• 他们学校新人培训相遇他们两人在攻取博士学位的时候,他们已经完成了世界最为流行的搜索引擎骨架

    They met during college orientation, and by the time they had reached their PhD program had developed the bones of the world's most popular search engine.


  • 6之后位领导人德国再次相遇八国集团的峰会研究普京内心世界西方人可能看到一个难缠战略对手

    Six years later, as the two leaders meet at the G8 summit in Germany, Westerners studying Mr Putin's inner self will more likely see a tough strategic adversary.


  • 只球队1990年世界相遇阿根廷医疗小组指控往布兰科水中放进了安定药以至于巴西倒。

    When the teams met in the last 16 of the 1990 World Cup Argentina's medical team were accused of putting tranquillisers in Branco's water as Brazil crashed out.


  • 生命渡过一个大海在那个海上我们相遇同一狭小的船上。当我们登岸时候就是我们忘终点,然后各自走向不同世界

    This life is the crossing of a sea, where we meet in the same narrow ship. In death we reach the shore and go to our different worlds.


  • 基金扩张的时候,梅琳达微软相遇两人都发现自己广阔的世界越来越兴趣了。

    As the foundation expanded, he and Melinda, whom he had met at Microsoft, both found themselves becoming more and more interested in the wider world.


  • 我们世界其他地方而来扶轮领导人伙伴们联谊相遇论坛特别是那些我们的扶轮地带当中。

    It is a forum where we meet and have fellowship with our fellow Rotary leaders from the other parts of the world, especially those within our Group of Rotary Zones.


  • 世界遥远的距离不是天涯海角,而是有缘相遇无缘相依

    The furthest distance in the world is not the remotest corners of the globe, but encounter but no dependence.


  • 期盼与其他来自世界各地扶轮社员及贵宾相遇,因而可将扶轮精神服务理念相结合。

    Expect to encounter Rotarians and guests from all over the world, united in the spirit of Rotary and the ideal of service.


  • 沃纳!拜访每个世界天堂近时,将会高尚存在相遇

    Havona! You will visit every world and meet gracious beings as you move inward to Paradise.


  • 人生犹如航海我们相遇同一小船上。在死亡中我们抵达彼岸我们各自世界

    This life is the crossing of a sea, where we meet in the same narrow ship. In death we reach the same shore and go to our different worlds.


  • 生命的过程像横越片海洋我们所有相遇一艘狭窄的渡船上。直至死亡我们才会到达彼岸不同世界

    This life is crossing of a sea, where we meet in the same narrow ship. In death we reach the shore and go to our different worlds.


  • 这场对抗曼联世界最伟大球队比赛,这一个美妙相遇,而且这支球队是曾经效力的。

    The game against United will be a great encounter against the best team in the world and for me it's going to be special having played there.


  • 勇敢有野心象星座摩羯金牛似乎为了彼此相遇而来到了这个世界

    Courageous, ambitious Earth signs, Taurus and Capricorn seem to be made for each other.


  • 原因土星是个冷冰冰星球太阳则是炽热的星球,他们相遇,则制造出一个世界

    Here is why: Saturn is the cold, icy planet, and the Sun is the hot, fiery planet, but together they produce a meeting of fire and ice.


  • 但是世界无情地改变蝌蚪再也不能信守诺言。当他们再次相遇尾巴消失了

    But as surely as the world changes, the tadpole could not keep his promise. The next time they met - he had no tail.


  • 如果英格兰决赛相遇真是太好了,而场英西大战世界最棒支国家队较量。

    It would be a dream to play England in the final and an England-Spain final would be a showcase of the two best nations in world football.


  • 这个世界很大即使是擦肩而过的陌生人相遇飘散着淡淡的

    Even if a stranger it is when meet, slight destiny can permeate in this world without marginal.


  • 有些以为然,强调这种相遇不过是两者其一的相遇认为世界理想的未来两者创造性结合之中。

    Some would argue that these meetings leave us with a choice between East and West, but I believe the best future lies in the creative combination of both worlds.


  • 《与世界如此相遇》一书读者带入一段充满跨文化奇遇美好旅程

    Explore the World Road Trip takes you on an exhilarating ride that transcends cultures.


  • 世界遥远距离不是相爱彼此错误时间相遇没有结果

    The most faraway distance in the world, not is love each other of each other, meet in false time, but have no result.


  • 尽管总是玫瑰小姐念念不忘并且终归会离开隅飞往世界一边,那么相遇又有什么意义

    Since you are always entangled in the miss of Miss Rose, and you will finally leave here to the other side of the world, what is the significance of our meeting?


  • 这样结果是,作为观众我们作为叙述者艺术家桃花世界相遇对话

    Only in this way could we encounter the artist in his paradise of peach blossoms and have a dialogue with the narrator.


  • 他们相遇相知,永远惜。布布熊的世界带来幸福欢笑

    In the world of BubuBear, they will bring happiness and laughter to you.


  • 他们相遇相知,永远惜。布布熊的世界带来幸福欢笑

    In the world of BubuBear, they will bring happiness and laughter to you.


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