• 引起文学评论家注意

    DuBois would attract the attention of literary critics.


  • 坦桑尼亚早期原始人类遗址,奥峡谷1911年,一名蝴蝶猎人掉进峡谷深处发现

    Olduvai Gorge, an early hominid site in Tanzania, was found by a butterfly hunter who literally fell into its deep valley in 1911.


  • CTA 工作,CTA每年都会举办这个展会表示研究自己2016年预测时这种寻找解决方案转变已经很明显了

    DuBravac works for CTA—which puts on the show each year—and said that this shift to a search for solutions has been noticeable as he researched his predictions for 2016.


  • 当时受雇于生活杂志为了讲述一个发生巴黎浪漫故事,他顾了这对情侣模特

    He was on assignment for Life magazine, for a story on romance in Paris, and hired the couple as models for the shot.


  • 家乡尼日尔三角洲地区长期饱受为了分享更多石油收入而进行战争痛苦,乔纳森承诺将继续亚拉夏天大赦

    In the Niger Delta region, his homeland, where militants have long campaigned for a greater share of their land’s oil revenues, he vowed to build on Mr Yar’Adua’s amnesty of last summer.


  • 考古学伊山谷发现了包括石器,能人直立人骨架遗骸,还有现已灭绝野生动物遗骨在内多个遗迹。

    Archeological finds in the Olduvai Gorge include stone tools, and skeletal remains of Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus, as well as bones of, now extinct, wild animals.


  • 我们认真比赛证明我们队伍依旧很强大,”周五时候,在巴厘岛努沙记者

    "We will play seriously to prove that our team is still strong," he told reporters in Nusa Dua, Bali, on Friday.


  • 然而为了更大地发挥这些不足取优势,亚拉先生需要果断迅速地行动

    To make the most of these slim advantages, however, Mr Yar'Adua needs to act quickly.


  • 利埃迅速国家安全服务机构中巩固自己实力通过贿赂敲诈勒索为自己亲信们聚拢财富,并且树立个人崇拜

    Duvalier quickly set about consolidating his power over the state and security services, enriching himself and his cronies through bribery and extortion, and building his own personality cult.


  • 一位物理学家海因里希‧德紧密合作,致力于使小提琴音质更近于人声

    He works closely with a physicist, Heinrich Dünnwald, and aims to make violins whose tone comes close to the human voice.


  • 大使代表阿拉伯国家驻华使节中国维和人员照宇黎巴嫩遇难表示哀悼,对照宇家属表示慰问。

    On behalf of Arab diplomats in China, Ambassador Mhd Kheir Al-Wadi expressed condolences over the death of Du Zhaoyu, a Chinese peacekeeper, in Lebanon, as well as sympathy for his relatives.


  • 利埃迅速国家安全服务机构中巩固自己实力通过贿赂敲诈勒索为自己亲信们聚拢财富,并且树立个人崇拜

    Duvalierquickly set about consolidating his power over the state and securityservices, enriching himself and his cronies through bribery andextortion, and building his own personality cult.


  • 今天看来,多亏阿卜所推行那套“温顺的瓦哈比派教义”才使得这样一个最为保守国家能够迈着谨慎步伐加入现代世界当中

    But today, thanks in large part to Abdullah's efforts to "tame Wahhabi zeal," the most retrograde country has taken some cautious steps to join the modern world.


  • 之后年中老爹一起创作录制了许多打榜歌曲。

    For a year, Wendo and Bowane composed and recorded many hits together.


  • 瑟斯坦转向著名耶鲁计划梅丽尔斯特里普克里斯托弗西格妮•韦弗一道学习

    Wasserstein made her way to the prestigious Yale programme, studying with Meryl Streep, Christopher Durang and Sigourney Weaver.


  • 顺便补充一句,一个钟头以前,孤军深入,夺取吕内堡军旗,正是惨遭不测

    Let us note in passing that it was Dubois's sorely tried brigade which, an hour previously, making a charge to one side, had captured the flag of the Lunenburg battalion.


  • 也正是这位商人将老爹组合了在一起(波恩是20音乐天才,拥有一支名叫维多利亚•科基拉维尔乐队)。

    It was he who united Wendo with Bowane, a 20-year-old genius with a band called Victoria Coquilhatville.


  • 最早人造住宅源自非洲中部伊峡谷 ,时间上可追溯至公元前2百万年。

    The earliest evidence of a man-made habitat dates to about 2, 000, 000 BCE and comes from Olduvai Gorge in Central Africa.


  • 分队基地,也就是Ajdabiya学校,默哈穆德副手阿卜·贾德·艾尔·贝丁(Abduljawad al - Bedin)正在等待委员会任命指挥官决定

    At one of the brigade's bases, a primary school in Ajdabiya, Mohammed's deputy, Abduljawad al-Bedin, said he was waiting for the council to decide who would become the new commander.


  • 尼日利亚久病领导人奥马鲁•亚拉去年11月前往沙特阿拉伯一家诊所,怎么解释理由,也没有正式任命替代人选,之后一直没有公开场合露面。

    Umaru Yar’Adua, Nigeria's long-ailing leader, had left in November for a clinic in Saudi Arabia, with scant explanation and without formally appointing a replacement, never to be seen in public again.


  • 所有一切都不是布先生与生俱来命运——南非德兰士东部(East Transvaal)一个农场里,单亲妈妈所生育第一个生病儿子

    None of this seemed to be in Mr Dube's future when he was born, the sickly first son of a single mother on a run-down farm in East Transvaal.


  • 尼日尔南部有个叫做多贡奇(Dogondoutchi偏远小镇小镇附近乡村公路上我们碰到了正在向北迁移瑞格游牧民一家。

    On a rural road near the remote town of Dogon Doutchi, in southern Niger, we ran into a family of Tuareg nomads traveling north.


  • 对于液氢建议不要使用其它玻璃制成容器

    Dewars and other containers made of glass are not recommended for liquid hydrogen service.


  • 随着越来越多研究人员使用不同措施他们能够超越威尔逊描述达措施仅仅作为有着幸福

    As more researchers use varied measures, they will be able to transcend Wilson's description of SWB measures as mere avowals of happiness.


  • 随着越来越多研究人员使用不同措施他们能够超越威尔逊描述达措施仅仅作为有着幸福

    As more researchers use varied measures, they will be able to transcend Wilson's description of SWB measures as mere avowals of happiness.


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