• 自然清醒过程有助于设定生物钟”,人们建立一个健康睡眠慢慢醒来习惯

    The natural waking process helps to set "body clock" and makes people build a healthy sleep and wake habit slowly.


  • 尽管统计学上来说极不可能,但斯蒂尔可能天生是个“睡眠”,拥有一个不寻常生物钟

    It is possible—if statistically extremely unlikely—that Steel could be born a "short sleeper" with an unusual body clock, says sleep expert Dr. Sophie Bostock.


  • 控制我们24小时睡眠清醒生理周期自然生物钟,生理的节奏容易会改变时间表扰乱他们深受光线和黑暗的影响。

    The natural internal clock that controls our 24-hour cycle of sleep and waking, circadian rhythms are easily upset by changes in schedule, and they're greatly affected by light and darkness.


  • 药效安眠药那么可以直接作用于生物钟,把它调睡眠档。

    It's not as strong as a sleeping pill, but it directly affects your body's internal clock and nudges it toward sleep.


  • 睡眠专家经过一点训练(实际上很多训练),大多数重设自己生物钟

    Sleep experts say that with a little discipline (well, actually, a lot of discipline), most people can reset their circadian clocks.


  • 生物钟控制动物吃东西睡眠繁殖的时间:生物钟有助于动物适应四季变化一点极其重要

    This clock governs when an animal eats, sleeps and reproduces: it is hard to overstate how important it is at helping animals adapt to changing conditions throughout the seasons.


  • 旧金山加利福尼亚大学睡眠遗传学家Louis Ptacek表示,结果帮助我们理解精确的生物钟如何修改的”。

    Hereditary sleep disorder expert Louis Ptacek of the University of California in San Francisco said the findings could help us understand "how our sophisticated biological clock is being altered".


  • 制定遵循特定睡眠时刻表——每天定点睡觉起床可以让生物钟正常运转。

    Maintain a consistent sleep schedule - going to bed and waking up at the same time every day keeps your biological clock in tune.


  • 专家无论是灯泡还是电脑屏幕都会让人夜间暴露人造下,扰乱人体生物钟推迟缩短睡眠

    Exposure to artificial light at night, whether from light bulbs or computer screens, throws off the body's biological clock, delaying and reducing sleep, experts say.


  • 睡前光线过强也影响睡眠,”阿内德特是因为弱光会给我们的生物钟发出信号休息了”,强光发出的信号则是“白天到了!”

    "Bright light too close to bedtime can make it hard to fall asleep," Arnedt says. That's because dimness signals the biological clock that it's time to wind down, while bright light says "daytime!"


  • 睡眠会影响我们大脑中的生物钟

    Sleep affects the master clock in our brain.


  • 这份发表临床睡眠医学期刊调查结果表明工作环境对于人体生物钟的调制起到至关重要的作用。

    The findings, published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, suggest the working environment may be crucial to setting the body's own internal clock.


  • 相反生物钟细胞激活水平比较弱时,感觉细胞能够更容易地指示分泌细胞释放抗利尿激素,以保证身体睡眠保持足够的蓄水量

    Then, when clock cells are less active, sensory cells can easily instruct secretory cells to release vasopressin, ensuring that the body holds on to its water reserves.


  • 不管是还是睡,人们应该更了解自己生物钟使睡眠有效

    Regardless of being "late sleep" or "early sleep", people should capture their own biological clock and improve efficiency of sleep.


  • 每当我们改变睡眠周期时生物钟就得作出相应调整

    Whenever we change sleep cycles your biological clock has to adjust to the new schedule.


  • 生理节奏引起一个明显结果睡眠-醒来的循环但是生物钟影响着消化力体温血压激素产生

    The most evident effect of circadian rhythm is the sleep-wake cycle, but the biological clock also impacts digestion, body temperature, blood pressure, and hormone production.


  • 科学家们发现一种控制睡眠时间长短的基因,这解释为什么一些拥有自己私人的生物钟

    A gene that controls how long we sleep has been discovered by scientists explaining why some people have their own internal alarm clock.


  • 生物钟太空会发生变化吗?如何安排睡眠时间

    Does your biologic time change in the space? How to set up your sleeping time?


  • 医学研究委员会相信,对于因航空旅行倒班疾病打乱睡眠规律的控制c-AMP生物路径药物能够重新设置他们的生物钟

    The MRC believes drugs that manipulate the cAMP biological pathway could reset the body clock in people whose sleep is disrupted through air travel, shift work or disease;


  • 睡眠专家说时间当天早上日光,可以帮助身体调整生物钟

    According to sleep experts, getting sunlight in the morning on the day of the time change will help reset your body clock.


  • 我们生物钟生物系统外界黑夜天明循环的反应,控制着我们每天进食活动睡眠的循环。

    Our circadian clock, or biological timing system, governs our daily cycles of feeding, activity and sleep, with respect to external dark and light cycles.


  • 身体每天节律生物钟调控,生物钟不仅影响睡眠会控制机体何时饥饿如何有效消化吸收摄入的食物

    The body's daily rhythms are governed by the so-called circadian clock. The clock influences not only when we sleep but also when we get hungry and how efficiently our bodies process food.


  • 由于他们生物钟的介入,甚至是这些严重缺乏睡眠志愿者们也会白天感到充满能量

    Even these sleep-deprived volunteers got an energy boost then, as their circadian rhythms kicked in.


  • 夜晚光线会使人体生物钟(昼夜节奏)混乱,影响睡眠

    At night, light throws the body's biological clock-the circadian rhythm-out of whack.


  • 时差我们最为熟悉的生理节奏失调现象敏感生物钟我们睡眠时间不稳定而陷于混乱。

    Jet lag is the best known circadian rhythm disorder, but this sensitive inner clock can also be disrupted by changes in routine resulting in an erratic sleep schedule.


  • 时差我们最为熟悉的生理节奏失调现象敏感生物钟我们睡眠时间不稳定而陷于混乱。

    Jet lag is the best known circadian rhythm disorder, but this sensitive inner clock can also be disrupted by changes in routine resulting in an erratic sleep schedule.


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