• 英语句式颇多,多加留意,认实践,必有收获。

    An earnest practice of sentence patterns will be beneficial to the English learners.


  • 经过的不断摸索真实践广泛运用收到好的效果

    Through two years' groping, practicing and utilizing. We get a good result.


  • 本文电路设计理论仿实践结合结果,在设计集成度高效率芯片具有参考性

    This thesis is a production of circuit principles and simulation practice and has good reference on the design of high integration and high efficiency circuit.


  • 试验条件实际施工工艺完全相同,实践主塔施工工艺,为主塔的施工积累经验。

    The testing condition was same to real construction technique of main tower in order to practice tower's construction technique strictly and accumulate experience for tower's construction.


  • 喜欢独自旅行艺术》这本书的实践实性

    What I loved most about The Art of Solo Travel is it's practicality and honesty.


  • 我们获得最佳实践基于实现实情况不是理论我们认为应该作法

    The best practices we will derive are based on the reality of implementations, rather than on theory or on what we think should be done.


  • 我们获得最佳实践基于设法使工作完成的实情况不是基于理论我们想当然做法。

    The best practices we will derive are based on the reality of trying to get things done, rather than on theory or what we think should be done.


  • 动觉——体验动手实践要么的要么就是模拟的。

    Kinesthetic - This is experience and hands-on practice that's either real or simulated.


  • 在CWAC过程还有令人兴奋活动进行——一个XP实验室邀请参与者加入团队使用XP实践客户编写实的软件

    Within the CWAC there's another exciting event going on - an XP lab where participants are invited to join the team using XP practices to write real software for a real client.


  • 本文重点基于管理大型学术网络子网系统管理员需求而总结出的一些周期性的系统审计实践

    This article focuses specifically on the practical aspects of periodic system auditing based on real-world requirements from a system administrator of a subnet in a large academic network.


  • 作为这些陈述证据设想一个来自生活实例1描述三个不同场景书面的形式描述,作为当前推荐最佳实践

    As proof of these statements, consider an example coming from real life: Figure 1 depicts three different scenarios, described in a verbal format as current best practices recommend.


  • 实践经历质疑现状发现新的事物和新的方法重要的是批判性思维可使执着虚假信念可能性有所提升

    Doing things and experimenting allows you to question the status quo, discover new things, new methods but most importantly critical thinking increases your odds of not clinging to a false belief.


  • 有些敏捷实践比如自我组织团队代表范式转换

    Certain agile practices, such as self-organized teams, do represent true paradigm shifts.


  • 突然感觉到所有课程和知识都会一个冲击力开始认识到简单的知道实践存在很大的差别

    All the lessons, all the truths were suddenly having an impact. There was a huge difference in simply knowing it vs. actually doing it.


  • 来自世界各地城市这里向您展示城市生活实践案例

    Thee UBPA will allow worldwide cities have their presence in the Expo. And present the real city lives and practice cases to visitors.


  • 还有很多商学院早就开始了案例分析”的实践:密歇根大学University of Michigan已故的c.k.法赫兰c

    Many business schools started experimenting with "live case studies" long ago: the late c.


  • 观念性乡土考察思考性研究论文设计实践连贯过中,本文作为篇设计论文的写作,试图建立起一种承上启下的连接方式。

    Start from the conceptual civil study to the thesis, and then to the true design practice of this coherent process, in which this article as a design thesis tries to establish a kind of connecting.


  • 我们是以切身方式实践彼此相爱以致于让浸入我们灵魂化成我们生命的一部分

    We are practicing mutual love in a tangible, tactile way so that it sinks deeply into our souls and becomes part of us.


  • 较小的乡村疗养院才是怀姐妹上帝而来的信息的主旨,在那里健康改良原则可以实践教导

    Smaller, rural sanitariums where true health reform principles can be practiced and taught, was the burden of Sister White's message from God.


  • 只是实践问题,渐渐地,抽象概念就变得好像实存在物体可以轻易操纵它。

    But it's just a matter of practice, she said, before the idea starts to feel like a real object that you can manipulate with ease.


  • 清楚证据表明两种划分实的教育并有大师早期弟子实践

    This is certainly clear evidence to show that both classifications are genuine teachings as practiced by the early disciples of the Master.


  • 它提供、可操作建议还有一些让团队能够马上实践技能

    There is real, actionable advice and techniques you and your team can put into place immediately.


  • 高校学生档案大学生在校期间生活学习各种社会实践历史记录

    The university student file is the real historic record of the students on life, study and each kind of social practice in the period of college.


  • 来自生涯辅导教学实践表明,人生观教育正收到实效,就必须实鲜活的生活情境融为一体

    The teaching practice from the life career guidance shows us that if the education is successful, we must integrate the education with the life background.


  • 此基础上具体分析湖广会馆保护修复实践,揭示出此项工作实性原则本土化积极探索。

    The following analysis of practice in Huguan assembly hall shows its positive influence on localization of authenticity.


  • 城市最佳实践展示城市生活实践案例

    The Urban Best Practices Area will present real city lives and practice cases.


  • 合作学习有助于大学生专业准备训练实践教学由于各种因素的影响并没有实地发挥作用

    The cooperation learning is useful to train the students professional prepares, but has not played the role in practice teaching for kinds of factors.


  • PC机上实现仿需要对视景仿实现原理仿系统体系结构进行深入思考与积极实践

    To realize the Visual simulation based on PC need studying thorough the theory of Visual simulation and the structure of simulation system, and put them into practice.


  • PC机上实现仿需要对视景仿实现原理仿系统体系结构进行深入思考与积极实践

    To realize the Visual simulation based on PC need studying thorough the theory of Visual simulation and the structure of simulation system, and put them into practice.


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进来说说原因吧 确定