• 就是圆号泛音列,活的作用增长或,空气高度,大提琴指板上的

    That's the harmonic series that's on that, and what the valves do is they shorten and lengthen that vibrating column of air very much like the cello string on the fingerboard.


  • 这些建筑金属混凝土底座地面架空

    The buildings are elevated off the ground by short metal columns with concrete footings.


  • 天然气加热好处结合使用梯度水冷装置可提供精确温度梯度。

    The benefits of gas heating can be combined with the billet taper Quench to provide billets with a precise temperature taper.


  • 目的我们后路3切除缩、融合术成功地治疗了一例腰椎夏柯氏骨关节炎患者。

    Objective. We present a case of lumbar Charcot arthropathy successfully treated surgically using posterior 3-column resection, spinal shortening, and fusion.


  • 王焕定等人试验基础上,针对刚度钢管混凝土隔震装置提出了便于塑性时程分析应用的双向恢复力模型

    On the experiment of Wang Huan-ding, an elastoplastic biaxial hysteretic model for variable stiffness base isolator made of concrete-filled steel tubular short column is proposed in this paper.


  • 引发结构脆性破坏,采用箍筋办法对加强,其抗剪承载力满足抗震要求

    Short columns can induced brittle failure, strengthen it with additional stirrups, which shearing capacity can meet the seismic requirements.


  • 测定截面的残余应力进行拉伸试件试验试件试验以及试件试验。

    The residual stresses were measured and tension coupon tests, stub column tests as well as tests of medium and long columns were conducted.


  • 试验充分证明混凝土密实度矩形钢管混凝土重要性

    The tests show the importance of good concrete compaction for concrete-filled steel RHS stub columns.


  • 通过18试件加载试验研究了CFRP碳纤维复合材料)加固混凝土力学性能影响

    The effects of CFRP( carbon fiber reinforced polymer) strengthening on the mechanical performance of short plain - concrete columns were researched by loading tests of 18 short - column specimens.


  • 最近恨国内后来陆续进行100以及70根偏心受拉构件试验资料,对原建议公式中的某些系数略作调整。

    According to the test data of more than 100 short and long columns and 70 eccentrically loaded tension members, some coefficients in the proposed formulas were modified slightly.


  • 研究钢管约束高强混凝土压力学性能,进行了12个试件循环荷载作用下试验研究。

    To study the axial load behavior of square tube confined HSC short columns, 12 specimens was tested under cyclic axial compression.


  • 以上计算分析结果气动孔锤系统优化设计钻井工艺采用具有实际应用价值。

    The optimum design of DTH drilling system and the adoption of drilling technology can be developed based on the data and result.


  • 由于毛细管体积以及检测极大地限制了毛细管电泳检测灵敏度的提高。

    The sensitivity of capillary electrophoresis is greatly limited due to the small injection volume and the short optical path length.


  • 本文主要GFRP加固已建的不能满足现有规范抗震规范设计要求的桥梁进行试验研究

    Experimental Investigation of GFRP to retrofit existing circular reinforced concrete rc bridge columns for enhanced seismic shear strength is described in this paper.


  • 研究表明短柱火灾火灾后极限承载力随升温时间增加剧减,承载力与温度场的分布基本上线性关系

    The study concluded that the capacity of CCFT decreased sharply with the increase of fire time and the capacity was almost directly proportional to the temperature distribution.


  • 本文分析了40离心螺旋混凝土的偏心受压实验结果。

    In this paper 40 short concrete filled tubular columns with spiral reinforcement under compression loads with different eccentricities are analysed.


  • 试验旨在研究较高条件下,高弹PVA纤维超高混凝土抗震延性改善作用

    The primary objective is to study the effect of high-modulus PVA fibers on improving the seismic performance of super-high-strength concrete short columns with high axial pressure ratio.


  • 目前,三峡升船机引入德国技术,拟采用齿轮—齿条爬升机构、长螺母螺杆安全机构。

    It is supposed to introduce the technology of gear-rack driven mechanism and nut-screw safety mechanism from Germany.


  • 本文报导10个不同套箍指标钢管高强混凝土试件试验研究

    This paper reports the experimental research of 10 specimens of short steel tubular columns filled with high-strength concrete, which have different confinement index.


  • 把辊轧成型C形冷弯薄壁型钢构件切割成若干短柱,在中将产生不同程度歪曲变形,进而引起附加的初始几何缺陷

    Cutting roll-formed steel C-section to stub columns will produce different extent of cross section distortion along the lengths and cause additional initial geometric imperfections.


  • 介绍了采用碳纤维布和芳纶纤维布加固水工短柱的性能,提出保证纤维布粘贴密实的施工措施。

    This paper presents the experiment about axial-compressing strengthening hydraulic element by bonding CFRP sheets. Put forward a method to ensure the FRP sheet wrapping column closely.


  • 光学显微镜扫描电镜下对短柱茶组91变种花粉进行形态观察比较研究。

    Pollen morphology of 9 species and 1 variety in section Paracamellia was observed and compared by means of light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM).


  • 本文通过碳纤维夹芯复合材料的四点受弯试验碳纤维夹芯复合材料短柱轴心受压试验,研究碳纤维夹芯复合材料结构性能破坏机理。

    Based on the four point flexural test of beam and axial compress test of puncheon, the paper studied the structural performance and failure mechanism of Carbon Fiber Cored Composite Materials.


  • 利用约束指标,得出基于统一理论的新型组合轴压承载力公式

    Formulas with restriction index based on the unified theory, and used for predicting the ultimate bearing capacity of the short composite column, are proposed.


  • 过高强度对于HSC抗震性能改善并不明显。

    Too higher strength hoop hasn't much more signification affection on the improvement of seismic performance of HSC short columns.


  • 因此研究桥梁短柱抗震性能以及抗震加固性能对于减少桥梁破坏损失具有重要的意义。

    Consequently, it is quite meaningful to study the seismic resistance performance and retrofitting for reducing bridge damages and losses.


  • 数值计算结果的分析表明FRP -混凝土-钢混合双存在三种破坏类型

    The numerical results show that there are three damage types with FRP-concrete-steel double-skin tubular short columns.


  • 本文通过18钢管偏压试验研究分析了在偏心荷载下的受力性能

    In this paper, through the test and study of 18 eccentrically loaded concrete filled square steel tubular stub columns, the mechanical and deformative behaviour of these members were analyzed.


  • 16钢管混凝土进行轴向冲击试验研究。

    The 16 steel tube-confined concrete short columns are selected and their dynamic response under axial impact load are studied.


  • 16钢管混凝土进行轴向冲击试验研究。

    The 16 steel tube-confined concrete short columns are selected and their dynamic response under axial impact load are studied.


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