• 学会尊重真实愿望

    Learn to honor your true desires.


  • 通过神圣恩典你们真实愿望实现

    It is through the Light of divine grace that your true desires can be realized.


  • 事实上放弃愿望,使逼迫自己远离自己真实的愿望

    By giving in to your cravings, you're actually pushing yourself further and further away from what you truly wish to have.


  • 忘却作为流行音乐超级巨星的生涯——迈克尔·杰克逊真实愿望作为电影偶像而不朽

    Forget life as a pop megastar - what Michael Jackson really wanted was to be immortalized as a big-screen idol after his death.


  • 成长艰难的,能让人感到振奋。当意识前进的方向正是发自自己内心最真实的愿望,成长便着实令人感到满足

    Growth feels difficult and yet it also feels good. It is truly satisfying to know that you're moving forward in accordance with your own desire to do so.


  • 他们愿望不是记录下一个真实婚礼而是得让它足够完美

    The aspiration is not to document a real event, but to look perfect.


  • 如果提出限制真实的各方共同愿望相互达成妥协然后协调工作解决问题通常产生一个令人愉快结果

    If the limits put forth are real but the parties share a mutual desire to reach a compromise, then a collaborative exercise in problem-solving will usually yield an agreeable outcome.


  • 伴侣表达真实情感愿望当作真正你,不是你以为想要那个虚构的你。

    By expressing your true feelings and desires to your spouse, you enable him to relate to the real you rather than to some fictitious version of what you think he wants.


  • 作为作家最大的愿望就是改善糟糕生活条件;作为男人活着就是永远尝试补足自己邪恶,包括真实的幻想的。

    As a writer, his greatest aim was to ameliorate the conditions that made life terrible; as a man, he lived as though forever attempting to atone for his own wickedness, real or imagined.


  • 于是医生没有尊重病人真实愿望,就对她实施安乐死。

    Instead of ensuring that the patient's true wishes were observed, the doctor carried out the euthanasia.


  • 可是这种情感真实需要出来的愿望也是强烈的,于是我们想方设法别的词语或者方法表达我们真正的意思

    And yet, because the feeling is so real, and the need to say it is so strong, we are driven to use other words and signs to say what we really mean.


  • 我们心中深刻愿望就是内心真实自我的呼声。我们需要学习尊重和倾听内心的声音。

    Our deepest wishes are whispers of our authentic selves. We must learn to respect them. We must learn to listen.


  • 大多数认为你期望事情只不过真实愿望肤浅替代品

    Most of the things you think you desire are only shallow substitutes for what you truly would like to have.


  • 学会审视过去每一个直接的肤浅愿望揭示表层之下的真实的深远的、实际的愿望

    Learn to look past each immediate, superficial wish to uncover the real, profound and fulfilling desire beyond it.


  • 使愿望变成真实欢乐带到国土

    Make wishes come true and bring happiness to your land.


  • 什么请求希望明白同时, 我将继续生活并且我的愿望希望真实一天

    This is what I only ask forHope you understand meIn the meantime, I will keep going on my life and hopefully my wish could come true in some day.


  • 真实地对待最好生活符合最高的价值取向、你的愿望

    Be true to the very best that is in you and live your life consistent with your highest values and aspirations.


  • 尽管愿望可能看似你的梦想一样遥远,但代表了一种真实的渴望

    Your wish, though it may seem as remote as your dream, represents a real desire.


  • 但是其实说出更多真实情感愿望时,那些规矩变成消极被动、不果敢不自信、特好说话、一味顺从,那又该怎么办呢?

    But what if those "rules" have made you into a passive, unassertive, accommodating, compliant person when you would really prefer to speak up more about your true feelings and desires?


  • 意识信念行为动机行为内在动力,是内心真实思想诚挚愿望行为发生的前提。

    Consciousness is the inner impetus of belief, conduct and conduct motives. It is the true thoughts and sincere desire in one's inner world.


  • 幸运虽然圣诞之日真实意义已经许多身上消失,但是许下好愿望想法聚集到一起在共同庆祝最美好的东西带给你们自己的行为是好的。

    It is fortunate that although the significance of Christmas celebrations is lost upon many people, the idea of creating goodwill and coming together in celebration brings out the best in you.


  • 美好的愿望无需隐形的翅膀的就是真实的存在。

    Best wishes without wings, you leave me nothing but the reality.


  • 电影这种特性可以满足人们更广阔真实感受生活愿望

    The film features, it can satisfy people the broader, more real feel the desire to live in.


  • 你真正实现愿望之前,要真诚感谢才是信仰真实体现

    To be able to thank God for it sincerely, in advance of its actual material manifestation, is the finest evidence of belief.


  • 这种有条件积极关注结果就是孩子们学会抛弃他们自己的真实感情愿望而只是接受父母赞许一部分自我。

    This conditional active interest in the outcome is, the children learned how to abandon their own true feelings and aspirations, but the parents accept that part of self-praise.


  • 愿望无疑真诚的甚至美好的,却是建立空想基础上的,一定程度上削弱小说真实

    His desire is without doubt sincere, even is happy, but is actually the establishment in the fantasy foundation, this also to a certain extent weakened the novel authenticity.


  • 愿望无疑真诚的甚至美好的,却是建立空想基础上的,一定程度上削弱小说真实

    His desire is without doubt sincere, even is happy, but is actually the establishment in the fantasy foundation, this also to a certain extent weakened the novel authenticity.


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