• 很喜欢看过很多关于可是现在不用在书里梦里,我真正马

    I love horses, and I have read lot of books about horses, but now, I not only can read and dream about them, I can ride them!


  • 皇帝骑侍卫一起追捕的时候,画了变成真正

    When the king got on his horse and chased him with his guards, Ma Liang drew a horse and it changed into a real horse.


  • 我们真正士兵我们不是玩具了,记得我们还是两个男孩的那个时候。

    We are both real soldiers, and our horses are not toys, and I remember when we were two little boys.


  • 私下会见时伯蒂·埃亨告诉,奥事件发生,爱尔兰共和军警告过所谓“真正爱尔兰共和军”,如果他们那样事,他们担心远不止英国警察

    In our private meeting, Bertie Ahern told me that after Omagh, the IRA had warned the Real IRA that if they ever did anything like that again, the British police would be the least of their worries.


  • 科·波洛斯先生发现世界最大庞氏骗局故事已经够有意思了,更有意思的是美国相关部门从未对此真正展开调查

    The story of how Mr Markopolos discovered the world's largest Ponzi scheme is interesting enough, but the real meat of his account concerns the investigations that did not happen.


  • 进球倒是不少——其中,本特别出众——但是仍然少几分真正流畅

    There have been lots of goals - Karim Benzema in particular looks impressive - but there's been little real fluidity.


  • 人们疯狂地寻找真正的原作者,他们刨根寻底,用精密的解码器解读那些神秘代码,或挖掘坟墓或铤而走险,不放过一点遗失手稿的蛛丝迹。

    The quest for the true claimant drove people mad. Here are secrets and codes, an elaborate cipher-breaking machine, an obsession with graves and crazy adventures to find lost manuscripts.


  • 一边看书感受到真正,所以他非常喜欢那本书,可是收到最好的礼物,甚至成为了生活一部分

    "He could see the picture and feel the horse and he loved it. It was a great gift because it went along with a part of his life, " Bybee said.


  • 不过星期六晚上酒吧却见不到一个真正牛仔

    But in Matt's Saloon on Saturday night, real cattlemen could not be found.


  • 澳洲学成归来,自信满满,有了社交头脑真正国际大事有了兴趣——一点就足以让在同龄人当中与众不同

    Matthew says he returned from studying in Australia with confidence, social savvy, and a genuine interest in international affairs that really set him apart from his peers.


  • 如果把帕尔火腿南瓜组合成一份真正意大利小吃,花费你很多钱。

    If you want to assemble an authentic Italian appetizer of prosciutto and melon, it'll cost you uno braccio e una gamba.


  • 无论如何,考尼先生至少让津巴布韦人民一刻短暂希望——真正变革最终上来临。

    In any event, Mr Makoni has given Zimbabweans at least a fleeting moment of hope that real change is in the offing at last.


  • 相机陷阱一个真正乐趣辩认个体……而且重要,你能看到是什么灌木中发出沙沙声音。”蒂尔

    "One of the real joys of camera trapping is that you get to identify individuals... and, as important, get to see what was making the rustle in the undergrowth," FFI's Martyr said.


  • 但是真正使民众积压已久愤懑恼怒倾而出的,却是私生活一桩小事

    But it was a relatively minor event in Mr Zuma's private life that opened the floodgates to pent-up frustration and anger.


  • 吕斯是个心明眼亮人,非见到真正不可,疑信之间的那种半明不暗的光使痛苦

    Marius was clear-eyed, and he required the true light. The half-lights of doubt pained him.


  • 不过根据俄罗斯阿尔法银行分析家克西姆·预测,目前的钢材价格只有下滑幅度达到40%或者50%之后,让耶弗拉兹真正陷入亏损的境地,当然大多数分析家也不认为这种现象会出现。

    Still, according to Maxim Matveev, metals analyst at Russia's Alfa Bank, steel prices would have to dive by 40% to 50% before Evraz would go into the red, an outcome few analysts predict.


  • 真正大麻烦违约之后,希腊选择留在欧元区还是回归本国货币德拉克

    The real trouble comes after the default, when Greece has to make a choice about whether it stays in the euro or it takes its chances and moves back to the drachma.


  • 咱们学校200——加入西部联合会大学都多,除了大学之外——从未真正它们进去

    Here we have two hundred head of horses on this campusmore than any other university in the Western Conference except Purdueand yet you never get any real low down on them.


  • 粉煤灰朋友看到一揭示真正罪魁祸首生活·比丘附近

    Ash and friends set her sight by revealing the true culprits: a group of Pichu that live nearby.


  • 一天定时接触但是也要给予足够的时间让它有机会真正休息获得安静

    Have regular contact with your horse or pony throughout the day, but allow ample opportunity for real rest and quiet.


  • 价值作为衡量因此他们进入家庭帐篷带来真正财富寒冷沙漠之夜冬季覆盖

    Horses were valued as the single measure of true wealth thus their horses were brought into the family tents, blanketed against the cold desert nights and winter winds.


  • 不过星期六晚上酒吧却见不到一个真正牛仔

    But in Matt's Saloon on Saturday night, real cattle men could not be found.


  • :这个,因为这个自己认为很多东西可挖掘而且一个东西出来最少可以持续几年,最少是知道后面真正什么。

    Mr. Ma: I would. I think I have enough potential to painting. But a thing came out continue at least five year, so you can know what mean.


  • 我们正在前往莱拉学校,我们真正武装护卫保护高速行驶。

    We are heading to Malala's school and we are really racing in high speeds in an armed convoy.


  • 真正卡丹安全地藏波瑟达,成功逃过了冒名者卡蒂之手。

    The real Kadann survived both the impostor and Makati, safely in hiding on Bosthirda.


  • 真正卡丹安全地藏波瑟达,成功逃过了冒名者卡蒂之手。

    The real Kadann survived both the impostor and Makati, safely in hiding on Bosthirda.


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