• 我们举办项目是因为我们相信青年力量青年之力团结亚洲。

    We organize such a program because we believe in the power of youth, and we want to unite the youth of Asia.


  • 知道在座青年朋友有多少去过中国了解中国。相信,无论是谁,中国对你们而言一个既熟悉又陌生的国家。

    I'm not sure how much you know about China and how many of you have been to China, but I believe that for most people in Europe, China is both well-known and little-known.


  • 相信只要英两青年相互学习携手共进,一定谱写出中英关系崭新篇章

    I believe that as long as you, the young people of China and Britain learn from each other and strive for progress hand in hand, you will add a brilliant new chapter to the annals of our relations.


  • 0306年年间最低工资涨幅,人们更加相信一点影响当时青年失业率

    The increases were particularly big in the four years to 2006, adding to the suspicion that the minimum wage was implicated in the rising rate of youth unemployment over that period.


  • 教练相信这是对于青年选手来说最棒长高时间

    Yao's coaches were convinced that the best time for an adolescent to grow taller was during sleep.


  • 梦想变成现实一个青年实现自己理想时代相信的梦想不久将来实现!

    When the dream into reality, in a era which let the youth realizing their ideal, I believe my dream will be realizing in the near future!


  • 难道认为中国青年应该拥有手机时装吗?难道我相信西方已经如此大量消费后,中国应该停止消费吗?

    Do I think that Chinese young people should not have phones and fashion? Do I believe that after the West has consumed so much that China should stop consuming?


  • 诗作完全缺乏青年萨福带给人那种与众不同的直觉使创作简直让人无法相信

    The utter lack of intuition that distinguishes Jong's young Sappho makes her authorship of this material simply impossible to believe.


  • 相信一切中年怀疑一切,青年知道一切。

    The old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, and the young know everything.


  • 相信自己的力量吧,我们青年

    Believe ourselves, we are young!


  • 相信青年一个热门话题

    I am sure it is a hot topic for the youth.


  • 现在很多青年男女相信占星术

    Nowadays, many young people believe in astrology.


  • 一些阿森纳球迷胤乐胤部不满球员一个低调青年球员一些相信温格已经发现了另一颗宝石。

    While some Arsenal fans are said to be disgruntled at the club signing yet another low-key player youth player, there are others who believe Arsene Wenger has uncovered another gem.


  • 沃特在之前青年足总杯上还没有开胡,简直无法相信所看到的。

    Watt, who had never scored a Youth Cup goal before the clash, couldn't quite believe what he was seeing.


  • 相信艾伦夫妇和他们做了那么多年邻居,早就知道他们的底细了。再说,他还认识那个将来要继承富勒产业青年

    The Allens, he believed, had lived near them too long, and he knew the young man on whom the Fullerton estate must devolve.


  • 只要本书成功,就能叫有志青年小说作者相信已经找到自己事业

    One successful book is enough to convince the aspiring young novelist that he has found his profession.


  • 相信通过参与“交流丰富多彩的活动青年朋友一定加深了解增进友谊创造中欧关系更加美好明天

    I believe that through the rich and colorful activities of the Year of Youth, young people will definitely deepen understanding, enhance friendship and create a better future of China-EU relations!


  • 范佩西相信阿森纳青年军团大好机会”联赛击败曼城希望自己能够参与其中

    Robin Van Persie believes Arsenal's youngsters have a "big chance" to beat Manchester City in the Carling Cup, but says he wants to be involved himself.


  • 简直不能相信达西先生这样不值得彬格莱先生器重可是,象韦翰这样一个青年美男子,她实在无从怀疑他说话诚实

    Darcy could be so unworthy of Mr. Bingley's regard; and yet, it was not in her nature to question the veracity of a young man of such amiable appearance as Wickham.


  • 相信,在你们河中国青年朋友努力下中非友谊之一定能够万古长青,中非互利合作一定能够更加兴旺

    I'm confident through our joint efforts, the tree of friendship between China and Africa will remain ever-green and our mutually beneficial cooperation even more prosperous.


  • 自豪每年夏天我是在农场打开充分青年男子需要有人相信他们这样他们就可以学会相信自己。

    I am proud to say that each summer I am the one in the ranch to open the gate for a van full of young men who need someone to believe in them, so they can learn to believe in themselves.


  • 米兰官员相信博卡青年不会以为里克而梅的签约世俱杯上实力大增

    AC Milan chiefs are confident Boca Juniors' Club World Championship hopes won't be boosted by the signing of Juan Roman Riquelme.


  • 来自阿甲克斯青年队,并且相信攻势足球但是过去几年进攻防守结合使得米兰做的更好

    I come from the Ajax school and believe in attacking football but a combination of attack and defence has served Milan well over recent years.


  • 相信生活青年精髓

    Belief in life is the essence of youth.


  • 青年自己的言词使实现了的:「请相信成功

    The young man made his own words come true: "Believe that you will succeed, and you will".


  • 今年的「国际佛光青年干部会议」,优秀欧洲地区佛光青年团的夥伴们承办。相信场精采的海云来可以期待的!

    This year's conference will be co-organized by the BLIA-YAD European Subdivisions. A magnificent gathering is to be expected.


  • 今年的「国际佛光青年干部会议」,优秀欧洲地区佛光青年团的夥伴们承办。相信场精采的海云来可以期待的!

    This year's conference will be co-organized by the BLIA-YAD European Subdivisions. A magnificent gathering is to be expected.


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