• 就要求我们善于融合英语专业技能课程相关专业知识课程

    The key to improving curriculum efficiency is to integrate English language skill training with specialized knowledge learning.


  • 英语教育专业专业课程包括语言知识课程英语教育教学知识技能系统课程

    The specialized courses of English educational specialty include courses of linguistic knowledge and the courses of knowledge & skill in English education & teaching.


  • 跨学科理论知识课程旨在提供一致性通过探索跨学科知识本质鼓励其他视角升值。 。

    Thee interdisciplinary theory of knowledge course is designed to provide coherence by exploring the nature of knowledge across disciplines, encouraging an appreciation of other perspectives.


  • 我们必须计算机知识纳入学校课程

    We have to build computers into the school curriculum.


  • 中学课程当中,学生应该学科足够兴趣,并基于兴趣而享受获得知识本身的过程。

    Amid a secondary school course, a student should be interested enough in a subject to enjoy gaining knowledge for its own sake.


  • 在上之前应该先上入门课程——门是关于电影艺术方法专业知识的,另一门是关于电影历史的。

    We have two introductory courses that are supposed to be taken before you get to my courseone in film art, techniques and technical stuff, and another in film history.


  • 课程似乎是以具备某些基础知识为前提

    The course seems to presume some previous knowledge of the subject.


  • 然而他们认为那些睡眠时间超过8小时学生回忆知识学习课程完成高质量工作方面面临着最大困难

    Yet they rated the students who have received eight hours or less as having the most trouble recalling old material, learning new lessons, and completing high-quality work.


  • 介绍了Scratch这种我们学习过环境中使用的编程语言,同时也是一些我们贯穿整个课程基础知识

    It introduces Scratch, the programming language in an environment we looked at, but also some of the fundamentals that we'll lace throughout the course.


  • 除了动物关爱Soechting举办每月一次的课程在那里学校孩子们关于动物知识

    Besides her animal caring, Soechting also holds monthly classes, where she teaches school children about the animals.


  • 知识付费”产品可以为人们提供不同种类的课程

    "Pay-for-knowledge" products can offer people different kinds of courses.


  • 大学里涉及众多领域大量课程交给学生宽泛知识很少交给他们可以实际用于工作中的技能

    The expansion of courses in many areas at university has given students a general knowledge, but few skills which are applicable in the workplace.


  • 智利萨尔瓦多柬埔寨韩国新加坡马来西亚努力使中等教育能够提供工作场所所需要技能知识从而提高课程相关性

    Chile, El Salvador, Colombia, Korea, Singapore and Malaysia are all moving to gear secondary education toward skills and knowledge sought in the workplace, thereby improving curriculum relevance.


  • 完全了解课程,应必备微积分微分方程知识

    Calculus and Differential Equations are highly recommended for full understanding of the course.


  • EVANGLAZER:“一个特定背景课程只是开发知识技能。”

    EVAN GLAZER: "Curriculum, when it's seen within one particular context, you're really just developing knowledge and skills."


  • 以前OOAD提供知识软件工程课程类似

    Previous offerings of OOAD were structured similarly to the software engineering course.


  • 扩展宽度的意思就是学习普通课程以外知识,比如深入研究一个课题或者寻找课题

    Enrichment involves learning information that falls outside the usual curriculum—say, investigating a topic in greater depth or finding out about new topics.


  • 这些作业忙碌不已他们帮助你扩展理解课程知识掌握,让你学以致用。

    These stuffs will really make you busy, but they’ll also help to broaden your understanding and knowledge of the lessons and it serves as an application of what you have learned.


  • 所以学习RUP课程利用现有知识(也是一个RUP专家可以帮助领域),同时阅读文章尤其那些成功使用RUP的个案进行研究

    So take courses on RUP, leverage existing assets (this is another area in which a RUP expert can help), and read articles, especially case studies, of other successful examples of how RUP was used.


  • 全国在线课程知识宝库(NationalRepositoryofOnline Courses,NROC)一个oer为中心设立的非营利组织多个收入来源,财政自给。

    The National Repository of Online Courses (NROC) is a financially self-sustaining non-profit organization built around OER with multiple streams of revenue.


  • 根据批评家所言,事实知识唯独课堂中缺席,课程源本批判考试所涉及事实知识几无价值。

    According to the critics, facts have all but disappeared from the classroom, and the inclusion in the curriculum of exercises in source-criticism are useless.


  • 道兰解释到,“这个课程理论知识方面实践工作经验方面都给打下了非常坚实基础。”

    "The course gave me a very solid foundation, both in terms of theoretical knowledge and practical work experience, " Dolan explains.


  • 这些超级课程“之所以“超级“,是因为它们知识精华部分

    And these are super sections in just that they are superset of the class.


  • 什么知识课程特别关注吗?

    And what information in the class should be focused on?


  • 这个测验提出来一系列问题,小测验中的问题我们希望课程结束时,能够掌握到的知识点,并非现在而是课程结束后。

    The questions that I'm asking on this quizthe questions asked on the quiz — are the types of things we would expect you to know at the end of the course — not now, but at the end of the course.


  • 皮姆斯勒使用记忆技巧以及问题答案参与课程帮助你巩固所学到的知识

    Pimsleur uses memorization techniques and question and answer prompts to keep you involved in the lesson and help you retain what you learn.


  • 皮姆斯勒使用记忆技巧以及问题答案参与课程帮助你巩固所学到的知识

    Pimsleur uses memorization techniques and question and answer prompts to keep you involved in the lesson and help you retain what you learn.


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