• 道喷流受到隐匿活跃星系人马座a附近超大黑洞所驱使,这黑洞约莫百万太阳质量

    The jets are expelled by a violent black hole millions of times the mass of our Sun embedded deep in the center of nearby active galaxy cen a.


  • 但是多数星系在中央还有超大的黑洞它们重量为百万个太阳具有延伸数百万英里边界

    But most galaxies also have supermassive black holes at their centers, which weigh millions of SUNS and would have boundaries that stretch millions of miles.


  • 他们当中很少有人屈尊解释如何解决百万个太阳电池资金问题,这些电池负责太阳能转换成电力

    But few deign to explain how the construction of the millions of solar cells required to convert that energy into electricity would be financed.


  • 星云看起来就一个巨大,它恒星形成区域几百万年间猫掌星云里诞生的恒星具有10个太阳质量

    Resembling a huge paw print, the Cat's paw Nebula is a star-formation region, with stars of close to 10 solar masses produced there in the past several million years.


  • 谨记几百万这样小行星孤独的呆太阳里,个人很快会发现太空采矿迅速变成非常好的商业机会

    When you keep in mind that there are millions of such asteroids within our solar system alone, one can quickly see how space mining could very quickly become a terrific commercial opportunity.


  • 银河中心黑洞一个有着四百万太阳质量庞然大物

    The black hole at the centre of the Milky Way is a behemoth with a mass four million times that of the Sun.


  • 但是穆勒认为正是这种不稳定性百万时间中改变它的轨道在下一个十亿年“复仇者”完全脱离太阳

    But Muller says this instability has resulted in an orbit that has changed greatly over billions of years, and in the next billion years Nemesis will be thrown free of the solar system.


  • 9月23日发布美国国家航空航天局超级计算机模拟图像表明对于一个外星人,如果在现在几百万年前红外技术观察我们太阳都会看到什么

    NASA supercomputer simulations released September 23 suggest what our solar system may look like to an alien using infrared technology nowand millions of years ago.


  • 太阳弯曲来自遥远星球光线一个焦点。那个焦点可能有一百万倍的放大能力使大功率的望远镜相形见绌。

    The Sun bent light from distant stars to a focal point where one million-fold magnifications should be possible, dwarfing the abilities of the most powerful telescopes.


  • 太阳质量占太阳质量99.8%,其直径大约地球的109差不多百万个地球才能填满一个太阳

    It holds 99.8 percent of the solar system's mass and is roughly 109 times the diameter of the Earth -about one million Earths could fit inside the sun.


  • 太阳质量占太阳质量99.8%,其直径大约地球的109差不多百万个地球才能填满一个太阳

    It holds 99.8 percent of the solar system's mass and is roughly 109 times the diameter of the Earth - about one million Earths could fit inside the sun.


  • 太阳一个庞大炽燃球体,它地球大一百万

    The sun is a large blazing ball, a million times larger than the earth.


  • 只要细心分析一下便可发现这其中致富奥秘:当今太阳热水器火爆程度空前绝后,只要把握机遇一个百万富翁就一定您!

    The secret lying in the enrichment is: solar water heaters are becoming so popular that once you seize the opportunity, you will become the next millionaire.


  • 清大华普太阳专用成套设备蕴藏巨大的商机提供了一个直登百万富翁平台

    Qingda Huapu solar energy special self-contained equipment contains huge business opportunities and provides you a millionaire platform.


  • 访问太阳系时,都从轨道上百万岩块,其中一些飞向地球的方向--几乎摧毁地球生命

    Of the millions of rocks it throws out of orbit at each visit, some hurtle Earthwards--and have several times nearly wiped out life on Earth.


  • 就像杯水咳嗽有好处,冰块来治疗伤,对于上百万在个夏天花费较多时间太阳底下美国人来说是绝佳补救措施

    Like a cup of tea for a cough, a batch of ice for a sunburn may seem like the perfect remedy for millions of Americans who will spend a little too much time in the sun this summer.


  • 2001年以来,孟加拉国已经安装了350,000个家用太阳系统分发了550,000太阳能灯,4百万带来了太阳能。

    Since 2001, 350,000 solar home systems have been installed in Bangladesh and 550,000 solar lanterns have been distributed, bringing solar power to around 4 million people.


  • 清大奥普太阳专用成套设备蕴藏着巨大的商机提供了一个直登百万富翁平台

    Qingda Auple solar energy special self-contained equipment contains huge business opportunities and provides you a millionaire platform.


  • 夜晚仰望星空,那里数百万颗星辰、数百万个世界还有数百万太阳它们之间。

    Look at the heavens at night. There are millions of stars there-millions of worlds-millions of SUNS among them.


  • 这些项目提供超过2000个建筑工作岗位工厂建成之后将提供1500个永久性工作岗位,每年生产上百万最先进太阳面板

    These projects will create more than 2,000 construction jobs, and over 1,500 permanent jobs as the plants produce millions of state of the art solar panels each year.


  • 一张图片里身穿小裙子,头戴太阳摆好姿势坐在豪华别墅游泳池的阴凉处,着一杯无酒精鸡尾酒,活脱脱百万名媛。

    In one she sits dressed in shades and a sun hat, perched posing by an empty pool at a luxury villa sipping at a non-alcoholic cocktail with the air of a millionaire lady.


  • 那些多星体重量级高达几百万乃至几十亿太阳质量但是它们起源仍然是个谜。

    These astral heavyweights top out at several million to several billion times the mass of the Sun, but their origin remains a mystery.


  • 另外几乎每个星系中心都含有超大质量的黑洞质量百万数十亿太阳质量

    In addition, nearly every galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its center, with a mass ranging from millions to billions of solar masses.


  • 但是还有数千乃至数百万个其他星星太阳

    But there are other stars, other SUNS, not only thousands of them, but millions of them.


  • 但是还有数千乃至数百万个其他星星太阳

    But there are other stars, other SUNS, not only thousands of them, but millions of them.


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