• 下图中,可以看到不同颜色混合一个例子

    Here below you have a sample of a mix of more colours.


  • 如果肌肉收缩就会膨胀看到不同颜色

    If the muscle's contract, then the sack expands, and you can see the colors.


  • 可见光不同颜色波长组成它们共同组成所谓光谱颜色),就像彩虹看到的那样。

    Visible light consists of different colors or wavelengths, which together make up what's called spectrum, a band of colors, like you see in a rainbow.


  • 他将白光透过玻璃棱镜照射时,他看到不同颜色的光谱。

    When he shone white light through a glass prism, he saw a spectrum of different colors.


  • 牛顿让不同颜色的光谱穿过棱镜后,他看到了白光。

    After Newton shone a spectrum of different colors through the prism, he saw white light.


  • 们可以看到,在自然界中,颜色可能有许多不同的存在原因和用途。

    We can see that there may be many different reasons and uses for colors in the natural world.


  • 中,我们看到每个JVM上调用都不同颜色显示。

    The calls in each JVM can be seen in a different color on the same diagram.


  • 不仅如此电击其他大脑区域时,被试声称看到不同颜色

    More than that, when he zapped other parts of the brain, people would claim to see colors.


  • ,“可以看到同事模型虚拟房间里看着电子表格,”“人们不同颜色改变事物-较新的东西发着红光。”

    "You can see your collaborators' avatars looking at a spreadsheet in a virtual room," he says. "People change things in different colours-newer stuff glows."


  • 工厂监督人根据每天每个工人产出质量评价将木盒不同颜色以便所有人都看到

    The factory superintendents rated the quality of each worker’s output each day and turned the cube so that the colour responding to their work was showing for all to see.


  • 工厂监督人根据每天每个工人产出质量评价将木盒不同颜色以便所有人都看到

    The factory superintendents rated the quality of each worker's output each day and turned the cube so that the colour responding to their work was showing for all to see.


  • 可以看到奇偶行的颜色保持不变但是topbottom元素特定位置针对媒体不同做了调整

    You can see that the coloring of odd and even rows remains, but the specific positioning of the top and bottom elements is adjusted for media. This gives.


  • 例如昆虫能够看到极光——它们来讲会根据不同表面反射的不同角度显现不同颜色

    For example, insects can see polarised light - light to them appears as different colours, depending on the Angle at which reflects off different surfaces.


  • 这种看到12颜色而人类只能看到3种,而且这种虾能够辨别不同形式光线,并构成复杂生动3d图像

    The shrimps can see in 12 colours - humans see in only three - and can distinguish between different forms of light to give a sophisticated and vivid 3d image.


  • 标签通过加大字号或者使用不同颜色区分词语重要性,因此能够直观看到标签的结果。

    Tag clouds allow for instant visual recognition of popular tags by distinguishing the importance of particular terms by increasing font size or using color.


  • 文档内部看到丰富链接交叉引用,它们不同颜色标示,表明了链接指引的是怎样的内容。

    Inside the documents you’ll find a plethora of links and crossreferences, nicely color coded and branded as to what sort ofinformation they lead to.


  • 虽然运用了很少几种颜色很快看到可以点击区域识别出网站与众不同区域

    Although only few colors are actually used, one can immediately recognize clickable areas and detect the different sections of the site.


  • 大脑帮助人类解释我们看到不同人脸物体颜色等等

    And as you know the brain is where interpretations of faces, objects, colors and so forth take place.


  • 孩子们看到各种各样动物动物的颜色不同,一位老师也在看着他们

    Children see a variety of animals, each one a different color, and a teacher looking at them.


  • 不同岩石五颜六色可以看到很多可以选择颜色

    The difference is made by the colorful rock and as you can see, there are plenty of colors to chose from.


  • 看到的是分割图像不同颜色

    All you will see are "K" different colours in the segmented image.


  • 不同的是,因鸟类视网膜结构使他们能够看到紫外光线(UV),他们看到那些颜色我们看到的是不同的。

    Unlike people, many bird species have structures within their retinas that enable them to see ultraviolet (UV) light, making the colors that they see look very different from those that we see.


  • 测试只有39不同颜色所以如果认为自己看到颜色超过39种,那么你可能错了

    There are only 39 different colours in the test so if you think you're seeing more than 39 you may be counting wrong!


  • 多种颜色不同亮度的显示按钮的说明是否是视觉信息速度注意长度间距其他任何看到

    Multiple colours and brightnesses across different buttons display visual information about whether the note is on, the velocity, note length, pitch, and whatever else you want to see!


  • 点亮确实摄影机前发光电影成片看到不同缺少白色剑周围模糊而有颜色光晕。

    The blade, when lit, did indeed glow in front of the camera, but it lacked the color and hazy corona that surrounded the pure white blade as seen in the finished film.


  • 经常看到几种流行基于价格变化的成交量和以价格动量特征显示不同颜色图表

    I have also seen several of the new popular volume based price charts as well as different color charts with indications of momentum along with price.


  • 测试问题在下面的图片能够看到多少颜色?”后面列出四个不同选项

    You are then asked 'How many colors can you see in the picture below?' before being given a list of four different options.


  • 测试问题在下面的图片能够看到多少颜色?”后面列出四个不同选项

    You are then asked 'How many colors can you see in the picture below?' before being given a list of four different options.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定