• 头发有些麦秆草屑但不那个受了哈姆莱特疯病感染癫狂利娅,而是因为某个马厩草堆睡过觉

    She had bits of straw and hay in her hair, not like Ophelia through having gone mad from the contagion of Hamlet's madness, but because she had slept in the loft of some stable.


  • 呼喊来自诺,一位名副其实历史学教授

    The shout came from Julio Pino, an associate professor of history.


  • 近日,大批记者游客都蜂拥来到意大利小镇拉格·因为有传闻说布拉德·和安吉丽娜·朱莉朋友乔治·克鲁尼湖边别墅举行婚礼

    Journalists and tourists swarmed to the small Italian town of Laglio last week after rumors circulated that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie would wed at Pal George Clooney's lakeside estate.


  • 希望年轻经验中场蒙托佛罗伦萨尤文图斯的克劳迪·马尔基西决赛留下深刻印象。

    Lippi hopes that he has the blend of youth and experience; the midfielders Riccardo Montolivo of Fiorentina and Juventus' Claudio Marchisio are tipped to make an impression at the finals.


  • 我们得到一些非常意外的发现,”来自英国南极调查局(BAS)的合著埃尔·特·,他的是400米高的海

    "We found something very unexpected," said co-author Pierre Dutrieux, from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), referring to the 400m-high ridge.


  • 15世纪佛罗伦萨居民包括了布鲁内,吉贝尔蒂,多纳太罗,马萨乔因扎吉,法兰克福机场安吉利哥,韦罗基,波提切利,达芬奇米开朗琪罗

    The inhabitants of fifteenth century Florence included Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Donatello, Masaccio, Filippo Lippi, Fra Angelico, Verrocchio, Botticelli, Leonardo, and Michelangelo.


  • 鲁吉·1975年生于意大利南部一个小城,罗马

    Pierluigi Riccio was born in 1975 in a little city in the south of Italy, now I live in Rome.


  • 丹麦年轻后卫阿可能搭档中卫,而沃尔·诺克莱·竞争左后卫位置。

    Danish youngster Daniel Agger is likely to start alongside Sami Hyypia while Steven Warnock will battle with Fabio Aurelio for the left-back role.


  • 位于美丽地中海,卡·蒂·贝宫廷亚·泽塔豪华酒店岛上主要方

    Located on the stunningly beautiful Mediterranean, Capri Tiberio Palace is a luxury hotel near Piazzetta, the island's main square.


  • 尤文后卫弗雷德克·巴尔扎雷蒂已经否认星期二米尼比赛侮辱了裁判·

    Juve defender Federico Balzaretti has denied that he insulted referee Maurizio Ciampi during the match with Rimini on Tuesday.


  • 临时的,过渡;在蒂诺辞职之后,球队的助理教练恩担任临时主教练。

    Celtics assistant Jim O'Brien takes over for Pitino as the interim head coach.


  • 拍了《铁达尼号》,多·迪就没有了个人隐私,隐私对于非常重要的。

    With Titanic, Leonardo DiCaprio has given up a large part of his privacy, the privacy that is very important to him.


  • 高兴博列洛变得成熟了大家维拉评价都好,我也希望看到表现当然好朋友”。

    I am pleased for Marco Borriello who is still maturing. Everyone has spoken well of Oliveira and I am looking forward to seeing what he can do. Then, we have me and Pippo … two real friends.


  • ·库克美国辛辛那提赶来领奖-斯古颁奖的右后卫候选人-谢利托从马来西亚萨巴赶来

    Charlie Cooke flew over from Cincinnati, USA, to collect his award, and right-back nominee Ken Shellito, who handed Peter Osgood his award, flew in from Sabah in Malaysia.


  • 温格阿森纳周年中不乏中场球员攻入价值连城进球记忆,维·马斯普拉特永贝

    Arsene Wenger's decade at Arsenal has been littered with midfielders who have contributed valuable goals, from Marc Overmars and David Platt to Freddie Ljungberg and Robert Pires.


  • 世界杯出场了他说:“真的重要仍然认为可以比赛,然而不能质疑选择。”

    ' Oddo, of course, played a few minutes in the World Cup and said: 'That was really important, I continued to think that I would play, however, you cannot argue with Lippi's choices in the end.


  • 世界杯出场了他说:“真的重要仍然认为可以比赛,然而不能质疑选择。”

    ' Oddo, of course, played a few minutes in the World Cup and said: 'That was really important, I continued to think that I would play, however, you cannot argue with Lippi's choices in the end.


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