• 喷泉一种在删除信道下性能优越的稀疏矩阵码

    Fountain code is record-breaking sparse-graph code for channels with erasures.


  • 鉴于酉空时独特结构差错概率公式可以很容易分析衰落相关系数矩阵带来影响。

    According to the special structure of unitary code, it is very simple to analyze the effect of fading correlation from the equation of PWEP.


  • 此外提出了新的线性疏散传输矩阵计算机搜索准则

    Furthermore, a new computer search criterion for a linear transformation matrix is also proposed.


  • 实际上利用mds生成矩阵校验矩阵可以得到分享秘密方法

    In fact, we have shown that by the generation matrices or parity check matrices of any MDS codes, one can get a new method of secret sharing.


  • 循环矩阵描述

    Matrix description of cyclic codes.


  • 针对传统基于特征病毒过滤算法实际运行中存在效率问题提出种基于矩阵布鲁姆过滤器(MBF)的病毒过滤算法。

    Concerning the inefficient problem of traditional signature-based virus filtering algorithm in practice, a novel virus filtering algorithm based on Matrix Bloom filter (MBF) was proposed.


  • 并针对该系统所用RS(255,247)推导出了一些基本公式包括生成多项式伴随式矩阵关键方程

    At the same time, some basic formulas of RS(255,247)code are also concluded, such as generated polynomial, syndromes matrix, key equation and so on.


  • 对准循环Q矩阵完全循环进行了研究,基础提出一种LDPC族的代数构造方法

    This paper presents an algebra method for constructing LDPC code based on Vandermonde matrix, which includes quasi-cyclic Q matrix and the perfect cyclic difference sets.


  • LDPC性能优劣,与其二分中是否存在短长度的圈有关,也与其奇偶校验矩阵的构造有关。

    However, the performance of LDPC code depends on the girth of its bipartite graph, that is it depends on its sparse parity-check matrices H, especially the complexity of encoding with H.


  • 本文给出了有限多项式矩阵某些性质及其计算线性移位寄存器序列周期循环最小长度应用

    This paper gives some properties of companion matrix of polynomial over finite field with its application for evaluating period of linear shift register sequence and minimal length of cyclic code.


  • 给出上行链路用户完整矩阵数学模型仿真实现过程

    Complete matrix model description for the case of single user with uplink multiple coding channels as well as the procedure of implementing the simulation are also given.


  • 最后,在区块不同正交矩阵之下展现出我们模拟结果

    Finally, we present our simulation results under different encoding scheme of the space time block code.


  • 方法利用LDPC校验矩阵作为其母矩阵此基础上采用循环置换矩阵构造一个长的LDPC

    The method used a parity-check matrix of a short LDPC code as its mother matrix upon which a long code was constructed with circulant permutation matrices.


  • 由于信息校验之间关系重要性每一生成矩阵校验矩阵进行了讨论。

    For the importance of the relationship between information and parity, the generator matrix and the parity-check matrix of every code have been discussed.


  • 通过分析柯西RS方式,柯西RS过程中柯西矩阵对编效率有着极大的影响。

    Through studying the encoding method of Cauchy RS code, it is found that Cauchy matrix plays an important role in encoding process.


  • 矩阵H矩阵可以进行线性分组

    G matrix or H matrix can be linear block code encoding and decoding.


  • LDPC可以接近香农线性分组,可通过稀疏奇偶校验矩阵构造也可以因子来构成。

    Low Density parity check (LDPC) codes are a kind of linear block codes approaching Shannon limit. They can be constructed either with spare parity-check matrix or with factor graphs.


  • 矩阵LDPC不同于现有其它结构LDPC独特之处在于,对参数的设计具有高度灵活性使能与现有标准兼容

    The Q-matrix LDPC code has high flexibility concerning design of code length and rate, which makes it compatible with the existed standard.


  • 校验算法采取矩阵移位算法,网络通讯经常使用

    CRC Check Code algorithm, take the matrix transposition algorithm, frequently used in network communications.


  • 证明了BCH校验矩阵循环变换的特征向量基底时的一种表示形式从而循环研究纳入到线性系统理论研究的框架之中。

    It is proved that the parity check matrix for BCH code is a representation form in the eigenvector basis. Thus the study on cyclic codes may be brought into the framework of linear system theory.


  • 根据正交校验矩阵特点,提出一种一般线性分组的正交校验矩阵穷举搜索算法

    According to the characteristics of orthogonal parity-check matrixes, an exhaustive algorithm was proposed to search for the orthogonal parity-check matrixes of general block codes.


  • 循环置换矩阵构造准循环LDPC时会出现一类无法消除的称为平衡环。

    QC-LDPC codes constructed by circulant permutation matrices will lead to inevitable cycles, named balanced-cycles.


  • 这些特殊结构LDPC不仅可以压缩编译所需的矩阵储存空间而且能有效降低复杂度工程上实现LDPC应用具有重要的意义;

    These quasi-cyclic LDPC can not only reduce the storage of LDPC generator matrix, but also decrease the encoding complexity efficiently, which is of great significance for the applications.


  • 分析准循环ldpc平衡环结构给出搜索任意长度的最简平衡环的关联矩阵的方法。

    This paper analyzes the structure of balanced-cycles in QC-LDPC codes. And proposes an algorithm to search for the incidence matrices of the simple balanced-cycles of arbitrary length.


  • 本文研究了种基于循环移位矩阵结构LDPC提出了一种高效的基于特征矩阵LDPC构造算法

    An LDPC code structure using cyclic shift matrices and an efficient LDPC code construction algorithm using the characteristic matrices is proposed.


  • 利用分组干扰抑制方法通过合理地设计的发射矩阵对阵列天线进行了子阵划分,提出了一种新的混合型的空时方法。

    A new hybrid space-time coding approach is presented in this paper. The properly designed code matrix and group interference suppression method are used in this approach.


  • 介绍一种快速RS方法利用伴随矩阵奇异找出RS错误位置

    The paper introduces a method of fast decoding RS code. It USES the singularity of syndrome matrix to find out the error locations of RS codes.


  • 这里介绍了R M生成矩阵的由来,TFCI详细过程采取的简易差错控制方法给出具体实现流程

    This paper introduces the cause of born matrix of the RM code, the detailed coding process of TFCI and the simple method for mistake control, also it gives the implementing process in a special way.


  • 卫星信号截获分析领域有时需要知道删除卷积生成矩阵信息恢复式。

    For information interception and signal analyzing of satellite communication system, it is usable if knows the generator matrix and information restoration matrix of Punctured convolutional codes.


  • 二维矩阵可以加密二维

    The matrix coding could be encrypted.


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