• 机场不要出口处帮助你的讲西班牙语的先生所诱惑,打正规的的士

    From the airport: Don't be tempted by the helpful senors at arrivals, take an authorized taxi.


  • 见习的士司机训练期间会接受政府人员的多次测试

    Learner taxi drivers are tested several times during their training period by government officers.


  • 些小城市小镇没有地铁,没有公车,也没有的士的。

    There are no subways, no buses and no taxies in small cities and small towns.


  • 可以租上辆自行车乘坐水上的士参观梵高或安妮·弗兰克博物馆

    You can rent a bicycle, visit the Van Gogh or Anne Frank museum, or take a water taxi.


  • 如果你没有乘坐威尼斯著名多拉(人力水上的士),那么你的威尼斯之旅就不算完整

    No visit to Venice is complete without a ride on one of its famous gondolas, human powered water taxis.


  • 里克给了金姆这样可以的士一个安全的地方

    Rick gives Kim money so that she can take a cab to a safe place.


  • 那时军队处在最低谷。

    Morale in the armed forces was at rock bottom.


  • 相信驻扎边境兵们真的开火

    No one believed the soldiers stationed at the border would actually open fire.


  • 约翰兵们正在最后进攻做好准备。

    John's soldiers were readying themselves for the final assault.


  • 英勇为了恢复和平牺牲了他们生命

    The gallant soldiers lost their lives so that peace might reign again.


  • 那里没有其他驻守。

    No other soldiers were garrisoned there.


  • 全副武装兵们立正站着。

    Soldiers in full combat gear stood at attention.


  • 消息大大振奋了我们

    The news has done wonders for our morale.


  • 征召入伍的士当作炮灰

    The conscripts were treated as cannon fodder.


  • 来访造成的士提升作用真是惊人。

    It was amazing what a morale booster her visits proved.


  • 军官拒绝参加这项军事行动

    The officer refused to let his men take part in the operation.


  • 他们接受检阅一样站得笔直

    They stood as straight as soldiers on parade.


  • 德弗罗命令的士兵等驶近了再开火

    Devereux ordered his men to hold their fire until the ships got closer.


  • 埋伏枪就把打死了。

    He was killed by a single shot from an unseen soldier.


  • 以不可思议幽默感鼓舞了

    He used his incredible sense of humour to lift my spirits.


  • 最早记忆4岁时受伤唱歌

    Her earliest memory is of singing at the age of four to wounded soldiers.


  • 忠心效力国家多年兵们来说,不公平的。

    It is unfair to soldiers who have served their country well for many years.


  • 在损失数百生命他们被迫灰溜溜地撤退了。

    Their soldiers had to retreat ignominiously after losing hundreds of lives.


  • 很清楚目的之一他们想尽一切办法瓦解敌军的士气。

    Clearly, one of the objectives is to demoralize the enemy troops in any way they can.


  • 这位焦头烂额的总统否认了最近自己扣留当人质说法

    The embattled president also denied recent claims that he was being held hostage by his own soldiers.


  • 成为优秀之一。

    He became one of the best soldiers.


  • 成千上万丧生

    Thousands and thousands of soldiers lost their lives.


  • 古代经常非洲背上作战

    Soldiers in ancient times often went to fight on the backs of African elephants.


  • 被确诊患有PTSD中,有些变化持久性的。

    In soldiers diagnosed with PTSD, some of the changes are long-lasting.


  • 泰国政府一直无法遏制暴力尽管已经南部派遣了成千上万

    The Thai government has been unable to curb the violence, though thousands of troops have been sent to the south.


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