• 默向保证,尽管过去不曾是个父亲,但他将来的时间里当他需要的时候陪伴在他身边。

    Palmer promises Keith that, although he hasn’t been a good father in the past, he will be there for him in the future.


  • 但是如果全世界遗产一样可视化,现实的世界随着人们变化

    But if all World Heritage sites were virtualized like Wikipedia, the physical places could continue to change with the people.


  • 斯托说,建交22年来中国给予里巴斯援助支持感谢中国里巴斯友好情谊

    Tito expressed his thanks for China's assistance and support for Kiribati in the past 22 years and China's friendly feelings towards Kiribati.


  • 只是知道怎样控制我自己……”我说道强忍住笑出声可是斯一嬉皮笑脸看,结果我还是没有忍住?

    "I just don't know how I contain myself..." I said trying not to laugh but failing as Keith continued to stare at me grinning from ear to ear.


  • 约翰喜欢户外活动乡村生活一个有着同样爱好的女孩结了婚,多么幸运

    John always liked the outdoors and rural living. How lucky he was to marry a girl who also took pleasure in these things.


  • 德国协会,是德国民法成立的注册协会,认为是德国税收机关赞助慈善组织。

    Wikimedia Germany, a registered association under German civil law, has been recognized as pursuing charitable purposes only by the German tax authority.


  • 自从公司成立最好朋友

    He has also been Gene's best friend since they founded the business.


  • 肯尼迪先生希望自己妻子接任

    Mr Kennedy wanted his wife, Vicky, to succeed him.


  • 马利斥责阿拉维的向外寻求调解外国干涉我国内务破坏我们主权”。

    Mr Maliki has castigated Mr Allawi’s call for mediation as a bid for “foreign interference in our internal affairs that would breach our sovereignty”.


  • 马利很顽固,他寻找其他方法

    But Mr Maliki has been doggedly seeking to cling on in other ways.


  • 吉格斯特拉福德效力的这些年中,一最好的队友合作——其中包括罗伊·大卫·贝克·汉姆——学会了去适应没有他们日子

    Giggs has played alongside the best at Old Trafford - Roy Keane and David Beckham among them - and learnt to adapt after they had moved on.


  • 格鲁吉亚认为其他人思考艺术家作品什么并不重要曾经写信给她的一个朋友,“...喜欢做的。”

    Georgia O'Keeffe always argued that what others think of the artist's work is not important. She once wrote to a friend, "... I'll do as I please."


  • 博士说:“时间以来,人们都在寻找疼痛诊断器’。我们有望最终利用这项技术慢性疼痛病症做出更好诊断治疗。”

    "People have been looking for a pain detector for a very long time, we're hopeful we can eventually use this technology for better detection and better treatment of chronic pain." mackey.


  • 去年耶夫承诺关闭美军吉尔吉斯斯坦空军,这是俄罗斯坚持的,作为交换俄罗斯资助其二十亿美元。

    Last year Mr Bakiyev extracted a $2 billion aid package from Russia in exchange for a promise to close an American military air base in Kyrgyzstan, as Russia insisted.


  • 过去10个月在给你写信要求发表公开声明谴责圣地亚哥山达所作所为,”哈吉斯信中写道

    For ten months now I have been writing to ask you to make a public statement denouncing the actions of the Church of Scientology of San Diego, ” Haggis wrote.


  • ·库克曾经研究生物燃料电池,他一种称作MudWatt的家庭自制电池组

    Keegan Cooke, a former microbial fuel cell researcher, has been selling a home-built battery called a MudWatt kit.


  • 西英格兰大学研究员安德鲁·亚达马特兹(Andrew Adamatzky)2006年以来观察黏菌,并从它们生长中得到设计计算机软件的灵感。

    Andrew Adamatzky, a researcher at the University of West England, has been watching slime molds since 2006, finding inspirations in their growth for designing computer software.


  • 几天,阿尔伯·克(albuquerque,美国新墨西哥州中部城市)人家后院人们谈论教育时候,有人个一难忘的问题

    The other day, I was talking about education with some folks in the backyard of an Albuquerque home, and someone asked a question that's stayed with me.


  • 美国几年风能份额稳步增长去年一年就增加了一千万千瓦电站这占美国全部发电量的39%。

    The onshore portion of the industry has been growing healthily in recent years, with more than 10, 000 MW of wind power added last year alone, representing 39% of all new U.S. power generation.


  • 密斯凯维吉是个个儿、身材匀称肌肉发达棕色头发特征鲜明,他聚集在一起的山达信徒宣告过去年里哈伯德在钻研新的更高OT层次。

    Short, trim, and muscular, with brown hair and sharp features, Miscavige announced to the assembled Scientologists that, for the past six years, Hubbard had been investigating new, higher o.t..


  • ,“我们个都孩子多尔、布林彼此承诺相爱一生,我们想拓展我们家庭。”

    Kitten says: 'The three of us have always wanted kids. Doll, Brynn and I are committed to each other and we wanted to grow our family.


  • 回来后狂热而快乐地围着一拐地打转。她整个上学期间他都一坚持用这种欢迎仪式

    When Becky returned, he limped and tottered in wild, joyous circles around her. This welcoming ritual persisted throughout her school years.


  • 布罗博内拉还有塞尔·吉尼奥不错他们现在没有很多比赛,但是他们表现出他们能够得很为什么他们使用

    Brocchi, Bonera, and Serginho all did well, they haven't played a lot until now but they showed they can always do well, that's why they will be used more.


  • 效力于密尔沃雄鹿队,拥有非常出色表现。桑在赛场上得到了大量分数,技术运用得相当出色

    NBA and has had a very successful season with the Milwaukee Bucks. Ersan has been scoring a lot of points and playing very well.


  • 效力于密尔沃雄鹿队,拥有非常出色表现。桑在赛场上得到了大量分数,技术运用得相当出色

    NBA and has had a very successful season with the Milwaukee Bucks. Ersan has been scoring a lot of points and playing very well.


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