• 想象里幻想现实对于相对世界

    Within the imagination, there is the fantasy and reality in the relative world.


  • 这里就是相对世界

    This is where the world relativity comes in.


  • 很多商人认为一个相对价格从来不变的地方极乐世界

    Many businessmen think that a world where relative prices never varied would be nirvana.


  • 他们自给自足能力一直国家世界粮食市场相对稳定一个重要原因

    Their ability to feed themselves has been an important source of relative stability both within the countries and on world food markets.


  • 1983年,相对世界最强货币,阿贡尼亚货币argon 贬值了。

    In 1983 Argonia's currency, the argon underwent a reduction in value relative to the world's strongest currencies.


  • 爱因斯坦相对赢得了世界崇敬

    Einstein's theory of relativity won for him universal esteem.


  • 其结果是中国经济2009年2010年保持了稳定相对快速增长地区世界经济复苏做出了贡献

    As a result, our economy in 2009 and 2010 maintained steady and relatively fast growth and contributed to the economic recovery of the region and the world.


  • 相对去年这个报告静止世界货品服务业方面赠送了额外需求

    That represents an injection of extra demand for the rest of the world's goods and services this year, relative to last.


  • 坏的结果世界舞台上相对实力日益衰落欧洲北非互相之间加剧对方衰落。

    The worst outcome would be for Europe and north Africa, both losing relative weight in the world, to reinforce one another's decline.


  • 因此相对来说小企业推向世界过程只需简单的五

    It's a relatively simple five-step process to take your small business ideas out to the world.


  • 正如上面我提到的,曾经相对自由苹果世界相当快乐

    As noted, I've been happy in the relatively free Mac world.


  • 今后几十年内,相对衰落西方不得不世界其它地区合作

    Over the next few decades a west in relative decline will be forced to co-operate with the rest of the world.


  • 最终我们目标证明实体世界相对虚拟世界优越性而是它们和谐共存。

    Ultimately, our aim should not be to assert the superiority of the physical world over the virtual, but to make them work together.


  • 对于西方人来说,世界相对简单世界孤立物体构成,可以背景影响而感知,并且事物受个人高度控制

    To the Westerner, the world is a relatively simple place, composed of discrete objects that can be understood with undue reference to context, and highly subject to personal control.


  • 瑞士法郎也是投资者视为相对避难所世界金融稳定的时期依然可以升值

    The Swiss franc is also seen by investors as a relative haven and has also strengthened amid global financial unrest.


  • 此外几乎不令人惊讶对于内政如此忧虑的德国人他们最近世界地位感到相对愉快

    It is hardly surprising, then, that Germans, so full of domestic gloom, are relatively happy about their current place in the world.


  • 美国拥有世界强势经济力量,市场关注重点美元(美国经济)相对世界其他国家货币(或经济)的强弱。

    The U.S. is the world’s biggest economy and the focus of the market is typically on the strength of the USD (or U.S. economy) versus the rest of the world’s currencies.


  • 因此欧洲世界事务美国问题中的相对比重相对减少

    Therefore, Europe's relative gravitas and weight in both global affairs and American issues will proportionately decrease.


  • 西方最近一系列衰退迹象尚未显露之前中国相对崛起概念就早已世界范围根深蒂固了。

    Even before these latest symptoms of Western decline, the perception of China's relative rise had taken root around the world.


  • 日本经济经历16年来相对下降最近又将世界第二大经济体的位置拱手让与中国之后,这场灾难更是带来了多方面的影响。

    It is more multifaceted and comes after a further 16 years of relative Japanese decline, including its recent ceding to China of its status as the world's second-largest economy.


  • 此针锋相对观点则认为,量子世界全部可能性永远真实不灭,因此也就多个世界存在。

    A rival to this view is that the many possibilities of the quantum world all continue to be real and that there are thus many worlds.


  • 国内这种孩童般幼稚状态相对应的充满敌意的外部世界

    The counterpart to a childish state at home is a hostile world outside.


  • 相对欧洲经济体相比,世界最大的经济体担忧数据国际可比性

    The world’s biggest economy is also much less bothered about the international comparability of its numbers than smaller European countries.


  • 人们发现这种生物能够看到人类其他动物看不到颜色相对我们可怜3原色而言,它们看到世界1112种原色组成的。

    The species is known to see colors invisible to humans and other animals, viewing the world in 11 or 12 primary colors, as opposed to our humble 3.


  • 不过紧张背景下,盖根仍然处在一个相对强势位置观察世界

    But though nervous about the backdrop, Geoghegan is viewing the world from a position of strength.


  • 最大的绊脚石,文中的世界观早就过时会让熟悉相对论性物理学读者困惑不解。

    The greatest hindrance is that they are written from an obsolete world view, which can only confuse the reader steeped in relativistic physics.


  • 但与其身为世界人口增长率国家相对入学率的增长并不乐观。

    This increase in absolute enrollment has come against the backdrop of one of the highest population growth rates in the world.


  • 一个富裕国家来说算是相对水平世界卫生组织建议摄取量高出25%到50%。

    This is a relatively low level for a wealthy country but between 25 per cent and 50 per cent higher than the amount recommended by the World Health Organisation.


  • 一个富裕国家来说算是相对水平世界卫生组织建议摄取量高出25%到50%。

    This is a relatively low level for a wealthy country but between 25 per cent and 50 per cent higher than the amount recommended by the World Health Organisation.


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