• 监狱里,被狱友绝望情绪深深激动,于是要求监狱提供藉给他们

    Struck by his fellow prisoners' hopelessness, he asks the prison board for books for them to read.


  • 如果相信生活自由,我就会因此认为生活一个监狱

    If I believe that life is not free, I therefore believe that life is a prison.


  • 实际上电视上播放实施致命注射录像带最终使他进了监狱

    Indeed, it was the televising of a tape of him actually administering a lethal injection that eventually put him in prison.


  • 他们押往迪亚拉内务管理主要监狱重罪单位”。

    They were taken to the Major Crimes Unit, the main prison in Diyala, run by the Interior Ministry.


  • 第三,《不存在存在》,明年推出),叙述诗人的遭软禁、诗人以色列审讯人员的针锋相对几度进出监狱

    the third, “In the Presence of Absence”, will come out next year), it recounts the poet's house arrest, his run-ins with Israeli interrogators and various spells in jail.


  • 但是这个钱有一分用来贿赂当地警察这样,警察才不会骚扰或者她抓监狱

    She normally earns $50 per client, but from that amount she must bribe the local police to keep from being harassed or put in jail.


  • 加利福尼亚有全美最大州立监狱系统去年这里的囚犯手中没收手机超过了2800,比2007年了一番。

    In California, home to the country's largest state prison system, more than 2, 800 cell phones were confiscated from inmates last year, double the number seized in 2007.


  • 例如三个年轻沙特电影工作者在互联网上发布了一无害纪录片,内容是讲沙特首都利雅得贫困,可是10月中旬以来他们一直被关监狱日渐憔悴。

    Three young Saudi film-makers, for instance, have languished in prison since mid-October after airing an innocuous documentary about poverty in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, over the internet.


  • 人们培养爱好机会同时也是监狱动态安全策略分:全心投入一件事情中时,犯人很少会和狱警或狱友发生冲突。

    It's a chance for inmates to pick up a new hobby, but it's also a part of the prison's dynamic security strategy: occupied prisoners are less likely to lash out at guards and one another.


  • 自从这份报告发布以后司法行政没有找到一位合适投标人监狱提供手机探测设备

    Since the report was published the Ministry of Justice has failed to find a suitable bidder for the provision of mobile phone detection equipment in prisons.


  • 然而访问者来到迪亚拉省时,却发现这里的美军士兵将犯人转交内务监狱他们表示,通常做法

    However, US soldiers in Diyala were transferring detainees to an Interior Ministry prison when the Monitor was present, and said that this was normal practice.


  • 韦德当初以为几个老兄逃出监狱就会立马干掉,高兴渐而成为了主线剧情

    Wade says that he would have thought his character would have been done after the boys escaped from prison, but he's grateful to have been a part of the series.


  • 《铁窗喋血》(CoolHandLuke, 1967)是一监狱传奇纽曼饰演的角色一个吵闹的罪犯转变为殉道者

    Cool Hand Luke was a powerhouse prison saga, casting Newman as the rambunctious convict turned Christ-like martyr.


  • 内务承诺2012年前建立15监狱,但只有2完工,且只能容纳1200名囚犯

    The interior ministry has completed just two of the 15 new jails it has promised to build by 2012, with a capacity of only 1, 200 inmates.


  • 阿肯色州监狱血液丑闻阿肯色州犯罪改造卡明斯单位出售囚犯身上提取血浆结果

    The Arkansas prison blood scandal resulted from the state's selling plasma extracted from prisoners at the Cummins Unit of the Arkansas Department of Correction (ADC).


  • BBC纪录片中,卢旺达反对派表示如果遇难者家属拒绝其尸骨挖掘出来,会被送到监狱

    In a BBC documentary, the Rwandan opposition said the government threatened to send in prisoners if families refused to move the remains.


  • 毕业生有从事与监狱其他惩教设施相关的职业,也有一学校学者专门研究这一领域

    While most prepare for careers in prisons and other correctional facilities, others go on to graduate school and become scholars who conduct research in the field.


  • 相反虔诚的,过时的让灵魂升华的监狱戏剧终身监禁的罪犯必须打碎他们的情感上锁链,以最终获得真正的自由

    Instead, it's a devoutly old-fashioned, spiritually uplifting prison drama about two lifers who must break their emotional shackles before they can finally become free men.


  • 精神控制实验成为加州已经十年并且渗入到了精神病院监狱

    Mind control experiments have been part of California for decades and permeate mental institutions and prisons.


  • 论述监狱企业内涵及其特征分析监狱企业产生背景存在价值

    Part I has discussed jail enterprise connotation and their characteristic, analytical jail enterprise creation background and existence have been worth.


  • 第四主要论述监狱企业公司制目标组织形式

    Part IV has discussed the target and organization form that jail enterprise corporate system changes mainly.


  • 司法行政湖北高等法院及其所属监狱也都制订颁布劳役、收监戒护、分管分押、教诲教育管理制度。

    The judicial department and Hubei superior court constituted and published some systems. on the penal servitude, putting in prison and protection, management respectively, education and tuition.


  • 刑事法律体系完备、现行行刑主体多元化、《监狱法》的缺陷都呼唤制定一统一的刑事执行

    A criminal execution code is needed because of the perfection of criminal legal system, the multi criminal execution subjects and the shortcomings of prison law.


  • 第三主要外国监狱企业经营管理模式进行了介绍

    Part III is that the pattern has been in progress to foreign jail enterprises operation and management mainly introduce that.


  • 第三主要外国监狱企业经营管理模式进行了介绍

    Part III is that the pattern has been in progress to foreign jail enterprises operation and management mainly introduce that.


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