• 有没有正在进行评估硫柳汞替代性防腐剂相对有效性研究

    Is there research ongoing to evaluate the relative effectiveness of alternative preservatives to thiomersal?


  • 研究了模糊条件下决策单元相对有效性评价问题。

    The relative efficiency evaluation of decision making units (DMUs) in fuzzy environments is studied.


  • 采用DEA中国民用机场运行相对有效性进行了评价

    The paper presents a DEA approach to evaluate the efficiency of Chinese commercial airports.


  • 数据包络分析用来评价同类型决策单元相对有效性方法

    Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a kind of method appropriate for investigating the relative efficiency of homogeneous decision-making units converting multiple inputs into multiple outputs.


  • 针对DEA只能用于相对有效性评价不足,提出了遴选参考集的解决思路。

    For solving the problem which DEA only can use to evaluate relative efficiency, a method of choosing reference DMUs is proposed.


  • 建立数据包络方法基础上评价相对有效性方法多目标决策一种有效途径

    The method of evaluation of relative validity based on data envelope is an effective way of multi-objective decision.


  • 文章试用DEA方法层次分析法对同类型行业行风建设相对有效性进行评价

    The analysis and evaluation of the relative technical effectiveness in the production of a tire plant were made with DEA(data envelopment analysis).


  • 本文提出相对有效性评价DEA方法确定设备系数的新思路新方法。

    This text put forward a new thought and method. That is to use DEA method to confirm new degree of coefficient of equipment.


  • 该文提出基于数据包络分析模型的电力系统启动方案相对有效性评估方法

    Based on data envelopment analysis, a new method for assessing black-start plans is proposed in this paper.


  • 该文提出了一种坦克总体评价方法定量角度研究和评价坦克系统相对有效性

    This paper presents a new method of evaluating the tank as a whole system. From the point of quantitative View the relative efficiency of the whole tank system is studied.


  • 不过研究没有新的年龄应当多少,只是说:为了提高不同年龄段筛查相对有效性需要进一步的研究

    However, the study stopped short of saying what that new age should be, saying further studies "are needed to demonstrate the relative clinical effectiveness of screening at different ages."


  • 要素不确定条件下系统相对有效性评价当前DEA理论研究前沿具有十分重要的理论实践意义

    Relative efficiency evaluation on systems with fuzzy factors of inputs and outputs presents the front of theoretical research on DEA, which is of great theoretical and practical importance.


  • 数据包络分析通过分析生产决策单元投入产出数据,评价输入、多输出决策单元之间相对有效性

    DEA method is an effective method for evaluating the relative effectiveness of decision making problem with multi inputs and outputs.


  • 进一步提出随机条件下决策单元期望有效性指数概念相对有效性评价期望值方法,最后给出了计算实例

    Then extends the efficiency measurement to the stochastic situation based on the expected value approach and presents the definition of the expected efficiency score, and finally a instance is given.


  • 两点需要注意:我们没有决奈隆和其他药物酮的对照研究因此一点上讨论决奈达隆的相对有效性非常困难

    There are two caveats. One is that we don't yet have a comparator study of dronedarone vs. other drugs like amiodarone, so talking about comparative efficacy is very difficult at this point.


  • 针对所提出具有非期望输出决策单元DMU相对有效性,提出对其进行评价的非径向FDEA模型给出了模型的相对有效性理论证明

    The researching on the DMUs with undesirable output gives the non-radial model FDEA of the relative efficiency measurement, proves the efficiency theories, and calculates the example.


  • 很明显高速缓冲有效性依赖分割合并查找开销相对用于跟踪高速缓冲的的开销。

    The effectiveness of caching obviously depends on the costs of splitting, coalescing, and searching relative to the work needed to track cached chunks.


  • 总是可以通过研究来挑剔政策相对一个有效性可以认为大气候变化需要不同政策适应

    You could always quibble with any study that estimates the effectiveness of one policy versus another. You can also argue circumstances change and different policies become appropriate.


  • XML文档的序列拆有效性相对应该可能的。

    But it should be possible to de-serialize an XML document to corresponding validity classes.


  • 通过应用于非线性参数估计仿真计算表明了这种杂交算子有效性及其相对普通杂交算子的优点。

    The operator was applied to simulating parameter estimation of nonlinear system, and the resulted showed its validity and its superiority over a general crossover operator.


  • 这种边界相对具有暂时稳定性有效性随着情境变化不断变迁

    This kind of boundary is relative, only has the temporary stability and the validity, it along with situation change, but unceasing vicissitude.


  • 概述了相对敞开空间里,在细水雾中添加添加剂灭火有效性影响

    Summarizes the influence of water mist in which the additives were appended on the suppression efficiency in the open space relatively.


  • 相对时间需要内部控制有效性提出审计意见

    Within a relatively short amount of time, you need to form an opinion on the effectiveness of the internal control system.


  • 在线故障诊断专家系统实现遇到瓶颈问题:在线可获得的专家知识相对匮乏,以及专家知识的有效性

    The critical problems existing in the process of realizing an on line fault diagnosis expert system are the lack of the expert knowledge obtained on line and the validity of the expert knowledge.


  • 逻辑普遍有效性凡人皆有死这类命题偶然普遍有效性相对可以称为本质的普遍有效性

    The general validity of logic might be called essential, in contrast with the accidental general validity of such propositions as' all men are mortal '.


  • 刑法中的身份五个方面特征,即客观人身性、有效性针对性相对在性。

    The characteristics of status in criminal law are summarized into such five aspects as follows: being objective and personal, validity, pertinence, relativity and preexistence.


  • 实验结果证明了实现的有效性尤其输入数据较大时相对通用CPU计算有明显优势,该方法推广类似数学变换

    The experiment result demonstrates the validity and advantage over general CPU, especially in the condition of large input size. The approach can also be generalized to other transforms alike.


  • 实验结果证明了实现的有效性尤其输入数据较大时相对通用CPU计算有明显优势,该方法推广类似数学变换

    The experiment result demonstrates the validity and advantage over general CPU, especially in the condition of large input size. The approach can also be generalized to other transforms alike.


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