• 复活节当地人称之为拉普伊岛)座古代人类雕像——摩石像故乡

    Easter Island, or Rapu Nui as it is known locally, is home to several hundred ancient human statues—the moai.


  • 斯曼涉及100岁老人长寿秘诀调查中的位。

    Eisman was one of 100 centenarians questioned in a poll about the secrets of longevity.


  • 那时起从事各种不同项目的制作,包括共同创作尔顿·约翰老汇音乐剧阿依达”。

    Since then he has worked on a variety of projects, including co-writing the libretto for Elton John’s Broadway musicalAida”.


  • 午饭时,卡门·尔茜图书馆读遍全书上有关印度的内容。

    During lunch, Carmen Elcira went to the library and read everything she could find in the encyclopedia about India.


  • 1886年米丽去世之后,人们木箱发现了的诗作,一个新的传奇随即诞生。 她忧郁中着甜美作为女子,在这个世界上又显得太过娇弱爱情带给她的只是失落

    After her death in 1886, hundreds of others were discovered in a wooden chest, and a new legend grew up, sweet with pathos, of a woman too delicate for this world, disappointed in love.


  • 思梅已经行动了起来墙上个隐藏着的按钮,然后,只听一声轻响,巨大的金属叶窗开始降下来封闭玻璃墙

    Esme was already moving; her hand touched an inconspicuous keypad on the wall, and with a groan, huge metal shutters began sealing up the glass wall.


  • 卡门·尔茜,心想别是全书上的日子吧,不禁有点发窘。

    Carmen Elcira asked, beginning to panic that she had remembered the wrong date from the encyclopedia.


  • 祷告过后参加仪式人开始欢呼。哈迈迪·内贾德哈梅内伊鞠躬致敬,亲吻肩膀

    After the call to prayer, the crowd of several hundred attending the ceremony chanted in approval, as Mr. Ahmedinejad bowed to the Ayatollah, in respect, and kissed him on his shoulder.


  • 现在人们聚焦于新兴国家,有点淘金热感觉。”餐饮国际CEO格雷厄姆·

    "People are now focusing on the emerging world, with a bit of a gold rush going on," says Graham Allan, CEO Yum Restaurants International.


  • 父亲泥石流母亲英里外地方打工

    Zhao Ai's father died in a mudslide; his mother is a migrant labourer hundreds of miles away.


  • 歌迷聚集穿行这儿著名斑马线纪念专辑唱片发行40周年

    Hundreds of fans flocked to Abbey Road to walk across the famous zebra crossing to mark the 40th anniversary of the album.


  • 年少的跟随母亲四处旅行演出。 1973年,出演了老汇的当红老剧《》。

    She traveled and performed with her mother as a teenager and in 1973 appeared in the hit Broadway revival “Irene.”


  • 不过,在最佳音乐剧领奖台上尔顿表达了他美国观众感激:“感谢老汇如此热烈支持《比利略特》,当经济危机临时,你们仍支持这部戏,还向我们敞开了心扉,我们为此而热爱你们。”

    Sir Elton helped accept the best musical Tony, telling the audience: "Thank you for accepting us so beautifully on Broadway. We came here at a hard time economically.


  • 对于卡夫老总·罗森菲尔德(Irene Rosenfeld)而言,这个价格可能太高了表示自己坚决不会出价高于吉的价值。

    That may be too rich for Kraft's boss, Irene Rosenfeld, who has said that she is determined not to overpay for Cadbury.


  • 瑞咨询公司(iResearch)预计到2009年为止,消费者消费者电子商务市场总值计算,啊仅占不到1%,而淘宝网高达82%。

    As of 2009, Youa had less than 1% of the customer-to-customer e-commerce market by gross value, according to estimates from iResearch, compared with 82% for Taobao.


  • 美国游客·拉德,仅相距邻居不能相互串门,难以置信。

    American visitor Amy Ladd said she was struck that neighbors a few hundred meters apart could not visit each other.


  • 之后又创作许多其他作品,包括与人合作撰写尔顿·约翰老汇音乐剧阿依达》。

    Since then he has worked on a variety of projects, including co-writing the libretto for Elton John's Broadway musical "Aida".


  • 文说工作错误荒唐

    Edwin said his work was riddled with errors. It's nonsense.


  • 瑞宣称;“再也不能样子说话了,”指引美国诗歌到达境界,去看去谈论这个世界庆祝几近空虚思想中的极端禁欲”。

    "You can't say it that way anymore," Ashbery declares, ushering into American poetry a fresh way of seeing and saying the world, celebrating "the extreme austerity of an almost empty mind".


  • 大不列颠群岛大不列颠尔兰岛屿以及个小岛所组成。

    The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islands are Great Britain and Irelnad.


  • 只要不再企图逃跑或是密谋反叛德慕爵士就长命

    So long as he does not attempt escape or plot rebellion, Edmure will live a long life.


  • 比如1949,约翰·洛马克斯去世年后,莱德·利的晚安》这首歌就成为民乐组合“纺织”四人合唱团的的主打曲目。

    For example, Lead Belly's "Good Night, Irene" became a huge hit for the folk group the Weavers. That was in 1949, a year after John Lomax died.


  • 地板上那条地毯亲手织成的。

    There on the floor were rag rugs Ellen had dyed and woven herself.


  • 永远不会有瑞莎的嗓音,我站舞台面对个观众时,我知道哪怕我们的不是好听,但总有那么几首歌是不赖的。

    I will never sound like Aretha, but I stand on a stage in front of several hundred people and know that some, if not all, of each song will sound not bad at all.


  • 尺度比湖地区气候表现为暖干、湿组合特征。

    On a century time scale, the climatic pattern in the Aibi lake region is expressed as the combination of warm dry and cold wet.


  • 作弊抓住后狡赖不过无法骗过我们

    When Alan was caught cheating, he tried to bluster it out but he couldn't deceive us.


  • 按摩涌泉、足三里穴位经常做做按摩,灸,可以帮助改善手脚冰冷

    Massage springs, 100 mile, will often do massage acupuncture, etc, or use moxa sticks a hub, can help improve the iciness of disease.


  • 按摩涌泉、足三里穴位经常做做按摩,灸,可以帮助改善手脚冰冷

    Massage springs, 100 mile, will often do massage acupuncture, etc, or use moxa sticks a hub, can help improve the iciness of disease.


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