度考虑,近年来,国内外石油勘探和军事反潜等领域提出研制基于光强度调制原理的水声检波器的想法。

    The phase interferometric hydrophone of the all is investigated most extensively, and its applied ranges have extended to the engineering and civil fields instead of the pure military use.


  • 结构简单、价廉实用角度考虑,近年来,国内外石油勘探和军事反潜等领域提出研制基于光强度调制原理的水声检波器的想法。

    The phase interferometric hydrophone of the all is investigated most extensively, and its applied ranges have extended to the engineering and civil fields instead of the pure military use.


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