• 这个版本成千上万流行英语音频资源

    In this release Listen is indexing thousands of popular English-only audio sources.


  • 也是一个大型的流行公司继续占据业界位置原因。

    That is how a large, popular company stays in business.


  • 流行H1N1实际上已经变得以前流行变种关系

    The new pandemic H1N1 actually turns out to be related to previous pandemic strains.


  • 目前的流行融合了笔记本电脑平板电脑基于图形界面数位板技术IPAD起来,很大程度上平板电脑之前一直做着徒劳尝试

    The tabletPC has been largely a vain attempt--certainly compared with thepopularity ofthe iPad--to meld the laptop with a tablet, based on the Windowstabletinterface.


  • 这种对于《天鹅》(包括各种电视杂志身材纤细模特)顾虑始于早起流行教条简单看见瘦小图片就会导致饮食失调症

    The concern over "Black Swan" (and thin fashion models on TV and in magazines) stems from the popular myth that simply seeing images of thin people causes eating disorders.


  • 亚马逊流行电子阅读设备称为“Kindle”,提供了专门快速下载服务,该服务是Sprint(译者:美国一家运营商)达成

    Amazon's popular digital-reading device, called the Kindle, offers a dedicated, faster download service, an arrangement Amazon has with Sprint.


  • dW那么认为Linux更多地影响程序员削弱IDE流行程度,还是认为人们正在开发一种可以使Linux成为主流流行LinuxIDE

    DW: So do you see Linux influencing programmers more and eroding the popularity of IDEs, or do you see a popular Linux IDE being developed that brings Linux into the mainstream?


  • 通过获得Playdom,迪士尼得到一个已存在流行社交游戏资产包括MobstersMySpace (NSDQNWS)排行第一游戏。

    By acquiring Playdom, Disney will also be getting an existing portfolio of popular social games, which includes Mobsters, the top title on MySpace (NSDQ: NWS).


  • 目前为止大部分GSS - API产品支持惟一安全机制就是名为kerberos [ietfRFC- 1964]的流行基于对称密钥机制。

    As of today, the only security mechanism supported by most of the GSS-API offerings is the popular symmetric key-based mechanism called Kerberos [IETF RFC-1964].


  • JBoss最初使用一种称为JBossCMP,直到最近开始用于数据库访问流行hibernate集成,hibernate库允许JBoss支持很多种数据库。

    JBoss originally used a library called JBossCMP, and has more recently begun integration of the popular Hibernate library for database access, which allows JBoss to support many database dialects.


  • DocBook最初一种用于编写图书文档的流行标准通用标记语言(Standard Generalized Markup Language,sgml)格式尤其针对技术性图书和文档。

    DocBook was originally a popular Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) format for authoring books and documentation, especially those of a more technical nature.


  • 亚马逊近日发布了一款免费兼容iPhoneiPod (ituneslink)应用程序用户使用苹果电脑公司流行移动设备时也可下载阅读亚马逊Kindle store商店任意电子书。

    Amazon just released a free application for the iPhone and iPod touch (iTunes link) that allows users to download and read any eBook from Amazon's Kindle store on Apple's popular mobile devices.


  • 至今为止,流行观点实证主义观点,我们应该记录事实

    By far the most popular idea is the positivist one that we should keep only the facts.


  • 上学时候一个冲动流行乐队担任低音电吉他手。

    At school he played bass in a pop group called The Urge.


  • 最近比赛七个城市吸引了超过十万名流行歌星效仿者前来试镜。

    The latest competition drew more than 100,000 pop star wannabes to auditions in seven cities.


  • 曾经有一种流行解释童年记忆压抑

    Once a popular explanation was that childhood memories are repressed.


  • 当然这个短语熔炉流行时候,与众不同概念

    Of course, when the phrase melting pot was popular, there was also the idea of being "different".


  • 最近流行思想促进妇女体育兴趣

    The latest big idea is to make women more interested in sport.


  • 听到收音机播放流行歌曲尖细刺耳声音

    He could hear the tinny sound of a radio playing a pop song.


  • 人们生活方式通常取决于那一代生活习惯流行时尚

    People's lifestyles are usually fixed by generational habits and fashions.


  • 变成流行明星不切实际幻想

    She has some cockeyed delusions about becoming a pop star.


  • 先前爵士乐流行非洲音乐旋律融合已经证明是非常成功

    His previous fusions of jazz, pop and African melodies have proved highly successful.


  • 我们现在处于家庭录像流行时代对国内电影院来说是个生死攸关时刻。

    It looks like high noon for the nation's cinemas, now we are in the age of the home video.


  • 建筑于1798年1802年间流行古典主义风格基础上建造

    The building was erected between 1798 and 1802 in the neoclassical style of the time.


  • 流行观点认为毒素脂肪团形成很小作用。

    Current thinking suggests that toxins only have a small part to play in the build-up of cellulite.


  • 就是说英语如何获得现在流行地位

    That is, how did English gain the present status of popularity?


  • 印刷术直接影响下,手写版就已经流行书籍得到更多传播,不那么流行作品不再传播。

    The immediate effect of printing was to increase the circulation of works that were already popular in a handwritten form, while less popular works went out of circulation.


  • 然而这样解释既不能说明这个奇怪惯例来源也不能说明流行原因

    Such explanations, however, illuminate neither the source of this curious convention nor the reason for its popularity.


  • 美国许多年轻流行歌星在他们照片中都这样

    Many young pop stars in the USA do this in their photos.


  • 听众放了一张流行歌曲现代音乐唱片

    He plays a new record of the pop songs and modern music for his listeners.


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