• 相关争论似乎改变恰当问候语看法

    The controversy appears to have shifted opinion about the proper greeting.


  • 西方科学哲学家苏珀关于科学论文结构哲学分析成果,引起了学术界相关争论

    This paper introduces the scientific philosopher Suppes opinion about the structure of scientific papers and other philosophers' comments on it.


  • 是因为献给偶像食物以及相关争论吗,他们对于躯体重生的,意见分歧有关吗?

    Is the issue of food offered to idols, and their debate about that, is that at all connected to their disagreements about the resurrection of the body?


  • 一些西方鹰派人士对此表示非常不安,中国国内甚至也出现相关争论不过,讨论以下总缄口要好

    Some Western hawks find it unsettling that this is even being debated within China, but it is better to talk about it than not.


  • 文章通过对功能主义及其引起相关争论批判性反思认为关于本体论问题过于极端化

    The paper critically inspects the functionalism and the argument about it, we deem it should not excessively extreme at the ontological problem of mind. Basing on


  • 文章通过对功能主义及其引起相关争论批判性反思认为关于本体论问题过于极端化

    The paper critically inspects the functionalism and the argument about it, we deem it should not excessively extreme at the ontological problem of mind. Basing on the premise...


  • 因此相关争论浪高过一浪,内容涵盖IQ测试整体上重要性以及IQ分值多大程度上解释人生成功方面存在着个体差异

    As a result, there's tremendous debate about it's overall importance and how much of the individual variation in life success IQ scores can explain. As one scientist told me, "the IQ test matters."


  • 争论那些谈判直接相关

    The dispute is not directly connected to the negotiations.


  • 敏捷宣言》已经问世了,相关争论讨论还在继续

    Ten years after the Agile Manifesto was written, the debate and discussion continues.


  • 遗憾的是,本书准备发行阶段,出版商作者发生争论——[书中]是否纳入作者认为与论战相关的那些卡通画

    Sadly, in the run-up to publication of this book, publisher and author fell out over whether to include the cartoons the author felt were relevant to the debate.


  • 尽管债务相关问题,欧洲美国产生的争论却出于不同原因

    Though both about debt, the arguments in Europe and America have very different origins.


  • 大量离婚案件中,金钱都是争论焦点而且许多离婚案件无法友好解决金钱密切相关

    In a significant number of divorces money is a central issue, and many problems with settling a divorce amicably are money related.


  • 最后,参与这场争论许多坚持认为科学政策制定相关讨论提供了框架,它帮助呈现给大众最为准确后果预期同时指出预期中可能存在的风险不确定性

    In the end, many people in this arena insist, the science frames the discussion, providing the best picture of consequences and opportunities while laying out ranges of risk and uncertainty.


  • 许多冗长争论对象并非方案相关价值而是问题不同理解

    Most prolonged arguments are not over the relative value of the solution, but over different understandings of the problem.


  • 10月4日英国皇家学会组织奇切利礼堂召开了一场会议,与会人士对相关问题进行了激烈争论

    The acrimony was aired on October 4th at a meeting organised by the Royal Society at Chicheley Hall, in Britain.


  • 就是说,专家证人不能个人态度接受一项技术,如果相关科学界这项技术还存在争论,而的态度可能不是客观的。

    That is, not so personally invested in establishing the acceptance of a technique that he might not be objective about disagreements within the relevant scientific community.


  • 无论是具体事件直觉反应还是理念层面上的立场言说,与此相关争论呈现出激烈的分歧甚至攻击,公众意识在此出现了两极化对垒

    Whatever the intuitive response of the concrete events or the ideals, the relevant debates are fiercely even violently so that the conscience of the public are controversial.


  • 相关调查研究2010年11月进行的美国心脏病协会科学会议中引起了很大的争论

    The studies were resented at American Heart Association scientific meetings in Nov. 2010.


  • 第二部分关于我国检察机关侦查权相关问题争论

    The second part, the controversy about the Procuratorate related to the investigation in China.


  • 通过旗亭画壁故事本身相关问题的讨论,可以分析出其之真伪以及产生争论原因

    Through discussing the story itself and some related issues, this paper tries to analyze real fact of the event and the reason why people have dispute on it.


  • 责任清晰简介关联ICCINCOTERMS一个术语定义因此对于风险误读以及相关联的争论消除了

    Responsibilities are simply and clearly defined by referring to one of the ICC INCOTERMS. Thus the risk of misunderstanding and subsequent disputes is eliminated.


  • 由于公众认为全球利益市场行情﹑全球化波动亏空相关,于是这些争论开始走偏。

    As public faith in the universal benefits of markets and globalisation wobbles, and public coffers empty, such arguments pall.


  • 观点争论焦点问题进行了详细阐述。这个焦点问题与活动星系X射线辐射紧密相关

    We discuss in detail on the focus between the arguments of the above two basic views which are very closely related to the X-ray radiation of active galactic nuclei.


  • 曾经希望国际天文协会作出有争议性决定几年之后相关争论平息而且人们最终接受这个现实。

    I was expecting that a few years after the International Astronomical Union's controversial decision, the debate would have settled down and people would finally accept it.


  • 人力资本出资我国法学领域争论日渐升温,对人力资本出资本身可行性及其相关利益制衡无法形成定论。

    The debate heats up about human capital contribution; with a large number of talents and development of market economy, we cannot give any legal basis for the human capital owners either.


  • 人力资本出资我国法学领域争论日渐升温,对人力资本出资本身可行性及其相关利益制衡无法形成定论。

    The debate heats up about human capital contribution; with a large number of talents and development of market economy, we cannot give any legal basis for the human capital owners either.


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