• 相比之下,白色脂肪组织存储能量

    In contrast, white adipose tissue stores energy.


  • 白色脂肪疏松结缔组织隔膜分隔脂肪细胞

    White fat is partitioned by septa of loose connective tissue into clusters of adipose cells.


  • 白色脂肪疏松结缔组织隔膜分隔脂肪细胞

    White fat is partitioned by septa of loose connective tissue into clusters of adipose cells .


  • 噬细胞吞噬白色脂肪组织范围肥胖程度相关的。

    The extent of macrophage accumulation in WAT correlated with the degree of adiposity.


  • 膳食过量卡路里储存白色脂肪细胞中,囤积于身体,特别是大腿腹部

    Excess caloric energy in the diet is stored in white fat calls that pile up in the body, particularly in the thighs and abdomen.


  • 加速新陈代谢腰部多余而有害白色脂肪转化为健康棕色脂肪

    The drug also sped up metabolism and turned harmful white fat that wobbles around the waist into healthy brown fat.


  • 美国研究者认为社交兴奋感可以白色脂肪”转化为“棕色脂肪”,从而有助于减肥

    US researchers say that social stimulation AIDS weight loss by converting white fat into brown.


  • 目的探讨不同饲料构成白色脂肪组织解偶联蛋白-2基因表达影响

    Objective To explore effects of different diet composition on uncoupling proteins 2(UCP2) gene expression of rat white adipose tissue.


  • 白色脂肪储存卡路里使人们长胖,棕色脂肪”能够燃烧能量产生热量

    White stores calories and makes us fatter, while brown burns energy to generate heat.


  • 美国研究者社会刺激在于白色脂肪转变为棕色脂肪,以此达到减肥的目的。

    US researchers say that social stimulation aids weight loss by converting white fat into brown.


  • 已被更多了解的储存过剩能量白色脂肪不同,棕色脂肪通过消耗能量散发热量

    Unlike more recognizable white fat, which stores surplus energy, brown fat burns energy to generate heat.


  • 然而随着人们年龄的增长,人体变得善于调节温度棕色脂肪沉积逐渐收缩白色脂肪开始出现

    As people age, however, the body becomes more adept at regulating temperature, so brown fat stores shrink and white fat starts to emerge.


  • 口味鲜美,颜色淡灰,细致紧密,组织柔软光滑,没有花纹,含少量细腻白色脂肪

    It is usually pale grayish white in colour, firm and fine-grained, with a velvety texture.


  • 实验结果证明菌粉治疗作用靶位点之一白色脂肪组织引起小鼠质量显著性下降

    The result suggested that the white adipose tissue may be one of the main therapeutic targets, resulting in the reduction of body weight;


  • 根据调查结果赫齐格认为棕色脂肪可能源自脂肪组织细胞默认情况下产生白色脂肪

    Based on his findings, Herzig believes that brown fat may originate from a mother cell of adipose tissue that by default tends to make white fat.


  • 联素(APN)白色脂肪组织分泌一种循环激素,在调节、脂代谢抗炎重要作用

    Adiponectin (APN) is a circulation hormone mainly secreted by white adipose tissue, and plays an important role in anti-inflammation and regulation of the metabolism of glucose and lipoids.


  • 棕色脂肪外观颜色更深因为它代谢活跃表示消耗了能量热量白色脂肪只是静止不动

    Brown fat has a darker appearance because the tissue is metabolically activewhich means it burns energy and calories, in contrast with white fat, which just sits.


  • 但是正如考恩指出,“当然令人兴奋可能找到控制白色脂肪组织方法使积极参与代谢,更像棕色脂肪。”

    But, as Cowan notes, "it's certainly exciting that there may be a way to manipulate white adipose tissue to make it something that is more metabolically active and more brown fat-like."


  • 白色脂肪转化褐色脂肪不是一般难,通常需要时间暴露寒冷条件下或者迫使部分身体神经系统运动。

    Converting white fat into brown is notoriously difficult, normally requiring long term exposure to cold conditions or activating part of the body's nervous system.


  • 这些组织采样显示出棕色脂肪分子特征包括一种产生热量的关键蛋白质,这种蛋白质并不存在白色脂肪中。

    Samples of tissue displayed the molecular signature of brown fat, including a key heat-producing protein that was absent from white fat.


  • 白色脂肪转化棕色脂肪出奇困难通常需要长期暴露寒冷环境中,或者激活人体部分神经紧张系统

    Converting white fat into brown is notoriously difficult, normally requiring long term exposure to cold conditions or activating part of the body's nervous system.


  • 说明能量诱导褐色脂肪组织ucp1白色脂肪组织ucp2基因表达降低骨骼肌ucp3基因表达。

    Energy can induce the expression of gene of UCP1 in rat BAT and UCP2 in WAT, but decrease the expression of gene of UCP3 in skeletal muscle.


  • 实验显示棕色脂肪移植物能够以极高的效率燃烧卡路里这些卡路里如果不燃烧会转变白色脂肪组织进行储存

    Tests showed that the brown fat transplants were burning caloric energy at a high rate -- energy that otherwise would have been stored as fat in white adipose tissue.


  • 随着我们年龄增加棕色脂肪渐渐消失,而取而代之的是坏的白色脂肪,最典型的特点是腰部有一多余轮胎脂肪

    But as we age our brown fat largely disappears and gets replaced by "bad" white fat, which typically sits as a spare tyre around the waist.


  • 肥胖储存大量白色脂肪研究人员认为如果他们身体产生更多产生能量的褐色脂肪就可以帮助肥胖的减肥

    A person who is obese has large stores of white fat, and researchers think if they can coax the body into making more calorie-burning brown fat, this might help people obese people lose weight.


  • 我们篇文章中发表的发现,我们发现褐色脂肪来源于肌肉细胞褐色脂肪白色脂肪截然不同,”

    "What we show in this paper is kind of a big shock. We show that brown fat is derived from a muscle-like cell, and that brown fat and white fat are completely different," he said.


  • 白色脂肪组织用来贮存消化吸收来的多余能量,而褐色脂肪组织则消耗能量产生热量,它内部充满着大量的线粒体,因此看上去褐色的。

    White fat, or white adipose tissue, is the jiggly stuff that stores spare energy from food. By contrast, brown adipose tissue consumes energy to generate body heat.


  • 白色脂肪组织用来贮存消化吸收来的多余能量,而褐色脂肪组织则消耗能量产生热量,它内部充满着大量的线粒体,因此看上去褐色的。

    White fat, or white adipose tissue, is the jiggly stuff that stores spare energy from food. By contrast, brown adipose tissue consumes energy to generate body heat.


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