• 审计功能可以监控不同类型数据库事件可以指定记录成功的事件还是只记录失败的事件,或者种事件都记录。

    The audit facility can monitor different types of database events and you can specify whether only successful or failed events, or both, should be logged.


  • 对于每个服务器列表显示了它状态成员服务器类型服务器(如果有)、IDS版本最后一次监控服务器的时间日期

    For each server, the list displays the status, member servers, type, parent (if applicable), IDS version, and the date and time that the server was last monitored.


  • 比如说医疗机构几乎不会建立多数仪器显示板来监控不同类型医疗设备的运行状态:他们的是对其整体的掌握。

    Hospitals, for instance, will hardly put up with dozens of dashboards that monitor the activities of different types of equipment: they will want a unified view.


  • 管理员配置Loan项目类型监控文档创建修改分别对应一个AddItem事件Update Item事件。

    The administrator configured the Loan item type to monitor either an Add item event or an Update item event for document creation and revision respectively.


  • 类似地DB2z/OS 中子系统运行不同类型跟踪收集监控性能调优通常所需信息

    Similarly, in DB2 z/OS, there are different types of traces that will run at sub-system level to collect information that you normally require for monitoring and performance tuning.


  • 这个Loan项目类型所有文档属性都会选中,以便AddItemUpdate Item事件中进行监控

    All document attributes of this Loan item type are selected to be monitored in the event monitoring for both the Add item and Update item events.


  • 诸如需求搜集项目组织管理、人员安排评估监控报告等等活动出现这两类型项目中。

    Activities such as requirements gathering, project organization and planning, staffing, estimation, monitoring, and reporting all occur in both types of projects.


  • 例如如果逻辑分区当前处理器兼容模式设定POWER 5模式,那么逻辑分区可能支持特定类型性能监控功能

    For example, certain types of performance monitoring might not be available for a logical partition if the current processor compatibility mode of a logical partition is set to the POWER5 mode.


  • 注意如果业务没有正确类型属性(换话说,与刚才创建监控相匹配的属性类型),则不会列出

    Note: if a business item has no attributes of the correct type (in other words, attributes of the type that matches the type of the monitor set key you just created), it will not be listed.


  • DHE基于P2P技术分布式系统包含三种类型节点过程定义节点任务执行节点监控节点。

    PWFMS-DHE is a distributed system based on P2P technology, which includes three types of peers: process defining peer, task executing peer and monitoring peer.


  • 系统的布局采用星型拓扑模式,监控计算机可以连接多台数据分站,一个分站可以连接多种类型传感器

    System adopts starriness patter, and a computer can connect some subsystems of signal acquisition, and a subsystem of signal acquisition can connect different type sensors.


  • 分析思考可以细分从直观表示推想其他的结果数学精心计划、确定目标监控这四类型活动

    Analysis can be broken down into four kinds of activities: inferring additional consequences, mathematical elaboration, imposing a new goal, monitoring statements.


  • 最后指出依据监控场所中可能存在的可燃物种类选择相应类型火灾探测器提高所设计火灾报警系统的可靠性。

    Finally it is suggested that the fire alarm system should be designed by selecting suitable fire detectors based on the possible fuels in the building.


  • 汽车类型自动识别现代交通管理监控有着广阔应用前景本文提出一种用于汽车类型识别的BP神经网络分类器的设计问题。

    This paper proposes a kind of method of automatic vehicle recognition. The automatic recognition of automobile type has a promising and practical future in the traffic control.


  • 汽车类型自动识别现代交通管理监控有着广阔应用前景本文提出一种用于汽车类型识别的BP神经网络分类器的设计问题。

    This paper proposes a kind of method of automatic vehicle recognition. The automatic recognition of automobile type has a promising and practical future in the traffic control.


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