• 这个扭矩虽然量级很小星系角动量演化是一个长期的效应。

    The absolute value is small, but the long term influence to the evolution of the dynamics of the disk galaxy is not negligeable.


  • 张高清图片展现了这个星系壮观恒星的正面特征背景上还有这一些星系有些还能透过M101 看到

    The sharp image shows stunning features in the galaxy's face-on disk of stars and dust along with background galaxies, some visible right through M101 itself.


  • 这个星系蓝色碎片形成以及中心区域喷发出来看似炽热羽状

    The galaxy is remarkable for its bright blue disk, webs of shredded clouds and fiery-looking plumes of glowing hydrogen blasting out of its central regions.


  • 星系是种稀有星系类型,它们有着几乎平面垂直,呈环形公转大量的恒星气体星尘

    A rare galaxy type, polar ring galaxies have a substantial population of stars, gas, and dust orbiting in rings nearly perpendicular to the plane of the galactic disk.


  • 科学家们知道行星是从年轻恒星周围物质形成的,但是理论认为尘埃转变非常人们很少见到一阶段物体

    Scientists know planets form out of the discs of material around young stars, but theory says the transition from dust disc to planetary system is rapid and few objects are caught during this phase.


  • 星系其它星系之间相互作用引力可能导致NGC 3190的不对称环绕中心星系出现了扭曲

    Gravitational tidal interactions with other members of its group have likely caused the spiral arms of NGC 3190 to appear asymmetric around the center, while the galactic disk also appears warped.


  • 这个模型追踪海王星轨道无数个微小物体运行轨迹,可以帮助天文学家计算其他星系尘埃行星特性

    The new model, which tracks thousands of tiny particles beyond the orbit of Neptune, could help astronomers work out the properties of planets in other stars' dust disks.


  • 这种奇怪设置可能由于星系捕获途径的星系中的物质,而被捕获物质形成了这个旋转环形所致。

    The bizarre configuration could have been caused by the chance capture of material from a passing galaxy by the disk galaxy, with the captured debris strung out in a rotating ring.


  • 画面上方横着遥远的星星之河尘云旋涡星系我们银河系一部分

    Across the top of the image runs a distant stream of bright stars and dark dust that is part of the disk of our spiral Milky Way Galaxy.


  • 我们之所以很少能看到这么星系主要是由于我们的地球一定要处在(接近于)这些超薄星系推测所在的平面内才能看到薄的那一面。

    Galaxies that appear this thin are rare mostly because our Earth must reside (nearly) in the extrapolated planes of their thin galactic disks.


  • 远离螺旋星系状物出现大约400的位置,螺旋星系惊人美景出现在500以后。

    A pan away from a spiral galaxy occurs at about 4:00, and breathtaking vistas of the spiral occur until past 5:00.


  • 含有脉冲星出现大约1430的位置。

    Binary star systems containing a pulsar and an accretion disk occur beginning at about 14:30.


  • 范登柏特别著迷于星系星系中心超大质量黑洞形成过程

    Van den Bosch is particularly intrigued by the formation of disk galaxies and of massive black holes in galactic centers.


  • 目前星系形成理论认为星系中的重子物质冷却坍缩而成。

    In the current paradigm of galaxy formation, disk galaxies are assumed to form by the cooling and condensation of baryons within dark matter halos.


  • 同时,从三维星系密度稳定性讨论推出径向速度弥散度的变化规律。

    We also obtain the variation of the radial dispersion of velocities with r through the stability of the density wave in three-dimensional dishlike galaxies.


  • NGC 2976典型的涡旋星系一个星暴看不到臂;

    NGC 2976 does not look like a typical spiral galaxy. It has a star-forming disk, but no obvious spiral pattern.


  • 早型发光天体为主体星系中,根据光度分布规律可以得到密度分布。

    The mass distribution of surface density can be derived from the laws of surface luminosity distribution for earlier-type discoid galaxies, of which the main contents are bright.


  • 初始均匀磁场卷而星系中形成螺旋形的结构其中磁场和星际气体冻结在一起的。

    The initial uniform magnetic field will wind into the spiral structures in the galactic disk, in which the magnetic field and the interstellar gas are frozen together.


  • 这些讨论表明,活动星系短时标光特征吸积模型提供强有力的支持

    The conclusion is: the short term variability behavior provides a strong support to the thick accretion disk model of AGN.


  • 使用价值人格评估工具星系文件

    There is also value in using personality assessment tools such as the DISC Profile.


  • 星系磁场处于磁重平衡状态

    The magnetic fields of galaxies are in magneto-gravitational equilibrium.


  • 星系中的引力作用给我们留下了明显信号其中包括NGC 3628扭曲膨胀星系M66拉长螺旋

    Gravitational interactions between galaxies in the group have also left telltale signs, including the warped and inflated disk of NGC 3628 and the drawn out spiral arms of M66.


  • 本文密度理论出发,讨论三维星系旋臂结构

    In this paper we discuss the spiral structure of dish galaxies in three-dimension according to the density wave theory.


  • 图像突出星系结构微妙的围绕着一个明亮的红色隆起并联运行尘埃以及一个透明

    The image highlights the galaxy's structure: a subtle, reddish bulge surrounding a bright nucleus, a blue disk of stars running parallel to the dust lane, and a transparent outer halo.


  • 本文中我们利用不稳定模型爆模型的基本思想,模拟活动星系光学波段的光度和光谱斜率变化,并将模拟的结果和观测进行比较

    In this paper, using disk-instability model and starburst model, the AGN optical variability and spectral slope variability are simulated and confronted with observations.


  • 本文结果用于类星体星系吸积

    The result of this paper may be applied to the accretion discs in quasars and AGN.


  • 三个星系均为大型螺旋星系之所以看上去有所不同是因为星系朝向我们视角不同

    All three are large spiral galaxies. They tend to look dissimilar because their galactic disks are tilted at different angles to our line of sight.


  • 星系遍布尘埃带,错综复杂尘埃带正好位于明亮核心前方。

    The complexity of this dust is apparent directly infront of the bright nucleus, but is also evident in the dark absorbing lanes throughout the disc.


  • 类似效应也会出现在恒星周围以及螺旋星系周围的气体上。

    A similar effect flattens the debris disks around stars and the gaseous disks of spiral galaxies.


  • 类似效应也会出现在恒星周围以及螺旋星系周围的气体上。

    A similar effect flattens the debris disks around stars and the gaseous disks of spiral galaxies.


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