• 也就是说一种真正沟通

    That is, a communication which is really communion.


  • 太多没有意识真正的沟通是双向的。

    Too many people fail to realize that real communication goes in both directions.


  • 展现了名流闪亮生活揭示没有真正沟通一切只是表面现象。

    It explores all the glitz of life in celebrity culture but reveals how it can all be a facade without true connectivity to others.


  • 布什内尔相信真正特色不是通过言语沟通而是意识层面之下进行。

    Bushnell believed real character wasn't communicated verbally but instead at a level below that of consciousness.


  • 为什么一个外国旅游一次计划?把之前学会够用语言定为目标这样就能沟通真正享受的旅行。

    Why not plan a trip to another country, and make it your goal to learn enough of the language before going, so that you can communicate and really enjoy your stay?


  • 生产件衣服真正有助于公众参与观众沟通科学

    Producing a garment really helps to engage a public audience and communicate the science.


  • 从而组人可以更好进行沟通确保软件系统真正满足业务需要

    This allows the two groups to communicate better, ensuring that software systems really meet business needs.


  • 拥有适合教育以及一种有效沟通手段自闭症的人才真正实现自己梦想

    When given a suitable education and the means to communicate effectively, people with autism can truly realize their dreams.


  • 沟通,也不是真正思考

    You're really not communicating, and you're not really thinking.


  • 我们同意服从意见除非出现了什么真正疯狂事情比如说布朗声称外星人做过了沟通所以了这个法律纠纷一边等等。

    We both agree to abide by his opinion, unless something really nutty happens, like Brown says that aliens communicated with him and that's why he's siding with one of us in the lawsuit.


  • 如果能这样积极地考虑,你将会朝着战胜怯场的方向迈进大步选择真正关心演讲主题充分地准备集中精力听众沟通

    You will take a big step toward overcoming stage fright if you think positively, choose speech topics you really care about, prepare thoroughly, and concentrate on communicating with your audience.


  • 感情真正健康一起时,就一些达成妥协一些热点问题节育意见一致,形成有效沟通良好的关系

    What makes relationship healthy is when two people can come together and compromise on things and have an effective communicative relationship while agreeing on hot topics such as birth control.


  • 因此真正意义上成功主要技巧之一就是掌握沟通艺术,既能理解别人别人所认可。

    Therefore to truly be successful, one of the major techniques that must be mastered is the art of communicatingunderstanding people and being understood by them.


  • 他们从未真正相互交谈过,所有沟通交流都通过电子邮件手机短信进行的。

    They never actually spoke to each other; all their communication was by E-mail or text message.


  • 由于业务IT团队方采用同样模型,所以部分人员拥有“共同的语言”,因此他们能够更好沟通业务的真正需要是什么。

    Because the same model is used by the business side and the IT team, the two groups are "speaking the same language" about, and thus better able to meet, the real needs of the business.


  • 一个原因可能在于我们中的大多数人从来没有真正学习过有效沟通需要技巧

    One reason may be that many of us never really learned the skills necessary to communicate effectively.


  • 弄懂这些差别,让男人女人可以有效沟通频段,可以帮助我们不再指责对方真正交谈

    Learning about the different though equally valid conversational frequencies men and women are tuned to can help banish the blame and help us truly talk to one another.


  • 企业博客提供给企业快速反映机制如果将博客作为一种真正的交流工具来使用的话,你就可以聆听到客户的需求,形势及时的作出反映,它传统的企业沟通手段要

    It provides a mechanism for a faster response. If you're using a weblog as a real communication tool, then you'll hear and respond to situations faster than through traditional corporate channels.


  • 一点重要,确保布莱尔一样沟通天赋不能逃避困境,”克莱。 他还解释了私人听证会只会在一个真正安全保密国家举行的原因。

    This is important to ensure that as gifted a communicator as Blair is not allowed to slip off the hook, " Clegg said.


  • 品牌定位依赖于某种真正优点价值这种优点或价值相比直接竞争者明显优势,并且易于消费者沟通

    Brand positioning relies on the identification of a real strength or value that has a clear advantage over the nearest competitor and is easily communicated to the consumer.


  • 看起来真正“俘获”用户风险投资家,与其说沟通”,不如说是群组力量——GrouponGroupMe,再到Facebook群组功能

    More than communication, it seems that the power of groupsfrom Groupon, to GroupMe, to Facebook's group featureis what's captivating both users and venture capitalists alike.


  • 因此,如果要取得真正成功沟通,这用于理解他人以及为他人理解的艺术必须精通技能。 。

    Therefore eto truly be successful, one of the major techniques that must be mastered is the art ofcommunicating – understanding people and being understood by them.


  • 想想吧:如果个人或者工作沟通使用了错误词语,你还奢望什么让别人明白真正意思呢?

    So consider this: if you've been using the wrong words in your personal and business communications, how can you expect anyone to know what you really want?


  • 有些文化上的沟通可以中获得有些必须通过亲身接触一起共事来真正了解

    Some understanding can be acquired from books, but some have to be learnt from personal communications and doing things together.


  • 重要的不是我们是否通过传统方式沟通而是我们是否真正地进行沟通

    What matters is not whether or not we communicate in the orthodox or traditional ways but the very fact that we do communicate.


  • 重要的不是我们是否通过传统方式沟通而是我们是否真正地进行沟通

    What matters is not whether or not we communicate in the orthodox or traditional ways but the very fact that we do communicate.


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