• 因特网真正杀手应用软件邮件

    The Net's real killer app is email.


  • 真正罪魁祸首群发垃圾邮件的人。

    The real culprits are the spammers.


  • 那个时代,铁马真正提高了速度美国,主要使用铁路运送邮件有将近一百年了

    It was during the ages of the iron horse that delivery really starts to become fast. The United States translated most folk mails by train by nearly 100 years.


  • 在一个社交网站上发布了自己的提议,并收到了数千封电子邮件,其中30封是真正的伊丽莎白·加拉格尔发来的,她们都有着有效的护照。

    He posted his offer on a social networking website, and received thousands of e-mails, including thirty from actual Elizabeth Gallagbers with the right passports.


  • 如果我们选择了响应我们真正要的电子邮件回应

    What if we chose to respond only to the email we actually want to respond to?


  • 真正知道了什么企业家,回到履行合约,不欠款的打交道,每天浏览邮件做生意日子中去了。

    That I really think brought me back to what it means having the guy not pay us the contracts, the money he owed us or having the guy read my email and do businesses.


  • 其实不然,因为真正袭击来自社交方面人们第一开始担心他们邮件安全接下来,是他们的数据

    No, the real complications stemmed from the social aspects of the assault. People were, for the first time, doubting the security of their mail and, by extension, their data.


  • 使用视图操作按钮可以选择一起放入单个电子邮件消息中的回复文档但是真正意义并不在

    The view action button lets you select response documents to put together into a single email message, but there's much more to it than that.


  • 用匿名信的方式寻求意见人们换个不知道的邮件地址给你发邮件,让他们写下对你真正感觉

    Ask for anonymous input. Tell people to email you from a new email address which you're unfamiliar with, and reveal what they really think of you.


  • 收到一封由邮递员送来的真正信件或者包裹——电子邮件已经成为书面交流主要来源

    Receiving a RealLetter or Package via Snail MailE-mail has become the primary source ofwritten communication.


  • html邮件真正类黑莓push邮件使NokiaE60看起来恐龙一样

    Rich HTML emails and true Blackberry-like "push" email make my Nokia E60 look like a dinosaur.


  • 发送Gmail邮件不是真正推送式而是60秒内显示

    Emails sent to Gmail aren't true push, but they'll show up within 60 seconds.


  • 《卫报》技术总监:“过几天我们剔除重复虚假邮件地址得到真正用户最终数量数据类型。”

    A Guardian technology director said: "We will have final numbers of real users and the type of data in the next few days, once we strip out duplicates, false emails and so on."


  • 通常会议或者电话会议只有百分之十时间真正能产生效益的。大多数情况下工作中的各种协议是以电子邮件的形式达成的这不完善

    We sit through meetings or conference calls of which only 10 percent of the time is productive. More often than not, these agreements are made through email which is far from perfect.


  • YopMail比起大多数临时邮件服务更加高级用户界面使看起来一个真正的网络邮局

    YopMail has a more advanced user interface than most other temporary email services that makes it look almost like a realistic webmail.


  • 不过MacRumors报道称乔布斯苹果内部邮件中并表达出要就此道歉的意思,还google安卓系统手机才是真正罪犯

    But according to an email exchange obtained by MacRumors, CEO Steve Jobs remains unapologetic and says Google's Android phones are the real culprits.


  • 37signals公司,所有我们技术支持邮件,都产品真正创建者亲自回复。

    At 37signals, all of our support emails are answered personally by the people who actually build the product.


  • 生活黑客作者LeonHo过去邮件中解释的一样,思考能够变得聪明从而真正的聪明地工作。

    As Stepcase Lifehack's own Leon Ho explained in a past post, thinking that you are capable of getting smarter allows you to actually get smarter.


  • 如果查找邮件发现一封来自熟人真正信件包裹在拆开这份珍贵礼物感到兴奋不已。

    When you check the mail and find a real letter or package from someone youknow, excitement overtakes you as you tear into this rare gift.


  • 黑客身份小偷实际上发送这些邮件真正是想你他们提供敏感信息

    Hackers and id thieves actually send these emails that look genuine and request that you provide them with sensitive information.


  • 邮件服务器所有这些请求所包围,无法处理真正的电子邮件其中一些邮件可能销售线索支持请求。

    While the mail server is bogged down with all the spurious requests, it can't handle real e-mails, some of which may be sales leads or support requests.


  • 个体工作者来说也是如此多少在做真正工作之前就去查收个人邮件

    The same is true for individual workers. How often do you check email or RSS feeds before doing any real work?


  • 我们精力是有限的,电子邮件分流目的就是帮助关注那些真正关心事情,收件箱中不必要的压力

    The goal of email triage is to help you use that intention for the stuff that you really care about, and not have it seeped away by unnecessary stress about your inbox.


  • 指出并不是很多真正到达办公室的时间早上8:00以前;因此,早上8:00以前他们看见紧急邮件通知不太可能的。

    I pointed out that not many people actually arrive at the office by 8:00 a.m.; therefore, it would be unlikely that they have seen the "urgent" email announcement by 8:00.


  • 一般说来家人一起或者真正给自己做职业规划时间合格的、有意义的,但是在半夜11回的邮件这个时间那么值得了。

    Generally speaking, the time you spend with family or on genuinely career-building projects will pass musterbut the extra three emails you can answer at 11 p.m. will fail.


  • 名单上确实真正需要这封邮件么?

    Did every person on the list really and truly opt in?


  • 直至19世纪标准真正出现即时现在姓名可能由于偶然状况而变换——数数多少邮件名字的吧。

    Standardised spelling did not really arrive until the 19th century, and even in the present day variations occur, often by accident - how much of your post has your name spelt incorrectly?


  • 直至19世纪标准真正出现即时现在姓名可能由于偶然状况而变换——数数多少邮件名字的吧。

    Standardised spelling did not really arrive until the 19th century, and even in the present day variations occur, often by accident - how much of your post has your name spelt incorrectly?


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