• 指数购买力平价PPP这一概念基础产生,购买力平价货币使商品价格各个国家保持一致汇率兑换。

    The index is based on the idea of purchasing-power parity (PPP), which says currencies should trade at the rate that makes the price of goods the same in each country.


  • 令人不安年薪该国人均GDP240 (购买力平价基准衡量)。

    More worryingly, his salary would be some 240 times greater than the country's GDP per person (measured on a purchasing-power parity basis).


  • 巨无霸指数建立购买力平价理论基础上。 购买力平价理论认为,汇率应该使得一揽子商品价格各个国家都相同

    The Big Mac Index is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP), which says that exchange rates should move to make the price of a basket of goods the same in each country.


  • 美元比估值最高货币挪威克朗高于购买力平价96%。

    The most overvalued currency against the dollar is the Norwegian kroner, which is 96% above its PPP rate.


  • 即使许多经济学家所锺购买力平价指标衡量中国经济全球经济中所比重也只有10%左右。

    After adjusting for purchasing-power parity, as many economists favor, China still accounts for only about 10% of the world economy.


  • 巨无霸指数基础购买力平价一种货币价格应该反映买到商品服务

    The index is based on the idea of purchasing-power parity, which says that a currency's price should reflect the amount of goods and services it can buy.


  • 萨博拉曼尼亚:购买力平价重要概念不过经济实力整套评估系统中所占权重很小

    PPP is an important concept, but it has a small weight in my overall formula of economic power.


  • 2000到2008年,购买力平价计,非洲产出增长4.9%,世纪八、九十年代倍,也高于全球平均水平3.8%。

    In 2000-08 Africa's annual output grew by 4.9% (adjusted for purchasing-power parity), twice as fast as in the 1980s and 1990s and faster than the global average of 3.8%.


  • 最重要购买力平价音频广告不会干扰其他广告可能网站上

    Best of all PPP audio ads do not interfere with other advertising that you may run on your website.


  • 购买力平价(PPP)――非市场汇率――视为衡量相对生活成本更好尺度,因为衡量基础各个家庭本国货币所能购买商品服务

    PPP, rather than market exchange rates, is regarded as a better measure of the relative cost of living, since it is based on goods and services households can buy with their domestic currency.


  • 可以说在众多汇率决定理论中,购买力平价理论最有影响

    We can say that PPP theory is the influential one among the numerous theories.


  • 美国一个世纪一直全球经济发达国家,大多数预测显示,就购买力平价而言中国大约15年里超过美国

    The U. S. has had the biggest economy in the world for more than a century, but most projections show that China will surpass us in about 15 years, as measured by purchasing power parity.


  • 比较价格水平用来衡量汇率购买力平价法测算各国GDP水平偏差程度指标

    Comparative Price Level is the index for measuring the warp of GDP between the rate and the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).


  • 检验结果普遍支持购买力平价可以认为人民币汇率长期基础合理

    The results of the tests generally support PPP, which make us believe that the exchange rates of RMB are reasonable in the long run.


  • 美国一个世纪一直全球经济发达国家,大多数预测显示购买力平价而言中国大约15年里超过美国

    The U. S. has had the biggest economy in the world for more than a century, but most projections show that China will exceed us in about 15 years, as weighed along purchasing power parity.


  • 指数理论基础购买力平价权力,表示汇率迁出使价格与一篮子商品一个国家都相同。

    The index is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity, which says that exchange rates should move to make the price of a basket of goods the same in each country.


  • 结果甚至可能更高印度人均产出(购买力平价计算)大致美国十五分之一,因而存在巨大快速增长潜力

    It might deliver even more: since India's output per head (at purchasing power parity) is roughly a fifteenth of that of the US, the potential for fast growth is huge.


  • 中国价格除以美国价格得到1美元购买力平价3.65

    Diveding the local Chinese price by the American price gives a dollar PPP of 3.65 yuan.


  • 一种定义货币方式购买力平价理念:从长久来看国家之间汇率应该使价格趋于相等化。

    An alternative way of defining the "fair" value of a currency is purchasing-power parity (PPP) : the idea that, in the long run, exchange rates should equalise prices across countries.


  • 汇率问题我国金融国际化枢纽之一购买力平价理论构成货币主义汇率决定模型基础

    Exchange rate is one of hinges in financial internationalization, and purchasing power parity (PPP) theory is the basis of exchange rate determination model in monetarism.


  • 设计初衷有趣方式通过比较各国汉堡销售价格解释购买力平价这一概念。

    We devised it in September 1986 as a fun way to explain "purchasing-power parity", by comparing the prices of hamburgers in different countries.


  • 设计初衷有趣方式通过比较各国汉堡销售价格解释购买力平价这一概念。

    We devised it in September 1986 as a fun way to explain "purchasing-power parity", by comparing the prices of hamburgers in different countries.


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