• 其次,论文设计了两种用于入口匝道控制神经网络控制器——直接积分

    Secondly, two neural networks controllers for the ramp control are developed, which are the direct controller and the PI controller.


  • 此类直接型数字平板探测仪薄膜晶体场效应管(TFT)阵列光传导组成。

    The FPD is composed by Thin Film Transistors (TFT) arrays and photo-conductive sensors.


  • 滤波器数值计算性能结构模块化等方面优于直接实现起来复杂

    Lattice fitter is superior to its counterpart of direct structure in numerical properties and modularity etc., but it is more complex to realize.


  • 单一集团直接进入最大数量生态区战略称为垂直经济

    This strategy of direct access to a maximum number of ecological zones by a single group is called vertical economy.


  • 然而新的交易开放式指数基金特殊目的在于一个已经供不应求市场里退出,使投资者工业用户直接参与供应竞争

    Yet the express purpose of the new ETFs is to take copper off a market that is already tight, bringing investors and industrial consumers into direct competition for supplies.


  • 两种措施可以帮助克服这些难题征收碳排放直接减少污染,通过补助金或者其他激励措施鼓励开发利用环保原材料的新工艺。

    To solve these problems, it helps to have two instruments to hand: a carbon tax to discourage pollution directly, and subsidies or other incentives to encourage innovation around the cleaner input.


  • 事实上冷空气正在膨胀加宽,直接导致非洲地区旱灾

    Indeed it is the widening of this cap of cold air that is the immediate cause of Africa's drought.


  • LCS战斗无法直接同022较量,指望获得胜利

    Nor could the LCS take on the Type 022 in direct combat and count on winning.


  • 你可以考虑采取搜索引擎优化、点击付费广告展示广告这样组合消费者直接带到酒店网站上——毕竟酒店自身网站的性价比依然最高的。

    Consider a mix of search engine optimization, pay-per-click, and Internet display advertising to lead shoppers directly to your website - still your most cost-effective channel.


  • 最近事件表明一些候鸟可能涉及直接传播致病H5N1病毒

    Recent events make it likely that some migratory birds are now implicated in the direct spread of the H5N1 virus in its highly pathogenic form.


  • 奖励规划有两个主要组成形式(图13-1)。金钱作为直接报酬雇主提供的。

    With the direct type of compensation, monetary rewards are provided by the employer.


  • 使用时,可以提供附加信息作为源代码一部分然后编译器会把附加的引用信息直接整合二进制的类文件中。

    When you use generics, you supply that added information as part of the source code, and the compiler incorporates the added reference type information directly into your binary class files.


  • PDO易用性使之在直接处理数据库自然地成为了首选方法,就因为原因SDO提供的关系DAS实现选择技术

    The ease of use of PDO makes it a natural choice when working directly with databases, and for this very reason is the technology chosen for the Relational DAS implementation provided with SDO.


  • 我们首先使用一些示例代码然后直接讨论如何运行访问信息

    We'll get started with some sample code and then jump right into how you access generic information at run time.


  • 消费关系特点瞬间存在,相应地带来直接快乐

    Consumer relationships are focused on the momentary present. It is what brings immediate pleasure that matters.


  • 解析思考者直接进入某个话题然后全面研究解决某个具体问题

    Analytical thinkers dive right into a single topic and research it thoroughly to resolve a specific problem.


  • 页面抓取本质上HTML页面反向工程,可以看成页面解释器,网页HTML编码,HTML以结构表示信息,实际数据布局代码以及效果信息混杂在一起,不能被计算机直接利用

    It can also be thought of as parsing out chunks of information from a page. Web pages are coded in HTML, which uses a tree-like structure to represent the information.


  • 例如Ruby程序中的实体必须一个真的对象但是某些比如整数直接存储的。

    For example, every entity in a Ruby program should be a true object, but certain values such as integers are stored as immediate values.


  • ABI Research提到了OMA智能卡网站服务器 这样的倡议,特别是一种增强SIM,可以直接连接运营商应用推送手机

    ABI Research mentions initiatives like OMA's Smartcard Web Server, essentially a souped-up SIM card that connects directly with the carrier to push applications to mobile phones.


  • 文档适合存储关系数据库但是XQuery非常擅长此道,它能直接XML 文档中抽取出量化信息

    That document would be ill suited to storage in a relational database, but XQuery would do a good job of extracting the quantified information from the XML document directly.


  • 持有犯罪主观罪过不仅包括直接故意,也包括间接故意。

    The subjective fault in holding crimes includes crimes of both direct intent and indirect intent.


  • 这些火力支援包括四轮30mm机关炮准确扫射枚GBU38精确制导联合直接攻击弹药目标狂轰滥炸。

    Miller's involvement in the employment of CAS was largely responsible for the accuracy of four 30mm strafe runs and the emplacement of three precision-guided GBU38 munitions on the objective.


  • 肝炎主要传播途径直接接触患者血液,其原因是输血重复使用未经灭菌针头针管

    Hepatitis C is spread mostly by direct contact with human blood as a result of blood transfusions and re-using non-sterilized needles and syringes.


  • 释放食物——可以想到直接可以入口食物,通常少于三步天然蔬菜水果坚果

    Foods that GIVE - pretty much anything you can imagine got from it's origin to your mouth in 3 or less steps. Unprocessed veg, fruit, meat, fish, nuts.


  • 庭院可以直接通向主要起居空间L厨房起居室餐厅围绕下沉户外空间北侧

    The courtyard is directly accessible from the main living Spaces. An L-shaped kitchen, living and dining room wraps around the north side of the sunken outdoor space.


  • 系列发电机具有优良动态性能直接空载起动0.7容量异步电动机无须附加任何起动装置

    The generators owns good dynamic performance, it can start 0.7 time of capacity mouse cage asynchronous directly with no load without attaching any starting device.


  • 通俗的提花面料就是通过织机直接出来通过不同组织表现形式不同部位进行展现

    Popular speaking, jacquard fabric is woven out directly by weaving patterns, it through different organization forms, will show the different parts of pattern.


  • 通俗的提花面料就是通过织机直接出来通过不同组织表现形式不同部位进行展现

    Popular speaking, jacquard fabric is woven out directly by weaving patterns, it through different organization forms, will show the different parts of pattern.


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