• 那么,现在我们欧洲

    So now let's look at Europe.


  • 飞机欧洲城市村落掩映绿色海洋

    See Europe from the plane, city and dorp set off one another in the ocean in green.


  • 我们欧洲顶级球队之一交锋,我们对于这场比赛的更重。

    We were playing against one of the top sides in Europe and we were more than a match for them.


  • 尽管如此欧洲中,我每逢教堂的习惯仍然使同伴觉得很疯狂泰国,但凡佛寺我都会进去感受一下。

    Still, I drive my traveling companions crazy by insisting on ducking into every church that I pass in Europe. And the same goes for every Buddhist temple I could find in Thailand.


  • 反向今年美国银行大量现金存款流入似乎很大一部分来自欧洲的银行。

    And conversely, it seems likely that the large inflow of cash deposits held at US banks this year is largely from European banks.


  • 如果了解拉贾斯坦王公贵族们生活方式——这种生活方式足以使欧洲皇家惊叹,这家壮丽昂贵酒店必须

    This imposing and expensive hotel is a must-see if you are to understand the lifestyle of Rajasthan’s maharajas, which used to leave European royalty gasping.


  • 欧洲反馈来信息税制上增加一个VAT这样的坏税种什么好主意

    And the evidence from Europe suggests it's not a good idea to add a somewhat-bad tax like the VAT on top of a really bad tax system.


  • 数据,也没有迹象显示对银行业忧虑正在西班牙扩散——除了经济规模大的意大利之外,从方面来,西班牙都处于高危名单下一个主要欧洲经济体

    There is no sign in the data that banking fears are spreading to Spain, which is by all accounts the next big European economy on the hit list, let alone much bigger Italy.


  • 欧洲四分之一人口死于三十战争英国内战,稍后我会展示给你们对此也很难过

    The English Civil War, the Thirty Years' War, in which in parts of central Europe a quarter of the population disappeared, were killed, murdered in ways that I will unfortunately show you in a while.


  • 地区欧洲中亚新兴国家的企业最为突出,2006年债务扩展幅度达到1350亿美元。

    Regionally, firms from emerging Europe and Central Asia stand out, with debt expanding by $135 billion in 2006.


  • 然而作为极地轨道航天器Metop差不多只能一天一次欧洲

    As a polar orbiting spacecraft, however, Metop sees Europe approximately only once a day.


  • 这个问题可以追溯到20世纪80年代球迷前往欧洲城市比赛,穿着时髦的衣服当地人炫耀

    The problem dates back to the 1980s, when football fans travelling to European cities for matches took a liking to the snazzy clothes sported by the locals.


  • 中部,占据半个欧洲大陆西方世界似乎在远处。

    The western half of the continent can still seem far off when viewed from the middle.


  • 欧洲说,某些美国人的动机似乎主要针对个人,即为了惩罚梅尔科特出卖沃尔福威茨。

    To Europeans, it looks as if some Americans' main motive is personal: to punish Mr Melkert for betraying Mr Wolfowitz.


  • 市场利率,可知欧洲政策立场其他地方一样宽松因为金融危机猛烈时候出台了经济刺激决定

    If you look at market rates the policy stance in the euro area is as loose as anywhere else, because of stimulus decisions taken at the height of the financial crisis.


  • 其实某种程度上正是欧洲自己私人评级机构的太重了。

    That the view of private ratings agencies should matter so much is partly the fault of the Europeans themselves.


  • 格鲁吉亚其实已经不是欧洲而是亚洲了。假如最初计划不是走伊朗而是格鲁吉亚,肯定可以更多值得的地方。

    If my original plans had encompassed coming here rather than Iran, I'm sure I would have seen far more of what it must have to offer.


  • 透露自己加强欧元力度,作为来自欧洲主权债务危机进一步压力可能造成影响进行风险对冲的手段。

    He also discussed increasing a bet against the euro, as a hedge against the impact of further pressure from Europe's sovereign debt crisis.


  • 不过,从更广泛层面这些经济学家担心欧洲亚洲现金过剩状况不断加重可能全球经济增长前景更加黯淡

    More broadly, however, these economists fear that an excess of ready cash in Europe and Asia is on the rise, which could keep a damper on global growth prospects.


  • 西方欧洲语言securingWebservices译文——首先是以表格的形式,然后图形图像

    Let's take a look at the translated text of "securing Web services" in Western European languagesfirst with table results and then with graphic images.


  • 外表这座建筑物雄伟壮观集中体现欧洲建筑艺术风格

    On the exterior, this building is grand and magnificent, reflecting the typical styles of European architecture arts.


  • 欧洲之旅不是的,而是的。

    I did not see Europe, I heard it.


  • 嫉妒啊。去过欧洲任何地方。我总是梦想着去那里旅行风景

    Michelle: I'm so jealous of you. I've never been anywhere in Europe. I've always dreamed of traveling around and seeing the sights.


  • 欧洲极少数章鱼为习俗地方

    See, this was one of the few place in Europe where they ate octopus customarily.


  • 所说那种收益债券市场以前欧洲做的银行业务没什么关系

    Look, all I am saying is that the high yield bond market is not the sort of relationship banking that you are used to in Europe.


  • 所说那种收益债券市场以前欧洲做的银行业务没什么关系

    Look, all I am saying is that the high yield bond market is not the sort of relationship banking that you are used to in Europe.


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