• 如果拥有金发、浅色皮肤蓝色绿色眼睛或者容易伤、又或者近亲患此疾那么你患此风险相对较高

    You have a higher risk if you have red or blond hair, fair skin, blue or green eyes, or sunburn easily, or if a close relative has had one.


  • 广泛抗药性肺结核XDR-TB)相对少见一种肺结核

    Extensively drug-resistant TB, or XDR-TB, is a relatively rare type of TB.


  • 1980年,巴西心脏致死率低于发达国家的平均水平(300相对于发达国家的500- 600人)。

    In 1980 the death rate for Brazilian men was below the rich-country average (300 compared with 500-600).


  • 重要因为尽管多数来说,这种流感相对较温和,但如果某些健康隐患的人感染,后果可能相当严重。

    This is important because although this strain of swine flu is mild in most people, if it's contracted by someone with an underlying health condition that can be serious.


  • 首席研究员姆。邱尔却教授炎症心脏其它关键性作用一点很清楚但是引发炎症因素相对还不是很清楚。

    Lead researcher Professor Tim Church said it was clear that inflammation played a key role in heart disease and other illnesses, but the factors which drove it were still relatively unclear.


  • 有些坚持认为相对于从不喝酒酗酒饮用其他人,饮用葡萄酒可以大大降低心血管事件的发生,例如心脏的发生。

    Those who stuck to wine had the biggest reduction in cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks, compared with non-drinkers, heavy drinkers or those who drank other types of alcohol.


  • 一个新的研究表明相对其他职业女性,承受着工作压力职业女性引发心脏其他形式的心脏可能性更高

    Women who are stressed at work are more likely than other working women to have a heart attack or other forms of heart disease, a new study suggests.


  • 从来没有看到一丝证据表明,相对流行毒学数据,世卫组织的决定受到业界金融利润的影响。

    Never did I see a shred of evidence that financial profits for industry, as opposed to epidemiological and virological data, influenced WHO decisions.


  • 法国研究小组发现同一样多酚化合物相对剂量时心脏心血管循环系统流通显著的作用

    At relatively low doses, the French researchers found that the same polyphenols play a beneficial role for those with diseased hearts and circulatory systems by facilitating blood vessel growth.


  • 美国发达国家糖尿最高国家。西欧糖尿相对偏低

    Of developed nations, the US had the highest prevalence. The diabetes rate was relatively low in western Europe.


  • 对周围性血管患者来说,阿斯匹林能使血管产生心脏发作中风死亡相对风险降低20%。

    Aspirin produces a 20% relative reduction in the risk of heart attack, stroke or death due to vascular disease, in patients with PVD.


  • 然而,如果说男性女性容易心脏至少在65以前如此,之后女性发赶来了),预防方面他们也相对优势

    Still, if men are more likely to be stricken with heart disease-at least until age 65, when women catch up-they have an advantage when it comes to dealing with the problem.


  • 即使数量相对较小个案死亡人数现代流行全球成本非常高昂的,并且绝不仅仅限于流行爆发的国家

    Even with a relatively small number of cases and deaths, the global cost of a modern epidemic is large and not limited to the countries directly affected.


  • 评估和治疗背景下会产生更多信息,这时精神专家临床判断就可以剔除那些相对不具因果关系因。

    As more information emerges in the context of evaluation andtreatment, the psychiatrist's sense clinique begins to winnowless likely causal factors in the patient's condition.


  • 世界越来越多地认识到,疾流行心脏癌症类似,预防相对治疗事半功倍

    The world will increasingly recognise that in the case of pandemics, as with heart disease and cancer, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


  • 芬兰人由于高脂肪饮食习惯,以致于他们胆固醇水平最高的,心脏发生率也是研究对象中最高美国人,因为相对较少的高脂肪饮食习惯,排行仅次于芬兰。

    The Finns, with the fattiest diet, had the highest cholesterol levels and the highest rate of heart disease; the Americans, with a diet only slightly less rich, were a close second.


  • 然而神经科医生很快确诊短暂性全面遗忘症。这种50岁以上的老人中相对比较普遍

    However, neurologists were soon able to diagnose TGA, a relatively common experience in the over-50s.


  • 除了筹集基金能力,(RED)通知公众关于艾滋流行人们那些相对不受关注项目产生兴趣同等重要

    In addition to the funds it has raised, (RED) 's ability to inform the public about the pandemic and generate heat for an issue that's hard to get people's attention on has been equally important.


  • 相对急性白血慢性淋巴细胞白血慢性粒细胞性白血通常进展缓慢

    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia and chronic myelogenous leukemia usually progress slowly compared to acute leukemias.


  • 领导意思法国这种相对技术条件比较好另外工作量确实希望能够留下

    The meaning of leadership, relative technical conditions in France to see the disease better, my workload is really big, other hope I can stay.


  • 对导致肥胖食品征税逻辑显而易见三分之一美国人属于肥胖人群,而这比例1980年则只有百分之十五,肥胖人群相对而言容易罹患心脏糖尿骨骼癌症

    The logic for a tax on fattening food may seem obvious. About one-third of Americans are obese, up from 15% in 1980. Fat people are more prone to heart disease, diabetes, bone disorders and cancer.


  • 所以重度糖尿应该认为是心脏移植一个相对禁忌症。

    Consequently, advanced DM should no longer be a relative contraindication for heart transplantation.


  • 然而相对正常人群感染HIV的个体中,发生艾滋发生艾滋人中发率相当。

    Among individuals with HIV, however, incidence rates were similar for those with AIDS and those without, relative to the general population.


  • 之前一份分析澳大利亚丹麦记录研究发现出生心脏高发月份三月六月的人,平均寿命相对较短

    A previous study using Austrian and Danish patient records found that those born in months with higher heart disease rates - March through June - had shorter life spans.


  • 高年资医生处理重大心血管风险高血压血脂异常糖尿方面的控制相对低。

    And patients treated by older doctors had a lower rate of control of major cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes.


  • 巴氏杆菌发生气候因素温度相对湿度降雨量、日照时数)的相关性进行了分析研究

    The relativity of porcine pasteurelosis and climatic factors, which include temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and sunlight-time, were researched in the article.


  • PPAR激动剂,是细胞核激素受体家族转录因子一个成员广泛用来治疗II型糖尿而且相对无毒

    Agonists of PPAR, a member of the nuclear hormone receptor family of transcription factors, are widely used in the treatment of type II diabetes and are relatively non-toxic.


  • PPAR激动剂,是细胞核激素受体家族转录因子一个成员广泛用来治疗II型糖尿而且相对无毒

    Agonists of PPAR, a member of the nuclear hormone receptor family of transcription factors, are widely used in the treatment of type II diabetes and are relatively non-toxic.


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