• 不仅开发人员提供构建应用程序的方法,借助它,还可以通过直接发行模型来向用户收取这些应用程序的使用费用。

    It offers developers a way to not only build application on the cloud, but to build applications that they can charge users money for through a direct distribution model.


  • 不幸关于方法资料很少没有得到Familiar发行版本的直接支持因为要求用户创建一个定制initrd文件系统

    Unfortunately, there is little information available on this method; it is not supported directly in the Familiar distribution as it requires the user to create a custom initrd filesystem.


  • Application Developer将来发行支持其他SCM产品,并能把它们资源库客户机工作空间直接连接起来。

    Future releases of Application Developer will support additional SCM products, with direct connection between their repository clients and the workspace.


  • 第二命令解压 XAMPP 发行直接放在 /opt 中(因此需要命令前面加上 sudo)。

    The second command extracts the XAMPP distribution and places it directly in /opt (thus the need to preface the command with sudo.


  • 关键驱动之一发行认识采用按展示付费广告(CPM)他们直接销售通过广告网络销售存货之间存在着巨大差异

    One of the key drivers is the huge disparities in CPMs that publishers realise when they sell directly and when remnant inventory is sold via ad networks.


  • 作为大型报纸发行金融时报推出应用软件领头羊。使得读者可以轻松读取获奖新闻可以通过手机直接迅地浏览网页

    The Financial Times was the first major news publisher to launch an app of this type, which allows readers to access its award-winning journalism easily and quickly direct from the phone's browser.


  • 比如交运印刷品零售店的拉加代尔分销部门固定成本,因此报纸杂志发行暴跌直接敞口风险

    Lagardere's distribution division, for example, which ships printed material out to retail stores, has fixed costs and direct exposure to tumbling newspaper and magazine circulation.


  • 超过90%日本报纸直接投递订户家中,发行实行按订阅的方式,这样就能使订阅者不会经常一时兴起到售报亭买报纸。

    Morethan 90 per cent of Japanese newspapers are delivered directly tothehome by publishers on monthly subscriptions that are less vulnerabletocancellation than impulse buys at kiosks.


  • 如果一个网站显示认证特定的颁发机构发行的,那么浏览器不会拒绝从而直接进入页面

    If a site displays a certificate issued by a proper authority, the browser will load the page with no objection.


  • 我们不想购买,我们希望他们直接交出来因为他们苏丹人民发行新的货币之后苏丹镑将没有任何价值。

    We do not want to buy it; we want to just, they surrender it to us because it's valueless after they give the value to the Southern Sudanese citizens; then it is valueless.


  • 尽管几位教授并未直接指控评级机构根据钱多少决定评级,但其言下之意清晰不过财大气粗发行获得的评级宽松

    Though the professors don't outright accuse the ratings agencies of running a pay-for-play scheme, the implications are clear: Issuers with bigger pockets received more generous scores.


  • 系统发布前后推出Celladdons光盘上包含Fedora56直接支持而且提供了其他Linux发行开发PS 3移植所需所有文件

    The "Cell addons" CD released around the system's launch included direct support for Fedora 5 and 6, but it also provided all the files needed for other distributions to develop PS3 ports.


  • 发行渠道是否通畅健壮,直接关系到报刊市场影响力品牌形象。

    The haleness and smoothness of issuance channel will relate the market force of the newspapers and periodical directly.


  • 记住版本直接通过Ubuntu V 7.10发行归档进行编译

    Keep in mind that this release will not compile straight from the archive on the Ubuntu V7.10 distribution.


  • 一个解决方案就是使用活动的”Linux发行Knoppix可以直接CD运行

    One solution would be to use a "live" Linux distribution such as Knoppix, which can be run directly from CD. This is certainly viable for occasional use, but it has a number of serious drawbacks


  • 1895年,买下纽约晨报》,著名约瑟夫·普利策展开直接竞争开始了一场扩大发行的商战。

    In 1895, he purchased the New York Morning Journal, putting him in direct competition with the distinguished Joseph Pulitzer and a circulation war began.


  • 通常直接投资者销售新发行债券不在股票交易所上市也不提供招股说明书。

    It usually refers to a bond issue placed directly to investors but not listed on a stock exchange and does not have a prospectus.


  • 刚才消息文本来看,可以直接告诉什么样程序发行

    Just by looking at the text of the message, I can immediately tell what line of my program issued it.


  • 不是发行网站认证发行产品认证没有直接关联。

    No, Vendor Site Certification and Vendor Product Certification may be mutually exclusive.


  • 只能直接发行该信托基金不动产公司(销售代表)购买份额

    You must buy shares directly from the real estate company offering them (or through one of their sales representatives).


  • 那么投资者选择接近自己期望期限那些期票,直接发行手中购买那些证券

    Investors then select those maturities that most closely approximate their expected holding periods and buy the securities directly from the issuer.


  • 彩票公益金使用方向则直接取决于彩票发行目的

    The usage of the public welfare fund from lottery ticket sales directly depends on the purpose of lottery sales.


  • 公开发行证券如果不在其他国内股票市场交易直接交易市场交易。

    Public securities issues not traded on any domestic stock exchange are traded in the OTC market.


  • 通常情况下,通过交易商投放票据公司无论是公司的规模还是发行的次数都比不上直接票据发行者。

    Companies using dealers to place their paper are generally smaller and less frequent borrowers than issuers of direct paper.


  • 需要订购直接销售链接开始着手不是发行商主页的间接销售链接。

    You will need to start with your direct sales link to the order form rather than your indirect sales link to the vendor's homepage.


  • 需要订购直接销售链接开始着手不是发行商主页的间接销售链接。

    You will need to start with your direct sales link to the order form rather than your indirect sales link to the vendor's homepage.


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