• 起初铁路公司红色表示停车白色表示前进绿色表示警告

    At first, railway companies used red to mean stop, white to mean go, and green to mean warn.


  • 国一家公司曾重金悬赏能找到白色金盏花的人。

    A company in the United States once decided that it would offer lots of money to anyone who could find a white marigold.


  • 公司海藻设计成打上绿色补丁细长白色塔楼成为能够自我维持的住宅系统,相互交错

    The firm's algae towers, designed as slender white towers with green patches, would serve as self-sustaining housing, interlaced with hydrogen production.


  • 泰坦尼克号是白色之星轮船公司骄傲船上有用桃花心造的吸烟室,还有游泳池壁球室。

    The pride of the White Star line, the Titanic had a mahogany-paneled smoking room, a swimming pool and a squash court.


  • 公司声称这种涂料夏天传统屋顶凉爽50%80%,冬天要比白色屋顶容纳80%的热量

    The company claims that the coating cools traditional roofs by 50 to 80 percent in summer, and holds on to about 80 percent more warmth than a white roof in the winter.


  • 扮演MGM公司出品的《白色货船》中的女主人公刚果女神同德蕾奥,轰动一时

    She was a sensation in her first leading role, as the Congo goddess Tondelayo in MGM's White Cargo.


  • 谈到银行信用卡公司支付流程时,心烦意乱全身嗓音提高,话音在光秃秃白色墙壁的房屋中回荡

    When he talks about the way Banks and credit card companies process payments, he gets so upset that his entire body tenses and his voice rises until it's echoing off the stark white walls.


  • 气候研究人员英国一些国家打赌是否会出现传说中的“白色圣诞人们生活中的大乐趣。博彩公司以后也越来越重视全球变暖影响了。

    Betting on the fabled "white Christmas" is a pastime in some countries, like Britain, and oddsmakers will increasingly have to factor in global warming's impact, climate researchers said.


  • 斯蒂夫·乔布斯回复一位苹果客户电子邮件公司计划在2010年圣诞节发布白色版本iPhone4

    Steve Jobs said in the email reply to one of the Apple customer that company is planning to launch White version of iPhone 4 before Christmas 2010.


  • 当车辆靠近后,白色尖峰就变成个由构成阿尔卑斯山——那就是咸海塔兹(the Aral Tuz)公司储备

    Drive closer and the sharp white peaks turn out to be a small Alps of salt -the Aral Tuz Company stockpile.


  • 乔纳森·埃维(Jonathan “ Jony ”Ive),公司首席硬件设计师周三iPad2发布会后,产品展示厅内,看到白色iPhone4敲击

    Jony Ive, the company's principal hardware designer, was seen tapping away on his white iPhone 4 in the product demonstration room after Wednesday's iPad 2 unveiling.


  • 上个月公司方面表示白色iPhone47半个月才能有货,因为生产的压力超出预期”。

    The company said last month that white versions of its new iPhone 4 wouldn't be available until the second half of July because they were 'more challenging to manufacture than expected.'


  • 然而,据店内人士透露,上周晚些时候公司内部供货数据库已经更新出现4个新版第三iPhone,16g32g内存,白色黑色机身。

    However, store insiders said late last week that the company's internal supply database has been updated to show four new "version 3" iPhone handsets - 16gb and 32gb devices in black and white.


  • 松下(Panasonic)海外业务主管大月均(Hitoshi Otsuki)表示,公司计划多个国家生产面向当地市场更廉价白色家电,迎击成本竞争对手的挑战。

    Panasonic is tackling low-cost competitors head on with plans to manufacture cheaper white goods in the countries where they will be sold, according to its head of overseas operations.


  • Tiffany公司为她的精选了13克拉黄色钻石两个6克拉的黄色钻石642白色钻石包围

    The piece featured a 13-carat yellow diamond and two 6-carat yellow diamonds, surrounded by 642 white diamonds to create a truly one-of-a-kind piece.


  • 英国博彩公司威廉·希尔接到2.2万份赌注,并伦敦将迎来白色圣诞开出2/1的赔率而立公司就此开出的赔率11/8。

    Bookmaker William Hill said it had received an estimated 22000 bets on a white Christmas with a 2/1 odds in London. Ladbrokes said it was setting the odds at 11/8.


  • Skullcandy公司2003年成立于美国犹他州帕克市。 目前,iPod采用白色耳机,而其他公司则仅有单调的黑色产品,Skullcandy则受到街头文化的启发,推出了彩色音频设备,公司异军突起。

    The company, founded in 2003 in Park City, Utah, made its mark selling colorful, street art-inspired audio gear in an iPod white or everyone-else-black world.


  • 整个发布会产品展示的过程中时常面带微笑,在舞台来踱去而且还讲了一些有关苹果公司并未进行售卖白色iPhone笑话

    He smiled often throughout his presentation, paced back and forth on stage and cracked jokes about the white iPhone that Apple has yet to sell.


  • 公司26标志房间绿色墙壁其余表面白色的以及一些绿色的细节。

    The company's "26" logo is hung on a painted green wall in the room, while the remainder of the surfaces are white with some green detailing.


  • 良好公司强壮黑人白色风格迷人对话打破常用代码咖啡环境

    Good co's strong black and white style and engaging dialogue breaks the usual code of coffee environments.


  • 杜邦公司最新报告显示,银色全球流行的汽车颜色其次黑色白色

    Silver is the world's most popular car color, according to a latest DuPont survey, followed by black and white.


  • 上周哈雷·戴维森公司送给教皇白色摩托车,供梵蒂冈警察局使用

    Last week the Harley Davidson Company sent the Pope two white motorcycles for use by the Vatican Police Department.


  • 继续导致失去一些生命外国(白色)农民报告有线网络新闻有线电视新闻网(CNN)英国广播公司(BBC)。

    Which continued and led to the lost of several lives of foreign (white) farmers as reported on cable network news (CNN) and by the British broadcasting Corporation (BBC).


  • 继续导致失去一些生命外国(白色)农民报告有线网络新闻有线电视新闻网(CNN)英国广播公司(BBC)。

    Which continued and led to the lost of several lives of foreign (white) farmers as reported on cable network news (CNN) and by the British broadcasting Corporation (BBC).


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