• DRS公司红外热成像技术可以让士兵通过恶劣环境诸如风沙或大雾看到目标详情

    DRS 'infrared imaging technology enables soldiers to see target detail even through heavy obscurants such as sandstorms and fog.


  • 所说是对信息技术一个独特有意义目标了解将如何影响所在行业公司

    I'm talking about having a unique and meaningful perspective on the world of information technology and knowing how it's likely to affect your industry and your company.


  • 门户技术公司目标一致性

    Portal technology alignment with corporate objectives.


  • 即使那个区间符合公司目标公司也必须考虑是否拥有必需技术资源那个区间成功

    Even if the segment fits the company's objectives, the company must consider whether it possesses the requisite skills &resources to succeed in that segment.


  • 通信公司声称,他们目标经过一段时间后技术应用宾馆以及商业楼居民住宅。

    Over time, the telecom company said it aimed for the technology to be deployed at other hotels as well as at commercial and residential buildings.


  • 英国广播公司注资了这项研究并且于本周报导了发现,随后一则报道描述利用的探测技术发现目标

    The BBC, which funded the research, released the findings this week ahead of a broadcast describing the technique and what was uncovered.


  • 除了上述配备以外,尔比特系统公司无人炮塔完全结合了双轴稳定自动目标跟踪技术

    In addition to the aforementioned elements, Elbit Systems' unmanned turret combines fully stabilized dual axes and an automatic target tracker.


  • 宝洁公司,联合利华美国竞争对手使用类似的技术试图解读目标群体在观看公司广告之后反应。

    Procter & Gamble, an American competitor, is using similar technology to decipher the expressions of focus groups viewing its advertisements.


  • 一个良好美国就业机会一直目标。”庄臣控制公司(JohnsonControls)的27岁技术工卡米拉·托雷斯介绍道

    "It has always been my goal to have a good American job," Johnson Controls technician Camilla Torres, 27, said.


  • 参与好几公司建立包括LS 9,Joule生物技术(生产生物燃料目标)Microbia(计划制造特殊化学品)。

    He has been involved in the foundation of several companies, including LS9 and Joule Biotechnologies (which hope to manufacture biofuels) and Microbia (which plans to make speciality chemicals).


  • 这家生物制药公司去年进行了重大并购——买下制药公司Gloucester生物技术公司Abraxis——以推进成为肿瘤治疗领域领导者目标

    The biopharmaceutical company made two major acquisitions last yearthe pharmaceutical company Gloucester and biotech firm Abraxis — to advance its goal of becoming an oncology leader.


  • 帕斯特纳克先生生物仿制制药威胁到了现有生物技术制药公司安进公司基因泰克公司(现在已属瑞士制药巨头罗氏旗下),他们数十亿美元销售目标现在都风险

    Biosimilars threaten incumbent biotech firms such as Amgen and Genentech (now part of Roche, a Swiss drugs giant), which have billions of dollars of sales at risk, argues Mr Pasternak.


  • 强大的经济刺激促使生物技术公司富裕国家市场作为第一目标以便能够尽快回收产品开发高额成本

    Biotech firms have a strong financial incentive to target rich markets first in order to help them rapidly recoup the high costs of product development.


  • 微观目标培育我国具有自主核心技术国际大型跨国公司

    The micro goal should be developing China's multinational corporations with the autonomous kernel technology of its own.


  • 公司目标追求成长,永续经营,为客户提供附加值关联产品技术

    Company aim:pursuing pullatation , carry over the management all the time, supply relating with the high appended value products and technology.


  • CICCS最终目标电力建筑公司签署一系列合作协议,从而推动这项技术商业化进程。

    CICCS's ultimate goal is to sign collaborative agreements with power and construction companies to move forward with the commercialisation of the technology.


  • C集团公司甲醇装置扩能技术改造项目目标市场、市场占有份额、主要竞争对手、(项目)产品市场竞争力、主要营销策略等做了分析论证。

    Based on the renovation project of methanol plant in company c, the paper analyzed the target market, market share, main players, product competition, and marketing strategy.


  • 提出公司资源优势产业优势、实现湿法提铜产业化目标技术思路

    It also puts forward the targets and the technical ideas to turn resource advantage to be industrial advantage and to industrialize hydro - metallurgical copper recovery.


  • 卡文制作公司“无影电影”,道格玛95下应运而生的,目标运用数码技术拍摄长片。

    Khavn DE la Cruz "production company, Filmless films, was created in reaction to Dogma 95, where the goal was to make feature films made exclusively with digital technology."


  • 企业经营目标成为涂料色彩研究技术应用国际化专业公司

    The business goal is as follows: to become an international professional company in the field of dope color research and technical application.


  • 制定负责区域销售政策负责管理本区域内销售、技术服务,组织开展所有必要的商务技术活动,完成公司目标销售额

    Make up the sales policies in the responsible area, take in charge of regional sales, technical service, Organize all necessary commercial and technical activities, Fulfill company sales target.


  • 强大的经济刺激促使生物技术公司富裕国家市场第一目标以便尽快回收产品开发高额成本

    Biotech firms have a strong financial incentive to target rich markets first in order to help them rapidly recoup the high costs of product development.


  • 公司坚持一流的技术完善服务宗旨始终客户需求作为我们最终的工作目标每一用户满意我们永远的承诺

    Companies adhere to the first-class technology and better services for the purpose, always put the customer's needs as our ultimate goal, so that every customer satisfaction is our eternal commitment.


  • 以前系统全部由军人操作没有制造公司技术人员,成功进行了首次THAAD(一个飞毛腿导弹(SCUD)类型目标飞行摧毁)测试

    Two years ago, there was a successful test of THAAD (a SCUD type target was destroyed in flight) using a crew of soldiers for the first time, and not manufacturer technicians, to operate the system.


  • 公司创办以来坚持以诚为本,以待人准则以追求产品质量、高技术高效率、高水准服务我们奋斗目标

    Since its establishment, adhere to the "honesty, to treat the letter" test. Pursuit of high quality products, high technology, high efficiency, high quality service to our goal.


  • 公司技术创新追求完美企业目标

    The company sets "Technical Innovation, Pursuit of Perfection" as enterprise goal.


  • 要想实现这个目标纸张电池公司正在印刷业合作伙伴一道进一步完善技术降低其成本

    But for that to happen, Power Paper is working with printing partners to further develop the technology and iron out costs.


  • 要想实现这个目标纸张电池公司正在印刷业合作伙伴一道进一步完善技术降低其成本

    But for that to happen, Power Paper is working with printing partners to further develop the technology and iron out costs.


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