• 最后那些改善过的健康细胞将会回复之前异常不健康的皮肤状态

    Eventually, the improved healthy cells will revert to where you started with abnormal skin cell function.


  • 同时非介入治疗方法适应不同皮肤状态不会皮肤造成损坏所以安全有效

    Same time, it non-invasive method to adapt to the different treatment of skin condition, the skin will not cause damage, so safe and effective.


  • 本文现有理论文献基础上,研究基于图像纹理统计特征分析面部皮肤状态检测系统

    In this paper, depending on available theory and literature, it studied a kind of measuring system of facial skin condition based on statistical feature analysis of image texture.


  • 薰衣草最为人所,为人所爱花草之一,香气馥郁细致促进细胞更新平衡皮脂分泌所有皮肤状态都很价值

    Lavender is the most known, well loved one flowers, sweet and delicate. Can promote the cell regeneration, balance sebum secretion, has the value to all skin condition.


  • 如果皮肤一直保持这种良好状态不能停止使用这种饮品

    And if you want to maintain good skin condition, you should not stop drinking it.


  • 清单6显示了当窗口进入最小化状态如何使用两种方法这些任务按钮进行皮肤处理。

    Listing 6 shows how to use the two methods to skin the task bar buttons when a window enters a minimized state.


  • 而且身体处于紧张状态时,大多数营养氧气将会进入主要器官而不是皮肤

    Also, when your body is in a fight-or-flight state, most nutrients and oxygen go to the major organs, not skin.


  • 为了得到健康皮肤——以及一个健康的思想状态——需要采取措施应对压力

    To encourage healthy skin - and a healthy state of mind - takes steps to manage your stress.


  • 除了宜人的气味,后水还有助于保持皮肤光滑处于良好状态每天剃须男士们的一种关爱

    In addition to smelling good, aftershave helps keep the skin smooth and in good condition, a concern for men who shave every day.


  • 曾听说很多阻挡紫外线保护皮肤的方法,但是还有一些更简单健康方法,任凭岁月流逝,依然可以皮肤始终保持完美状态

    You hear a lot about how to protect your skin from the sun's rays, but there are many other simple health moves that can keep your exterior in fabulous shape, decade after decade.


  • 一些通常发育胚胎中活跃基因会被分化细胞(比如皮肤细胞)表达促使细胞回复分化状态

    A handful of genes that are normally active in the developing embryo are expressed in a differentiated cell, such as a skin cell, causing that cell to revert back to its undifferentiated state.


  • 朱迪斯•思得克:首先要擦除血细胞记忆使成为记忆状态,然后控制成为皮肤细胞神经细胞血细胞

    Judith Staerk: you erase the memory of the blood cell, and you bring it back to a state where there is no memory. You can tell that cell to become skin again, or a neuron, or a blood cell.


  • 替代了之前把实验鼠皮肤细胞变为干细胞状态然后再形成心脏细胞器官研究者直接皮肤细胞转变心脏细胞。

    Instead of taking mouse skin cells all the way back to a stem cell state and then coaxing the cells to form heart tissue, the researchers switched the cells directly from skin to heart cells.


  • Flex4SDK众多变化中,新的组件架构皮肤创建的变化状态改进最为引入注目。

    Among the Flex 4 SDK's main changes are the new components architecture, changes on skins creation and improvements on states.


  • 2006年,京都大学研究人员表示他们4中基因重新编码老鼠皮肤细胞使之还原胚胎多能状态

    In 2006, researchers at Kyoto University showed they could reprogram mouse skin cells into a pluripotent, embryonic-like state with just four genes.


  • 创建Portlet窗口外观皮肤包括用于更改窗口状态 Portlet 的 Portlet模式按钮

    Skins that create the look and feel of a portlet window, including buttons for changing the window state or portlet mode of the portlet.


  • 这样做的话皮肤就会呈现美丽的状态,整个人容光焕发

    Thus, your skin will appear beautiful and you will be radiant!" (via Business Insider)


  • 冰冻状态冰人糖色的皮肤散发出高贵光芒令人联想起彩画上的一位中世纪的人物。

    In its frozen state, the Iceman's deep caramel skin had a dignified luster, reminiscent of a medieval figure painted in egg tempera.


  • 尽管50多了,我感到健康状态我和年轻没什么差别。”这个皮肤被晒成棕色说道

    "Although I am in my 50s, I feel no difference in terms of health from when I was young," the tanned man said.


  • 和服香薰最新奢侈香薰系列,意在改善皮肤身体精神状态

    Kimono is a new luxury spa care line created to enhance the wellness of your skin, body and mind.


  • 因为各种状态明矾溶于把它弄湿接触湿皮肤时,会有一层肉眼看不见细腻矿物钾明矾表面脱落,吸附皮肤表面。

    Since all forms of potassium alum are soluble in water, when the stone is wet or applied to wet skin, an invisible, fine layer of the mineral is rubbed off the stone and applied to the skins surface.


  • 积极主动皮肤护理可以保持皮肤年轻健康的状态

    Proactive skin care can help keep your skin youthful and healthy.


  • 耶鲁大学医学院皮肤监床学助教麦克兰纳·亚历克希德斯-阿门内卡斯(MacreneAlexiades-Armenakas)博士认为,“脸上纹理精神状态的记录表。

    "Your lines are almost a record of your mental state of being, " Dr. Macrene Alexiades-Armenakas, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine, told me.


  • 整天保湿各种觉得皮肤得到了深层的滋润,怀疑自己肌肤是不是真正不缺水的状态

    With all sorts of frost all wet, but don't think deeply moisturize skin, the skin is really doubt his state of water!


  • 分析性调查次级皮肤现象只会导致暂时的非整合状态出现。

    Analytic investigation of the second skin phenomenon tends to produce transitory states of unintegration.


  • 我们面部皮肤随着年龄的增长而越来越不在状态,”,“如果非得保持你的皮肤20岁时的样子,那你看起来会很累。”

    "Our faces lose tone and definition as we age, " he says. "If you stick to the minimalist routine you used in your 20s, you'll look tired."


  • 我们面部皮肤随着年龄的增长而越来越不在状态,”,“如果非得保持你的皮肤20岁时的样子,那你看起来会很累。”

    "Our faces lose tone and definition as we age, " he says. "If you stick to the minimalist routine you used in your 20s, you'll look tired."


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