• 奶奶呢?是否站在高高的云端上面看着成长或者在某朵密密的云朵遮掩着身体陪伴着一点一点的长大。

    Are you standing high above the clouds looked at me grow up, or hiding in a low flying behind a cloud, with the body hidden behind the thick clouds, accompanied me grow up little by little.


  • 有两个孩子,小一点的凯南对老虎的到来感到非常高兴,但们所有人都非常期待成为它们生活的一部分,看着它们成长

    I've got two children—the younger one, Kynan, was extremely happy about the tigers arriving—but all of us really looked forward to being part of their lives and watching them grow.


  • 一些最好决策就是用看着他们能在一系列新的挑战成长起来,会有一种成就感和满足感

    Some of the best decisions I've made were taking bets on people; It's been satisfying to watch them thrive against a new set of challenges.


  • 每天都看着儿子成长,天天上学现在他越来越像是班级一员

    I take him to school every day. My son is like the number one kid in class right now.


  • 过去一年里看着成长

    I've seen her progressing over the past year.


  • 热爱行业喜欢看着成长自己当成是这行业的宣传者这样人们看到的事,看到享受到的乐趣,也会因此走上一条路。

    I love this industry and I like seeing it grow, when I personally see myself as an advocate for this industry, so that people may see what I'm doing and the fun I'm having and might want to do it.


  • 看着孩子自己成长……出狱时,的孩子以为父亲回来

    We watched our children growing without our guidance... and when we did come out, my children said, we thought we had a father and one day he'd come back.


  • 旅行确实成长后悔当时享受当下的时光而是去成千上万个人看着享受。

    The trip did help me grow, but I regret that I could not simply enjoy the moments, instead of wanting thousands of others to see I was enjoying them.


  • 然而,已经看着成长了。

    Yet I'd watched him grow.


  • 孩子骄傲看着天地成长,终成为正义手……

    My child, I watched with pride as you grew into a weapon of righteousness.


  • 同学们发言结尾没有祝愿,也没有希望用心看着大家一路健康成长。 。

    Students, and at the end of my speech, have no wish, no hope, I attentively watching everyone a healthy growth.


  • 休息欢笑,想些树苗,然后看着它们茁壮成长

    I wanted to rest, to laugh, to plant trees and see them grow.


  • 想念而且直到现在还是无法平复的心情。因为看着曾经一起成长,一起并肩战斗了那么多年的哥们儿离队,这一种怎么样伤感遗憾特里说道

    "He'll be missed and I'm still in shock a little bit because it's a shame to see one of the lads go who you have grown up with and been with a long time, " said Terry.


  • 喜欢孩子喜欢看着他们成长看着他们一点点优秀这样开心的。

    I love children and I prefer to watch them grow, look at them a little bit of good. So I will be very happy.


  • 仍记得机场里,看着父母过去一起生活成长着最后的再见

    I remember standing in the airport, watching my parents say their last goodbyes to the people they had grown up with.


  • 蒲克南先生,“酒店有今天的这样个成果,感到很高兴看着一个小孩健康快速成长”。

    The General Manager added, "I am glad to see Kempinski Hotel Suzhou as it is now. It is like watching a kid grow up quickly and healthily."


  • 因为那么才华横溢,能够看着作为演员不断成长

    I think, because he is so truly talented, we will actually watch in him grow as an actor.


  • 记得成长过程,电视看着所有影片他的墙上如此惊人的…他的歌声,他的写作,他的舞蹈

    I remember when I was growing up and watching him on TV, and all his videos... I had his poster on my wall... he was so amazing... his singing, his writing, his dancing.


  • 是多么高兴看着他们成长因为有光辉播撒地球之上。

    How I love to watch them grow. As I shine on Earth below.


  • 绿色小屋也一直看着看着我海滩逐渐长大。无论如何成长、如何改变成为生命永恒的一部分

    I grew up on this little beach under the protective eye of the little green cottage, and it will always possess a part of me even as I grow and change.


  • 看着一起几十年南京看着幢幢高楼拔地而起,高兴成长壮大祖国高兴。

    Looked at me with decades of Nanjing, Chuang Chuang rise from where they looked, I was very happy for my country to grow and prosper happy.


  • 只是站很遥远地方看着成长,因为忧伤也好,快乐也罢完完全全属于一个人的自在自得的路。

    If you can find blessedness, my benison is that I can see you will be happy in faraway country. It's your choice, whether sad or happy, it's a untrammeled way belongs to you absolutely.


  • 听见婴儿哭啼看着他们成长他们将会得知更多从未知道的事。

    I hear babies cry. I watch them grow. They'll learn much more than I'll never know.


  • 孩子满怀骄傲看着成长武器,一件正义的武器。

    My child, I watched with pride, as you grew into a weapon, of righteousness.


  • 孩子满怀骄傲看着成长武器,一件正义的武器。

    My child, I watched with pride, as you grew into a weapon, of righteousness.


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