• 库哈表示,亚洲国家需要通过货币互换国际货币基金组织援助维持外汇流动性

    Kochhar adds that Asian countries also need to maintain their foreign exchange liquidity through currency swaps or assistance from organizations like the International Monetary Fund.


  • 上周国际货币基金组织(IMF)调升了对2010年亚洲经济增长预测去年10月预测5.85%调高至7.1%。

    Last week, the International Monetary Fund lifted its 2010 growth forecast for Asia to 7.1 per cent, up from 5.85 per cent projected last October.


  • 国际货币基金组织预测今年亚洲家庭开支实际增长接近7%。

    The IMF forecasts that total household spending there will rise by almost 7% in real terms this year.


  • 有人批评说,正是国际货币基金组织上次亚洲金融危机政策导致那个地区产生庞大外汇储备

    Some blame the IMF's policies during the Asian crisis for spurring countries in the region to build up enormous reserves.


  • 这些制裁重要地方就是阻止世界银行国际货币基金组织亚洲开发银行缅甸提供援助贷款

    The most important of these block foreign aid and lending to Myanmar by the World Bank, IMF and Asian Development Bank.


  • 国际货币基金组织预计亚洲经济增长今年可望达到6.7%,亚洲仍将是经济富有活力地区之一

    According to the IMF, the Asian economy is expected to grow by 6.7% this year, and it remains one of the most dynamic regional economies in the world.


  • 国际货币基金组织表示,甚至日本其他亚洲银行贷款和债券重大损失无法免疫

    According to the IMF, even Japanese and other Asian Banks are not immune to significant losses on loans and securities.


  • 历史角度来看,国际货币基金组织一贯反对资本控制1997年亚洲金融危机时,甚至尝试修改组织协议一些条款,好使其公开倡导资本性账户自由化

    The fund has historically opposed capital controls, even trying in 1997 to amend its articles of agreement to allow it explicitly to promote capital - account liberalisation.


  • 国际货币基金组织亚洲高级官员KalpanaKochhar认为印度一个带有长期过度需求长期供给约束型经济体

    Kalpana Kochhar, a senior official at the IMF's Asia desk argues that India is a chronically supply-constrained economy, with chronic excess demand.


  • 亚洲国家危机归根于美国英国他们也并不想提高国际货币基金效率,除非他们对运作足够发言权

    Asians, who blame America and Britain for the crisis, do not want a souped-up IMF unless they have a greater say in how it is run.


  • 国际货币基金组织本月出版亚洲经济展望预测除了中国印度亚洲地区2010年增•长率为1.6%,主要因为组织预计美国经济不景气

    In its latest economic outlook on Asia, the IMF forecast that the region excluding China and India would grow by only 1.6% in 2010, largely because it expects the American economy to be flat.


  • 背后推动力不言而喻:分担风险表明了亚洲国家态度亚洲国际货币基金组织美国危机引发另一轮余波普遍谨慎心态

    But the impetus behind it is clear: pooling risk expresses Asian fellow feeling and common Asian caution about both the International Monetary Fund and further fallout from America's crisis.


  • 区域货币基金亚洲货币设想再到亚洲债券市场,人们如何推动亚洲金融合作认识逐渐深入。

    The regional monetary fund, Asian currency unit, and Asian bond market reflect different ideas about carrying out regional cooperation.


  • 亚洲货币基金1997年提出到至今,一直国内外都争议问题

    The suggestion on establishing amF, originated from 1997, is an argumentative issue.


  • 国际货币基金组织IMF周四表示,预计中国今年经济增长率达8.5%,而2010年经济增长率达9.0%,中国将带领亚洲走出经济衰退

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected on Thursday that China will grow by 8.5 percent this year and 9.0 percent in 2010, saying China will lead Asia out of the economic recession.


  • 亚洲努力克服被位与会者称之为中年成长期危机过程中,许多与会人员都认为成员国提供咨询方面,存在国际货币基金组织可以发挥作用空间

    As Asia strives to overcome what one participant termed its "midlife growth crisis," there is scope, a number of participants said, for the IMF to play a greater role in advising member countries.


  • 上周国际货币基金组织世界银行会议没有得出确定信息,导致周一亚洲市场货币价格走势波动微小

    This past weekend's IMF & World Bank's meetings didn't yield much and as a result the Asian session lacked price volatility.


  • 国际货币基金组织(IMF)称,整个亚洲地区通货膨胀压力仍然高涨大多数国家金融状况仍然宽松

    According to IMF, inflationary pressures across the region are still "elevated" and financial conditions remain accommodative in most of Asia.


  • 通过对发生5年前亚洲金融危机回顾反思分析国际货币基金组织在亚洲金融危机出台紧缩政策失误和危机国家负面影响

    By reviewing and rethinking the Asian Financial Crisis, this paper focuses on studying the negative influence of IMF on these countries which were in trouble.


  • 通过对发生5年前亚洲金融危机回顾反思分析国际货币基金组织在亚洲金融危机出台紧缩政策失误和危机国家负面影响

    By reviewing and rethinking the Asian Financial Crisis, this paper focuses on studying the negative influence of IMF on these countries which were in trouble.


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