• 这种按照部门划分的就业增长的普遍趋势与其他发达国家相似表示它们可能拥有共同的原因

    These broad trends in job growth by sector are quite similar in other rich countries, which suggests that they are subject to common factors.


  • 这种按照部门划分的就业增长的普遍趋势与其他发达国家相似表示它们可能拥有共同的原因

    These broad trends in job growth by sector are quite similar in other rich countries,which suggests that they are subject to common factors.


  • 类似关系表示应该密切关注相似尝试查找共同点,它们可以分解子集”用例或等价物

    Resembles relationships indicate that you want to look closely at similar use cases, trying to find commonality that can be factored out into "subset" cases or equivalents.


  • 我们数学它们表示出来时,我们发现他们使用数学相似的。

    We write them out mathematically, and we see they use very similar mathematics.


  • 对于具有相同属性相似结构规则,以表格形式表示它们比较方便

    For groups of rules that share a set of common attributes and have similar structure, it can be convenient to maintain in a tabular form.


  • 研究者表示条件看起来很有利时,男性挑选与自己相似配偶的自由,他们潜意识地认为与自己相似的配偶是将来培养他们后代的可依靠的伴侣

    When conditions seem favorable, the researchers suggest, men have the option of picking physically similar mates, whom they subconsciously deem dependable partners who will nurture their offspring.


  • 使用表示相似形式可以连续出现。

    The... is used to indicate possible continuation of similar forms.


  • Bar-Joseph表示这样布局当中,果蝇足够的特化细胞但是他们彼此并不相邻。 这与分布网络分工方式相似

    This layout, where there are enough specialized cells, or leaders, but no two are right next to each other, is very similar to how tasks are divvied up in distributed networks, says Bar-Joseph.


  • 表示-抽象-控制(Presentation -Abstraction - Control,PAC)——模式很多方面mvc相似,也功能分离类似角色

    Presentation-Abstraction-Control (PAC) — This pattern is similar in many ways to MVC in that it separates the functionality into similar roles.


  • XForms模型用途XML数据模型相似数据层表示层进行分离。

    The purpose of XForms model is similar to that of XML data model: to separate the data layer from the presentation layer.


  • 集结环境应当生产环境尽可能地相似包括每一服务器类型表示集成

    Your staging environment should resemble your production environment as closely as possible with each server type and integration point represented.


  • 其基本概念与把表示代码分隔开的其他框架相似

    Basic concepts resemble other frameworks that separate the presentation layer from the code.


  • 礼节性地表示兴趣漠不关心的情况则更为常见另一个武力摆脱殖民压迫的国家——美国非常相似:不快与好奇混杂在处。

    Polite interest and indifference are much more common, very similar to the United States, another country which threw off the colonial yoke by force: a similar mixture of wryness and curiosity.


  • 接着我们看到字符串 :// ,表示查找完全相似的字符串(简单吗?)

    Next we get the short string ://, which means to match anything that looks exactly like it (simple, huh?).


  • 本文提出了一非常相似原则根据内容用途不是表示来阐述的。

    I present a very similar guideline in this article, but I express it in terms of the intent of the content, rather than in terms of presentation.


  • 尽管语法C+ +相似,但所表示行为不一定同样相似

    Although the syntax is often similar to C + +, the behavior is not nearly so analogous.


  • 不同供应商使用不同的相似术语表示影响许可不同事物,从而造成更多费解

    To make things a little more confusing, different vendors use different or similar terms to mean different things that affect licensing (the point of that sentence was to be confusing).


  • 八个字母就是 12.5%(距离通常相对短语计算),因此采用这种方法CAT工具用 87.5% 来表示两个之间相似

    One character in eight represents 12.5% (difference is usually measured against the source phrase), so a CAT tool using this method would indicate that the similarity between the two words is 87.5%.


  • XML表示可以相似类比

    A similar analogy can be used in XML representation.


  • 今天一位电影评论家格拉迪奥施科夫表示,《阿达》斯特鲁加茨基的小说之间不可避免存在相似因为它们都反乌托邦的幻想之作

    Today one film critic said there would inevitably be similarities between Avatar and the Strugatskys' intellectually demanding novels as both were anti-utopian fantasies.


  • 相似,比单身女性多得多已婚女性(已婚56%比未婚41%)表示压力过去年中增加很多。

    Similarly, significantly more married women report that their stress has increased over the past five years (56 percent vs. 41 percent of single women).


  • 自然语言相似本性规则通过使用应用程序相关的词汇表定制的文法,把规则表示适合业务人员阅读的文本。

    Natural language-like textual rules: Using an application-specific vocabulary and a customizable grammar, rules are represented as business-friendly text.


  • 麻将起源于中国,与西方拉米纸牌游戏相似日本玩家表示这种出牌比赛需要技巧策略计算以及一定程度运气

    Mahjong, which originated in China, is similar to the western card game, rummy, and players in Japan said the tile game required skill, strategy, calculation and a degree of chance.


  • 对于不同环境中实现相似表示方式,有许多解决方案,或者说hack

    There are plenty of workarounds, or hacks, to achieve similar presentations in different environments.


  • 美国高级官员表示希拉里已经分别致电哥伦比亚中国外长,电话内容颇为相似个国家都是安理会理事国。

    Senior U. s. officials said Clinton had made separate, similar calls to the foreign ministers of Colombia and China, both of which hold council seats.


  • ElementTree的目标是以数据结构形式存储 XML文档表示,这些数据结构的行为方式同Python 中考虑数据的方式非常相似

    The goal of ElementTree is to store representations of XML documents in data structures that behave in much the way you think about data in Python.


  • 离散的逻辑表示问题无法紧性假设来解决,除非一些度量方法如相似差异个数表示

    These cannot be solved by the compactness hypothesis unless some metric is assumed that replaces the similarity measured by counting differences in predicates.


  • 卸货平台小编表示中、小型摄影升降机一般人力操纵,其底部移动结构摄影移动车相似

    Unloading platform of small series, said the small, small photography lifts are generally operated by human, the structure of the bottom of the mobile car and photographic mobile car is similar.


  • 曼彻斯特大学研究人员表示早前领域研究发现说唱音乐人莎士比亚用词极大的相似

    Manchester University said previous studies in the field have explored the similarities between the vocabulary of popular hip-hop artists with the words of Shakespeare.


  • 曼彻斯特大学研究人员表示早前领域研究发现说唱音乐人莎士比亚用词极大的相似

    Manchester University said previous studies in the field have explored the similarities between the vocabulary of popular hip-hop artists with the words of Shakespeare.


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