• 这个联合信号具有幅度、相位时间一致性好,便于DSP实时实现优点。

    The time of the combined A P signal is coherent, so the algorithm is implemented with digital signal processing (DSP).


  • 假设一个信号波形相同,那么信号的参数可用相位时间振幅公共波形来表示。

    Signal parameters can be represented by phase time, amplitude and common waveform on the assumption that a seismic signal has same waveforms on all traces.


  • 此法第一步是信号-空互相确定信号时间多项式多项式决定道的信号相位时间

    This method includes the following steps: 1. Obtain time polynomial of signal using cross correlation in a time-space window, the polynomial determining the phase times of signal on all traces;


  • 这项技术所有交叉口计算单一周期时间并将这个周期时间分割每一个交叉口绿灯时间而后调整相位以便等待时间减至最少。

    It computes a single cycle time for all intersections, splits this cycle time into green times for each intersection and then adjusts offset times in order to minimise waiting times.


  • 随后用激光穿过第一块透镜,导致两块透镜之间发生时间周围产生弥散,随后光通过第二时间透镜回到初始相位

    This dispersed the light around the events happening between the lenses. The light then passed through the second split time lens and returned to its original phase.


  • 一个看见这么满月机会出现在明年56日,而且它最圆的相位出现时间只有近地点附近分钟而已

    Your next chance to see the Moon this large and bright, this time at full phase within only a few minutes of lunar perigee, will be next year on May 6.


  • 交流电路中电流幅度连续不断地变化的,因此相位时间概念变得十分重要了。

    In ac circuits, the current amplitude changes continuously that the concept of phase or time becomes very important.


  • 3月19日那天月亮圆的相位发生月球运行近地点(月球轨道距离地球最近)附近一个小时以内时间内。

    Rising on March 19, its exact full phase occurred within an hour of perigee, the closest point in the Moon's orbit to Earth.


  • 这些信号分别模拟回波信号生成提供了天线增益大小、时间基准相位基准载波频率大小等重要参考信息。

    These signals provide an important reference of the gain of antenna, the time reference, the phase reference and the frequency of carrier wave for generating stimulant echo signal.


  • 给出了采用零差解调技术时干涉系统散粒噪声噪声,并且分析了不同时间延迟情况下的相位噪声。

    The shot noise and thermal noise with homodyne demodulation technique is given in this article. And phase noise induced with different time delay is also analyzed.


  • 相位校正时间进行的。

    The constant phase correction is performed in time domain.


  • 通过设置计数器K值,改变电路最大相位误差同步建立时间等性能。

    The Max phase error and synchronization build time can be changed through the setting of different K.


  • 结论脑电信号相位相干性指数随时间变化事件相关去同步事件相关同步现象相一致

    CONCLUSION: The mean phase coherence of EEG changed with time is coincident with event-related desynchronization and event-related synchronization.


  • 为了解决这个问题AA用来实现几何量子,研究发现,用它实现量子门拥有较快的门运算时间几何相位内在几何特性

    To solve this problem, AA phase was suggested to complete geometric quantum gates. These gates have the faster gate-operation time and intrinsic geometric features of the geometric phase.


  • 研究了基于相位时间延迟估计原理及其算法

    A time delay estimation algorithm and theory based on phase function were studied.


  • 为了解决非均匀介质中的传输问题利用光学相位共轭时间反演特性,实现对克斯林衍射积分公式的改进。

    In order to study laser propagation in inhomogeneous medium, Collins formula was improved by using time inversion characteristic of optic phase conjugation wave.


  • 一个时间空间函数分解具有一定振幅相位正弦函数(正弦余弦)之和(或积分)的过程

    The process of decomposing a function of time or space into a sum (or integral) of sinusoidal functions (sines or cosines) with specific amplitudes and phases.


  • 它们出生盘上相位关系越紧密两个太阳弧相位发生时间越靠近。

    The tighter the orb of the natal aspect, the closer in time the arcs will occur.


  • 理论推导表明随机相位谐波过程时间平均三阶累积非零值,而且一维切片仍然谐波过程

    Theoretical derivation indicates that time averaged three-order cumulant of signals, which are from(random) phase harmonic processes, is nonzero and its one-dimension slice is also a harmonic process.


  • 测试晶体的指教增益系数衍射效率相位共轭反射率响应时间等光折变性能。

    The exponential gain coefficient , diffractive efficiency , phase conjugate reflectivity and the response time were measured.


  • 并用这种理论应用在载波相位测量改进上,降低模糊度确定复杂性,用于时间传输技术

    This paper developed a new approach to improve GPS carrier phase measurement, for the purpose to reduce the ambiguity integer value or use it in time transfer technology.


  • 提出一种具有时间空间分辨率以及长的测量持续时间动态波前相位测量方法。

    A dynamic wavefront phase measurement with the features of high temporal and spatial resolution, and long measuring lasting time was proposed.


  • 介绍基于时间虚拟相位设计实现

    In this article the design and the realization of virtual phase meter based on.


  • 适应模糊控制中,考虑非机动车辆影响,根据相位排队长度,确定绿灯相位延时时间一个最佳绿灯相位

    In the adaptive fuzzy control, the delay time of the green phase and the next best one were on the base of the infection of the non-vehicle and the length of every phase queue.


  • 传统SVPWM控制方式存在时间,使系统输出电压能力降低,出现相位偏差波形畸变等现象

    Aiming at the phenomenon of reduced system output voltage capability, phase deflection and wave aberration of tradition SVPWM dead problem.


  • 本文介绍一种基于频率变换时间放大技术用于正弦周期信号相位精确测量延迟时间测量。

    This article introduces a technology of time amplifier based on frequency converter. It can be used for phase detection of sine period signal or determination of time delay.


  • 这种干扰地震记录整个时间具有很强能量并且频率相位振幅认为基本保持不变

    The interference wave has strong energy over whole time period of seismic records, and its frequency, phase and amplitude can be basically considered to maintain invariable.


  • 传统行人相位设计方法对比分析表明这种行人相位设计方法缩短行人过街最短绿灯时间降低了过街人均延误

    The comparison of the method and the traditional design method of pedestrian phases demonstrates the new method can shorten the minimum green time, and reduce pedestrian delay.


  • 传统行人相位设计方法对比分析表明这种行人相位设计方法缩短行人过街最短绿灯时间降低了过街人均延误

    The comparison of the method and the traditional design method of pedestrian phases demonstrates the new method can shorten the minimum green time, and reduce pedestrian delay.


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