• 利用目标搜寻系统机器人模型我们目标搜寻系统目的连续统下了定义

    Using robotic models of goal-seeking systems, we define a teleologicalcontinuum of goal-seeking systems;


  • 行星搜寻主要目标之一找到具有地球特征可能蕴含生命的地外行星

    One of the main goals of planet hunting is to find exoplanets that have the characteristics of Earth and may consequently contain life.


  • 但是外国石油巨头皇家荷兰壳牌公司埃克森美孚公司加强保安措施,将专业人员迁移尼日尔三角洲地区后绑架者开始搜寻更容易对付的目标

    But, as foreign oil giants such as Royal Dutch Shell and ExxonMobil have tightened security and shifted professional staff out of the Delta, attackers have started looking for softer targets.


  • 除此之外,由于天文学家们如今已容易发现新的星球,其中有更多星球适于生存,这样搜寻地外文明计划又多许多貌似可以达到的目标

    On top of that, as astronomers get better at discovering planets, and find more habitable ones, the number of plausible targets for SETI will increase.


  • 一旦大脑有了一个目标调整知觉系统周围环境搜寻相关线索StevenSloman,这位布朗大学认知科学家如是说。

    Once the brain has a goal in mind, it tunes the perceptual system to search the environment” for relevant clues, said Steven Sloman, a cognitive scientist at Brown University.


  • 但是Hype主页另一个特点把歌曲最下面,随机发生器颠覆了仅仅瞄准搜寻目标观点

    But hidden down at the bottom of the Hype homepage is another feature, the randomizer, that flips the idea of targeted search on its head.


  • 而且如果我们分别行动,”尼可拉,“他们搜寻目标就要了,不再父母两个儿子,而是三口之家和一对祖孙。”

    "And if we're divided, " said Nikolai, "it changes the profile of what they're looking for. Not a mother and father and two boys.


  • 与其单个搜寻顾客目标打广告,这种法子将使一举挺进目标顾客从而一鸣惊人。

    Instead of beating the bushes for customers with individual referrals or scattershot ads, you can tap into a targeted group of consumers en masse to jumpstart sales.


  • 目标明确就会神奇的效力,你会无意识搜寻达到目的途径

    When you're specific something magical happens. You're mind unconsciously searches out ways for you to achieve your goal.


  • 过去,雀巢中国四处搜寻收购目标没有一眼挑中徐福记

    Nestlé has been sniffing around for takeover targets in China for the past two years. Hsu Fu Chi is not its first bite.


  • 武器操作员白天亮光使用一个潜望镜白光瞄准镜(7公里范围不良天气条件夜间使用成像搜寻定位目标

    The weapon operator search and locate the target using a periscope optical sight (7km range) in day light, or a thermal imager at night or in bad weather conditions.


  • 科学家搜寻目标显示遭到猎杀痕迹的动物骸骨他们希望猎人可能留下自己一些DNA

    The scientists searched for animal bones that showed signs of being butchered. They hoped that the hunters might have left behind some of their DNA.


  • 征服者但是我没有继续在这一黄金国搜寻,我把目标转向了免费样品区,”文章继续写道。

    "I was a conquistador, but rather than searching the land for El Dorado, I scoured aisles for free samples," it continued.


  • 自然法主要目标搜寻那些使人类能够共同地满意生活社会制度原则

    The central aim of natural law is the search for those principles of social order which will enable men to attain a satisfactory life in common.


  • 黑熊并非目标,他正在搜寻的是令人敬畏更珍稀动物:吉特盖特人把它称作“mooksgm'ol”,就是精灵(白灵熊)的意思,它是一种可以行走的“矛盾体”---一种白色的黑熊

    He's after a more revered and rare creature: what the Gitga'at call mooksgm'ol, the spirit bear, a walking contradiction—a white black bear.


  • 记住面试目标说服面试官这个职位最佳人选,而后你就会进入工作搜寻第二阶段录用用通知

    Keep in mind that the goal of the interview is to convince your interviewer that you are the best person for the job so that you will proceed to the next stage of the job search process: the offer.


  • 指令读取器亦产生搜寻输出分支目标缓冲器中

    The fetcher also generates a search address for output to the branch target buffer.


  • 它们可以在远处投放本能地搜寻目标体温

    They can be delivered remotely, and instinctively seek out the body heat of their target.


  • 蜘蛛世界各地都有分布,他们的眼睛一对很大,双筒望远镜一样四处搜寻潜在目标

    Jumping spiders are found all over the world. Their eight eyes include an oversized central pair, which act like powerful binoculars to spot potential victims.


  • 其他的一些行星系中,保证生命长存的可能性还是存在的,因此那些星系成为太阳系以外搜寻生命的主要目标

    But in other systems long-term survival is possible, and therefore these systems should be prime targets in searches for life beyond the Solar system.


  • 目标建立一套搜寻演算法能够机器人自动搜寻而且找到矿藏暂停在矿物上方

    The goal is to create a search algorithm that lets the robot hunt autonomously, and when a mine is found to pause on top of it.


  • 网上的信息量让人难以置信,重要记住自己搜寻目标不要偏离主题

    There is a huge amount of information on the Web, so it is important to remember your search topics and avoid distractions.


  • 根据搜寻目标,你可以自己判断这些资料是否相关

    Depending on what you are looking for, you have to judge for yourself how relevant the material is for you.


  • 下列范例使用登录搜寻判断档案目标目录

    The following example USES a registry search to determine the target directory for a file.


  • 这次搜寻一个目标就是埋在地下的价值据说是多达200多吨黄金的财宝

    One object of the search this time is buried treasure amounting, it is said, to no less than 200 tons of gold.


  • 一旦大脑有了一个目标调整知觉系统周围环境搜寻相关线索StevenSloman,这位布朗大学认知科学家如是说。

    "Once the brain has a goal in mind, it tunes the perceptual system to search the environment" for relevant clues, said Steven Sloman, a cognitive scientist at Brown University.


  • 一旦大脑有了一个目标调整知觉系统周围环境搜寻相关线索StevenSloman,这位布朗大学认知科学家如是说。

    "Once the brain has a goal in mind, it tunes the perceptual system to search the environment" for relevant clues, said Steven Sloman, a cognitive scientist at Brown University.


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