• 明白伤害自己需要用短短秒钟

    To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in persons we love.


  • 人们遇见短短几秒钟后,已经判断个性了。

    Within seconds of meeting you, people are already making judgments about your personality.


  • 明白伤害自己需要短短秒钟,但是治愈那些伤口却需要很多年

    To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in persons we love, and it takes many years to heal them.


  • 众生似乎聚集小团体滑翔凯利丈夫覆盖短短秒钟一百

    The beings seemed to congregate in small groups, and one group glided toward Kelly and her husband, covering a hundred yards in a mere few seconds.


  • 短信短信需要短短秒钟如果给你的爱人短信为什么试一下呢?

    With a text message: text messages only take a few minutes to send, so if you don't text your partner often, why not send them a text message?


  • 怎麽了?他们通常会问可以透过一些短短几秒钟跳舞影片就真正认识某个人吗?

    How, they often ask, can you expect to know somebody just from watching a few seconds of pixelated video of them dancing?


  • 这个时刻典型的例子乔伊斯信念顿悟,也足以改变精神短短秒钟

    This moment is a classic example of Joyce's belief that an Epiphany can dramatically alter the human spirit in a matter of just a few seconds.


  • 短短秒钟内,我们可以看到攻陷的电脑发出不同话题的垃圾信息,股市陷阱开胃

    In a matter of seconds, we can see compromised systems send messages on a dozen different topics from stock scams to diet drugs.


  • 曼联队控制上半场比赛,特别是顶替停赛鲁尼上场的贝尔巴托夫短短几秒钟浪费了两次黄金的机会

    United controlled the first half-hour and Dimitar Berbatov - in for the suspended Wayne Rooney - missed two golden chances in the space of seconds early on.


  • 左侧添加了一些快捷颜色覆盖高光,这个短短秒钟步骤使整个图片氛围看上去更有生气和温暖

    Here, I added some quick color overlays and some glare to the left. This step only took a few seconds but amps up the atmosphere of the image and brings in a little warmth.


  • 也许听说过,给对方留下第一印象只需短短秒钟事实上大脑会在遇见他们毫秒内就确定一个人的印象。

    You may have heard that you only have a few seconds to make a first impression, but the truth is, your brain has made up its mind about a person within milliseconds of meeting them.


  • 有时,这短短秒钟使情绪得到好的约束需要的。

    Sometimes a few seconds is all it takes to get a better rein on your emotions.


  • 也许曾经听说过你只有短短秒钟留下第一印象事实上大脑已经遇见他们毫秒内就决定了(以此评判)一个的印象。

    You may have heard that you only have a few seconds to make a first impression, but the truth is, your brain has made up its mind (so to speak) about a person within milliseconds of meeting them.


  • 需要短短秒钟他们就可以对他们所爱造成深深的创伤

    To learn that it only takes a few seconds to open profound wounds in those they love.


  • 不幸东西短短秒钟曾经看到一切生命回绝了暖和和好吃东西

    Poor thing: in just a few seconds she had caught a glimpse of everything that life had denied her: warmth and good things to eat.


  • 能够创立恣意多个规划每个都自己的网格大小所以短短秒钟能够桌面控制权取得更多作业效率

    You can create any number of layout, each with its own grid size, so in just a few seconds, you can take control of your desktop, and get more efficiency.


  • 我司主要生产特种打印机可以短短几分钟甚至秒钟内,在纺织品鲜花蜡烛指甲玻璃制品,塑料制品材质物品任意打印各种图案

    We are specializing in special printers, which can print any images directly on kinds of objects, such as flower, nail, candles, textile, glass, plastic, etc. within minutes or seconds.


  • 我司主要生产特种打印机可以短短几分钟甚至秒钟内,在纺织品鲜花蜡烛指甲玻璃制品,塑料制品材质物品任意打印各种图案

    We are specializing in special printers, which can print any images directly on kinds of objects, such as flower, nail, candles, textile, glass, plastic, etc. within minutes or seconds.


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