• 电梯停止了工作所以即使足够幸运没有困在之间,你也要经历一项艰难任务,要找到通往

    Lifts stopped working, so that even if you were lucky enough not to be trapped between two floors, you had the unpleasant task of finding your way down hundreds of flights of stairs.


  • 是谁高耸,让不知名鸟雀来盘旋?

    Whose smile is it?It built this hundred story tower With unknown birds flying around?


  • 制造漆器盒子花瓶或者挂件,大约需要百层的漆。

    To create a cinnabar ornament, one hundred coats of lacquer might be applied to an object… a box or vase or pendant.


  • 有些露天的巨坑每个斜边台阶通常是一的。

    Some wells are vast, open craters with hundreds of steps paving each sloping side, often in tiers.


  • 乌克兰当局周四紧急救援人员对乌克兰南部公寓楼进行了彻底搜查,此前该公寓楼发生一系列爆炸,被夷平地。

    Hundreds of emergency workers combed the site of a five-story apartment building in southern Ukraine Thursday after a series of explosions reduced it to rubble, authorities said.


  • 我们合计每一表示前一个某个分比

    We aggregate each layer and express it as some percentage of the previous layer.


  • 研究人员这些纳米金刚石转换数十甚至石墨俄罗斯娃那样套在一里面

    The researchers then transformed those nanodiamonds into dozens or even hundreds of graphene layers, all nestled inside one another like little Russian dolls.


  • 经过过去通货膨胀调整,管理薪资均值上升14个分点。

    Over the last five years, the median presidential pay, adjusted for inflation, grew by 14 percent.


  • 货大厦电梯开,拖着不情愿的沉重脚步踏入电梯,就像个拽着牙医小孩子一样

    Emerging from the elevator on the seventh floor of Saks, he carried himself with the heavy gait of a child being dragged to the orthodontist.


  • 海星一样,海或者多条长腕,还有一个钙化整齐排列在一起的外壳。

    Like their sea star cousins, crinoids have five or more arms and askeleton constructed of calcified plates elaborately slotted together.


  • 我来说年中难过日子,”39岁的凯特·赫利说道正在梅西海蓝广场比量一件黑白相间衬衫。 赫利小姐来自洛杉矶,这次是来纽约旅游的。

    That would be like the worst thing for me ever,” said Kate Healy, 39, as she clutched a black-and-white shirt to her chest while on the third floor of Macy’s in Herald Square on Friday.


  • 队炮兵的工事如果完成可能成为害。炮位设在一道后面加上沙袋和一道宽堤。

    The battery, which, if completed, would have been almost a redoubt, was ranged behind a very low garden wall, backed up with a coating of bags of sand and a large slope of earth.


  • 二十分我们楼梯走进夜色中,跟导游后面走过熙熙攘攘人群前往老佛爷是一家坐落奥斯曼大道上楼高十公司。

    Twenty minutes later, we climbed the stairs out into the night, hustling after Li down the block to the Galeries Lafayette, the ten-story department store on the Boulevard Haussmann.


  • 庭院家具上涂化学防火材料,可能会美元这对室外防火有很好的作用。

    Fireproof your patio furniture by having a fireproof chemical applied. This will cost a few hundred dollars, but can severely reduce an outdoor fire from going out of control.


  • 太阳大气称为日冕那里温度(我们所看到的太阳表面)的温度要高好几度。

    The Sun's outer atmosphere is called the corona and it is several hundreds of times hotter than the photosphere, or the visible surface of the star.


  • 埃斯康迪达西班牙语中有“隐藏意思,正暗示铜矿的矿体埋藏废石米深的地方,地表却一丝痕迹也看不出来。

    Escondida means "hidden" in Spanish, and it refers to the fact that the copper ore body was buried beneath hundreds of meters of barren rock, and the surface geology gave no signs of its presence.


  • 街头冲突至少造成23人死亡受伤,为泰国发达旅游业经济健康状况蒙阴霾

    Street fighting left at least 23 dead, hundreds injured and a dark cloud over the country’s huge tourism industry and its economic health in general.


  • 现在勐海开张商场十分冷清,它原本为数以的商家而

    Here in Menghai, the newly opened six-story emporium built to house hundreds of buyers and bundlers is a very lonely place.


  • 过去几十年来,领导事公司一直友好

    Over the last few decades, the leadership has been very friendly to PepsiCo.


  • 大火这座28高居住超过150人,正在翻新大楼撕裂当成消防员赶来救火时,许多居民在楼内火海

    The fire ripped through a 28-story high-rise that was under renovation but occupied by more than 150 residents, many of whom were trapped inside as hundreds of firefighters fought the fire.


  • 仿佛变成臭氧稀薄无形千疮

    She became the ozone, which was thin, invisible, and full of holes too.


  • CoT weet: CoT weet已经福特选择Twitter客户关系管理工具是因为Twitter的帐号管理增加了一个业务

    CoTweet: CoTweet's already the Twitter CRM Tool of Choice for BestBuy, JetBlue, and Ford, and that's because it adds a business layer to Twitter account management.


  • 柏林市中心间有着历史车间里,矗立着一件泛着光泽金属锻件,足有

    In a 100-year-old workshop in the centre of Berlin stands a gleaming piece of forged metal, four storeys high.


  • 马龙冰箱里,抓起了罐无事可乐,楼梯,一直到底

    MALONE GRABBED a DIET PEPSI FROM the REFRIGERATOR AND walked down four flights of stairs to the ground floor.


  • 马龙冰箱里,抓起了罐无事可乐,楼梯,一直到底

    MALONE GRABBED a DIET PEPSI FROM the REFRIGERATOR AND walked down four flights of stairs to the ground floor.


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