• 距离地球表面5百万公里

    5 million km above the Earth.


  • 美孚1号梅赛德斯百万公里测试项目首席工程师

    I was the lead engineer for this project of Mobil 1 One Million Kilometer Mercedes-Benz Test.


  • 需要考虑到全美百万公里道路总之自由停车容易啊。

    And then there are the millions of kilometers of roads in the US to think about... in short, there's no such thing as free parking.


  • 百万公里测试背后,你们什么花絮故事可以我们分享吗?

    Are there any behind-the-scene stories of this test that you can share with us?


  • 百万公里区域温度通常高出3摄氏度左右

    It is millions of kilometers wide and keeps temperatures about three degrees warmer than usual in that area.


  • 幻灯屏幕后的小聚光灯泡让台上场景看起来有一百万公里那么远。

    Holding up slides to dim light bulbs behind the scenes seemed a million miles away now.


  • 你们百万公里测试设定哪些性能项目的测试测量结果如何?

    What performance tests and measurements did you set for this test and what are your findings?


  • 与此同时,在百万公里以外,另一艘美国宇航局航天器正向目标进发。

    Meanwhile, hundreds of millions of kilometres away, another NASA spacecraft was approaching its destination.


  • 日冕物质抛射可以携带十亿太阳能材料进入太空超过小时百万公里

    A coronal mass ejection can carry a billion tons of solar material into space at over a million kilometres per hour.


  • 炽烈光晕冰冷无情太空抛出近百万公里出让人类望而生畏的宇宙奇观

    Shooting a million miles or more out into the hard, cold vacuum of space, this fiery halo is one of the wonders of the universe.


  • 现在经历大约个月和400百万公里的飞行后,航天器将要到达最后目的地

    Now, after having travelled 400 million kilometres in only about five months, the spacecraft is about to reach its final destination.


  • 架望远镜,于2003年发起目前一亿零七百万公里(66万英里),地球轨道围绕太阳

    The telescope, launched in 2003, is currently 107 million kilometers (66 million miles) from Earth in orbit around the sun.


  • 这样距离应当使母恒星引力影响足够微弱以致COROT9b能够保留距离自己百万公里稳定旋转卫星。

    At that distance the host star's gravitational influence should be sufficiently weak that COROT 9 b could retain stably orbiting moons millions of kilometers from the planet.


  • 是的如果车辆能够通过一百万公里测试而没有发生机械故障,那么我们可以预计美孚1号在这辆车上的测试结果相同的。

    Yes. If the vehicle is mechanically capable of going to 1 million kilometers, we will expect the same results with Mobil 1.


  • 美国宇航局2007年12月17日通过哈勃太空望远镜拍摄距离地球只有五千五百万英里(八千八百万公里红色星球火星

    NASA's Hubble Space Telescope took this close-up of the red planet Mars when it was just 55 million miles (88 million kilometers) away on December 17, 2007.


  • 最后一个问题,美孚1号梅赛德斯百万公里测试采用的0W40等级机油,如果采用其他美孚1号级别的机油,能获得相同性能测试结果吗?

    Finally, Mobil 1 Mercedes Million Kilometer Test was conducted on a 0W40 grade. Would we expect the same performance on other Mobil 1 grade lubricants?


  • 探测器十多年发射,信号探测器地球需经过四亿五百万公里因此8月6日参与任务科学家们为了这个成功信号焦急地等待了足足23分钟

    So for 23 nerve-racking minutes on August 6th, mission scientists waited for a signal of success to travel 405m kilometres from a probe that lifted off more than a decade ago.


  • 们拯救了0.3平方公里雨林,净化了一百万公斤二氧化碳,给非洲赠送了两万两千本图书,并为缺粮少食的人购买了两万公斤大米。

    They have saved 0.3 km2 of rainforest, cleaned up million kg of CO2, sent 22,000 books to Africa, and bought 20,000 kg of rice for people without enough food.


  • 这次约会地点距离地球约2亿9百万英里(约3亿3千6白公里)。

    The rendezvous will occur 209 million miles (336 million kilometers) away from Earth.


  • 十堰市湖北西北部城市,一大规模的泥石流已经形成了两平方公里堰塞湖

    Shiyan city, a city in northwest Hubei, a two-million square kilometer barrier lake has been formed by a massive landslide.


  • 这次撞击预计掀起近350多吨碎片,形成约10公里烟尘,将这些尘土百万年来首次曝露阳光直接照射之下。

    The crash is expected to displace around 350 tonnes of debris, pushing a cloud up as high as 10km above the surface and casting the dust into direct sunlight for the first time in millions of years.


  • 布朗大学古生物学家杰西卡·怀特塞德率领一个研究小组罗得进行了发掘,他们把注意力集中亚特兰大中部熔岩地带,熔岩面积超过9公里

    A team led by Jessica Whiteside, a paleobiologist at Brown University, Rhode Island, focused on a massive lava flow known as the central Atlantic magmatic province, which covered more than 9m sq km.


  • 宣传册上,2012年之前会新增条地铁线路,线路绵延500公里每日平均载客量将有望超过8百万人次。

    Two more metro lines are due to open by 2012, stretching the network to 500 kilometers and likely boosting the average number of passengers to more than 8 million a day, the booklet said.


  • 所有队伍都高估冰层融化面积,有些队伍甚至超过公里

    All the teams overestimated the ice loss, some of them by more than 1m square kilometres.


  • 为了癌症苏珊克格曼比赛世界上最大5公里跑步/步行比赛,2005年起,已经有超过百万参与者

    Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure is the largest series of 5K runs/fitness walks in the world, with well over 1 million participants since 2005.


  • 相比2007年夏天超过1平方公里海洋冰层消失了——这创纪录损失

    More than a million square kilometres of sea ice - a record loss - were missing in the summer of 2007 compared with the previous year.


  • 但是我们知道奇迹战争年代超过百万件的文物通过陆路水路空运了1万公里没有件丢失

    But we knew it was a miracle that in wartime over a million treasures were moved 10,000 kilometers, on roads, in water, by air, and nothing was lost.


  • 但是我们知道奇迹战争年代超过百万件的文物通过陆路、水路、空运了1万公里没有件丢失

    But we knew it was a miracle that in wartime over a million treasures were moved 10, 000 kilometers, on roads, in water, by air, and nothing was lost.


  • 百万年后状况月亮低于每秒3公里速度对撞了。

    After millions of years in this position the new moon was drawn into a collision at a speed of less than three kilometres per second.


  • 这次约会地点距离地球约2亿9百万英里(约3亿3千6白公里)。美国宇航局215日收到撞击点发出的第一张原始图片

    The rendezvous will occur 209 million miles (336 million kilometers) away from Earth. Initial raw images from the flyby are expected to be in NASA's hands by Feb. 15.


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