• 道围墙一天天高起接的时候,黑暗阴影中,已看不见真实自己

    the sky day by day I lose sight of my true being in its dark shadow.


  • 有些照片追求磅礴壮丽气势,有些照片追求极具影响力真实细节,而光线不足时拍出的照片往往具有亲近感,这样的摄影能不浮于事物表层而探它的阴影里,去展示隐藏着的东西,从而表现出其他摄影方式所不能表现的内容。

    Available-light photography has always held the allure of intimacy. Other genres reach for grandeur and beauty or the brutal impact of graphic truth.


  • 甚至死亡本身也会使生命更加可亲人生清醒时刻,在哀痛伤心阴影,人们与真实自我接近。

    Even death itself makes life more loving.Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.


  • 我们想要真实阴影反射效果

    We wanted real shadows of the trees and reflections in the water.


  • 人生清醒时刻,在悲伤失落阴影之下人们真实自我最为接近

    Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.


  • 人们生命庄严时刻,在哀伤阴影之下,最接近真实自我

    Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.


  • 阴影模糊清晰的对比会使得整个场景看起来朦胧真实

    The different look between soft and sharp shadows makes the scene look more fuzzy and realistic.


  • 阴影绘制算法真实实时性之间矛盾计算机图形学和虚拟现实技术目前所要解决一个基本难题。

    The contradiction between the realistic and real-time of the shadow rendering algorithm has been a fundamental and difficult problem in computer graphics and virtual reality technology.


  • 有了阴影后卫可以灵活指定哪些文件文件夹永久保存真实环境

    With Shadow Defender, you have the flexibility to specify which files and folders are permanently saved to the real environment.


  • 为了提高烟雾模拟真实提出一种基于直接投射扩散烟雾阴影实时生成算法

    To improve the realistic effect of smoke simulation, a real time smoke shadow simulation algorithm based on direct projection and diffusion is proposed.


  • 这个算法解决线光源阴影生成算法阴影过渡真实缺陷,可以实时生成较为真实面光源软阴影

    This new method solved the artifact of linear visibility transition in the algorithm for linear light, and can generate convincing soft shadows for area light.


  • 科尼利斯的阴影也不真实并且科尼利厄斯自己产生的阴影无法接受的。

    You have very black, unrealistic shadows on Cornelius, and the shadow cast by Cornelius himself is unacceptable.


  • 为了进一步增强场景真实加入了光源,并可以控制光源的高度前后控制从而实现了建筑阴影

    In order to further strengthen the scene the true feeling, joined the photo source, and was allowed to control the photo source highly and around controls, thus realized the construction shadow.


  • 仿结果表明提出分布式MIMO信道模型能够有效降低尺度衰落相关性阴影衰落相关性的影响

    The simulation result indicate that the proposed distributed MIMO channel model effectually reduce the impact of low fading correlation on the channel capacity.


  • 真实3可视化技术数字城市关键技术之一随着CPUGPU能力不断增强,使得实时的真实阴影得到广泛的应用

    Realistic 3d visual technology plays a key role in digital city and the real-time realistic shadow is widely applied as the CPU and GPU is enhanced.


  • 关于室内照明我们球面,将其设置为暖色调,用一些V - RayIES房子表面创造出真实效果阴影

    For the interior illumination we use only sphere lights with a very warm tone set-up, and some V-Ray IES to generate more real-looking shadows on the exterior surface of the house.


  • 一系列阴影作品深入探索真实与非真实之间的东西。

    This shadow project enabled him to investigate objects in between the dark and the light, also real and unreal.


  • 本书展示了如何认识对象形体光线阴影通过对透视的认知使画作更为真实

    This book shows you how to consider the shape of an object, render light and shadow, and make your drawings more realistic by understanding perspective.


  • 运动目标检测场景监控核心技术目标阴影很大程度上影响了目标形状干扰了真实目标的检测。

    Moving object detection is the important technology of scene monitoring. The shape of the object is affected mostly by its shadow, which the true object detection is interfered.


  • 人生清醒时刻哀痛伤心阴影之下,人们真实自我最接近

    On the time of sober, in the shadow of sadness and sorrow, every of us is closest with the real of ourself.


  • 我们已经使用先进照明功能DX10.1更高数目以及这些先进的功能,提供真实细节正确阴影

    We have used a number of advanced features for lighting that are only available on DX10.1 and higher, and a number of these advanced features to give more realistic detail and correct shadowing.


  • 情况真实调用时候舞蹈蒙上了一阴影想象力东西

    There are times when the situation calls for authenticity; something that dances, casts a shadow, leaves something to the imagination.


  • 仿真实验结果表明融合算法不仅对薄云的消除效果非常而且阴影的消除效果非常好,不会产生衔接边缘

    Experiments show that this new image fusion method can not only remove thin clouds and shadows, but also have much better performance for thick clouds and shadows without any join edge.


  • 人生清醒时刻,在哀痛伤心阴影之下人们真实自我最为接近。

    Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.


  • 人生清醒时刻,在哀痛伤心阴影人们真实自我接近。

    Men come closest to their true selves in the er moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.


  • 使我们悲喜交加,甚至死亡本身也会使会生命更加可亲人生清醒时候,在哀痛伤心阴影之下人们真实自我最为接近

    Even death itself makes life more loving. Men come closest to their true selves in the sober moments of life. Under the shadows of sorrow and loss.


  • 人们生命庄严时刻,在哀伤阴影之下,最接近真实自我

    Men come closest to their true selves in the 3 sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.


  • 人们生命庄严时刻,在哀伤阴影之下,最接近真实自我

    Men come closest to their true selves in the 3 sober moments of life, under the shadows of sorrow and loss.


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